this week’s awesome finds

 Awe­some yarn-bomb­ing idea. More on Carmichael Col­lec­tive.


 So CUTE! Makes a great pock­et on a coat or cardi­gan, I think. From Repeat Crafter Me.


 Best thing ever! I’m going to have to make this before my next road trip. Sewing pat­tern for ten­ta­cle neck pil­low from Tal­ly’s Trea­sury.


 Very hip and ele­gant sin­gle stem rosette neck­lace, from Bored & Crafty.


 Bun­ny gloves! I love the bow tie. Pat­tern from Devin Cole.


 This sheep needs to live on my couch. Knit­ting pat­tern from The Purl Bee.


 I did­n’t know about the appar­ent­ly real­ly wide­spread grumpy cat meme before com­ing across this, but I just LOVE this grumpy cat pin from LDP! I think I have to make one to keep me com­pa­ny when I’m feel­ing grumpy.


 How awe­some is this par­ty hat from Oh Hap­py Day? You can even add the can­dle to make it extra extra fes­tive :D


Have a hap­py week! :D



11 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. HAHAHAHAHA! I “pinned” the sheep pil­low, too. SOOOO cute!
    And Grumpy Cat is awe­some. And she hates every minute of it! ;)

  2. Your round up posts are the best! The pom yarn bomb is fan­tas­tic. Meream’s rosettes are just so pret­ty (she’s actu­al­ly the gal who talked me into learn­ing to sew, so I know she’s such a sweet girl too). That sheep pil­low is mak­ing me wish I knew how to knit.…

  3. thanks eri­ca! it is so cool that you know the per­son who made the rosette neck­lace! i don’t know how to knit very well nei­ther, but i’m start­ing with very sim­ple projects… hope to work up to the sheep! :D

  4. And by “some­one” I meant any­one but me! I have enough to do! LOL
    …but I know it needs bobbles!

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