this week’s awesome finds

That’s pret­ty indeed! And cheer­ful :D Pineap­ple lamp by Now That’s Pret­ty.


I’d have a hard time eat­ing its cute lit­tle face but I bet it’s deli­cious! 1‑up mush­room piz­za roll from Kitchen Over­lord.


Pret­ty blouse made from a pil­low sham! From the ever awe­some C&C.


Maybe I’ll be able to tack­le this one day! Whale shark phone cov­er by Reuben Briskie on Rav­el­ry.


I’ve tried sun print­ing with fab­ric paint before, but this post by Crafti­ments has a sci­en­tif­ic expla­na­tion of how it works! With reg­u­lar acrylic paint! Might try that again and maybe make a tote bag with it :D


This chick­en pot hold­er makes me grin :D Pat­tern by Cro­chet Again.


Such cheer­ful bunting for the bike bas­ket! Also great for the home. Also makes nice pock­ets! Pat­tern by Greedy for Colour.


Oh my, a rain­coat made of Ikea bags! Genius! By Scasper on Instructable.


Isn’t it beau­ti­ful? Pat­tern by Cread­oo (it’s in Ger­man, so I hope Google Trans­late does a good job!). I real­ly love this mono­chro­mat­ic ver­sion (spot­ted on Pin­ter­est). Reminds me of the woven pothold­ers we had when I was a child.


These owls are sim­ply fab­u­lous. By Decoideas.


Hap­py craft­ing! :D












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