holiday crafting

walnut 1


Wal­nut orna­ments for a friend :D I saw this real­ly cute wal­nut orna­ment from this blog about mak­ing minia­tures, so I had to give it a try. Plus Mike and I were going to make this mixed-nut cin­na­mon sug­ar cran­ber­ry top­ping (for yogurt, ice cream, oat­meal, etc.) to give away as gifts. It took sev­er­al days to crack the bag of wal­nuts, and only 10 or so split open per­fect­ly, but I was real­ly hap­py with how the orna­ments turned out :D

Here’s the side of it, so you can see how I attacked the yarn loop. I just glued it on with hot glue.

walnut 3


And I must make the yarn bas­ket because my friend is a very tal­ent­ed knit­ter and has helped me with quite a few knit­ting projects! :D

walnut 2


This is a request from my 7 year-old cousin, who want­ed a pink stripy cat. It’s mod­i­fied from this tiny bun­ny pat­tern. She lat­er told me that she named the cat Rain­bow Uni­corn Spiky. Here Rain­bow the cat is sit­ting with Kat Sue the felt­ed cat a friend bought from the awe­some Fel­pa Felt last year.

new cat


Hip­ster bibs for my niece and nephew! I used the pat­tern from This Young Mama. For­got to take a pic­ture of the back but it’s actu­al­ly lined with tow­els, with snaps for clo­sure. My favourite is the one with the chick­en on it. Though when I print­ed out the pat­tern I thought it looked too big, so I reduced the size a bit and it turned out look­ing a bit small on the kids. Oh well. They still looked quite cute on them and I hope they would still be use­ful for a while…

hipster bibs


I just liked how the pat­terns and colours looked togeth­er with these projects so I took a pho­to before pack­ag­ing it for mail­ing. They were going to a friend and her mom. The green ones are actu­al­ly socks made from this pat­tern, and the pink is a (knit­ted!) hat from this pat­tern. I’m kind of afraid of knit­ting in cir­cle, and I left it until a cou­ple of days before the par­cel-mail­ing dead­line :S So the pat­tern was per­fect because it was knit­ted flat and seamed, and it’s made with a chunky yarn so it’s super quick. 

head to toe


A Christ­mas pick­le! I thought my friend would like the sto­ry that goes with it. Made with pat­tern from Fresh Stitch­es.

Christmas pickle


Gin­ger­bread man pins! Made from Twinkie Chan’s cheer­ful cro­chet book :D I made four, but only remem­bered to take a pho­to after wrap­ping up two of them. The idea was inspired by my sis­ter-in-law, who has been wear­ing the gin­ger­bread man pin I gave her for the past few years despite the fact that it was­n’t very well-con­struct­ed and was all curl­ing up and stretched out of shape. So I was deter­mined to make her a new and improved one. It’s actu­al­ly a real­ly great pat­tern so I decid­ed to make more for my sis­ter and cousins :D

gingerbread peeps


Cup­cake hats! Also from Twinkie Chan’s book. I made them small­er with a small­er hook and thin­ner yarn for my two baby first-cousins-once-removed (in Chi­nese they would just call me a cousin-aunt). This pat­tern is real­ly fun to make as well, would­n’t mind mak­ing sev­er­al more… who wants a cup­cake hat? :D oooh, and I made the pom­pom cher­ries with a fork! That’s lots of fun too.

cupcake hats


I think I’m more excit­ed about mak­ing presents than receiv­ing presents, because it gives me more rea­sons to make things.

The present that was the most chal­leng­ing to make deserves a post of its own, so I will share that with you lat­er! :D

Have a hap­py Wednesday!



7 thoughts on “holiday crafting

  1. my fav are the knit­ting nee­dles in a wal­nut shell and the knit­ted cupcakes!

  2. All great! Love, love, love the wal­nut items AND the cup­cake hats. There’s a part of me that would total­ly wear one of those … then the oth­er part says “you’re not 8.” LOL But they’re total­ly cute!

  3. These are great gifts!! I love Rain­bow Uni­corn Spiky! I too get more excit­ed about mak­ing gifts than receiving!
    Kate :}

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