this week’s awesome finds

In case you’re look­ing for cos­tume ideas… for Hal­loween, or cos­tume par­ties any day :D

Spot­ted this on Make. I have a soft spot for jel­ly fish, but would­n’t you say this is the cutest ever?


Last minute dan­de­lion, cre­ative, fash­ion­able and bril­liant! From Hands Occu­pied.


This is a bit more involved, but total­ly worth the time! Espe­cial­ly with the donut hole buck­et! (we call them Tim bits around here…) From Stu­dio DIY.


This is not real­ly a cos­tume, but I love the eye ball pom poms! From Mr. Print­a­bles.


And why not dress up a cake as ramen? No joke, it’s linked to a video that shows you how to make a ramen cake. Actu­al­ly seems doable. And I love that the “broth” part of it is made out of tea jel­lo. Check it out on Kotaku!


Final­ly, Mike high­ly rec­om­mends the tea bag cos­tume (watch for it in this awe­some video!).


Have an awe­some week! :D







trip to the capital city


Two weeks ago we went to Ottawa for my cous­in’s wed­ding. It was a rather short trip but we got to vis­it the Rideau Canal before head­ing home. The fall colours were love­ly. And I found an owl! :D



The wed­ding was held at this cas­tle-like hotel. It was one of the most glam­orous wed­dings I’ve ever been invit­ed to, and so very hap­py to see my cousin mar­ry­ing her true love! :D



So through­out the sum­mer I worked on adding a sash to this dress so it looks a bit more for­mal for the occasion…



… and I clipped this fab­ric flower I made on the back. I also bought this vin­tage porce­lain rose ear­ring and neck­lace set from a very friend­ly shop own­er on Etsy. I thought it matched my dress well :) 



The hotel was right next door to Par­lia­ment Hill. A lev­i­tat­ing pho­to is in order.



Hope every­one’s hav­ing a good weekend! 


the cranes of double happiness

Update — May 6, 2015:

I’ve just received a com­ment from origa­mi book author, Mr. Didi­er Boursin, inform­ing me that the origa­mi crane card mod­el comes from one of his books (his com­ment can be found below).

I want to clar­i­fy that in the orig­i­nal post (see below), I have clear­ly stat­ed that I did not invent the origa­mi crane greet­ing card instruc­tions. I have in all hon­esty for­got­ten where I’ve learned it. I was an avid fold­er in my teenage years, and have pored over prob­a­bly over a hun­dred origa­mi books from the library. I have been fold­ing this dia­gram from mem­o­ry for many years, but I do not own the book that con­tains this dia­gram, nor do I remem­ber which book con­tains this dia­gram. With some exper­i­men­ta­tion I came up with this dou­ble crane ver­sion, and thought I would share it in case oth­ers would also find it useful. 

From his list of pub­li­ca­tions it is evi­dent that Mr. Boursin is a pro­lif­ic origa­mi design­er and author, and so it is like­ly that I’ve come across this crane greet­ing card mod­el in one of his books, or a book that includes his dia­gram, as he has sug­gest­ed in his com­ment. How­ev­er, it was nev­er my intent to deceive the read­ers or dis­re­spect Mr. Boursin and oth­er origa­mi design­ers. I apol­o­gize for not remem­ber­ing where I ini­tial­ly learned this pat­tern and there­fore could not prop­er­ly cite it when I wrote this post. And so, since now we know where the pat­tern comes from, out of respect, I am tak­ing down the rest of the instruc­tion on this post. 

If any­one is inter­est­ed in fold­ing this mod­el, please con­sult Mr. Boursin’s list of origa­mi books. 

Thank you for reading,




Last week I men­tioned that I was going to a wed­ding (pho­tos to come! :D). I decid­ed to exper­i­ment on a vari­a­tion of my usu­al origa­mi crane greet­ing card, which has only one crane, and make a dou­ble-crane ver­sion. I was quite proud that it worked out! So I thought I’d share the fold­ing instruc­tions here, in case it will come in handy for you some day too :D

I must say, though, that I did­n’t invent the origa­mi crane greet­ing card instruc­tions myself. I learned it from a book, but I for­get what that book is… there might also be instruc­tions of it float­ing around on the inter­web some­where. If you’re not famil­iar with mak­ing origa­mi cranes, it might be help­ful to first try your hands on the orig­i­nal origa­mi crane to get a feel of how some of the folds work (video here).


this week’s awesome finds

Any­one want to attempt this life size Totoro cos­tume this com­ing Hal­loween? Pret­ty amaz­ing! Step by step pho­tos of how it was built on Imgur.


Very neat braid­ed cot­ton belt from How did you make this?


So very pret­ty. plas­ter-dipped flower votives from Design Mom.


These lace leaves would make such beau­ti­ful pen­dants or ear­rings. Such detailed tuto­r­i­al too. Also from How did you make this? (such an amaz­ing blog!)


A super awe­some knit­ted octo­pus! Fol­low the link on Make for the pattern!


One love­ly barn owl. Pat­tern on Great Grey Cro­chet.


I love these twine coast­ers. Per­fect for fall. Pat­tern by Mel­maria on Rav­el­ry. If you don’t know how to cro­chet, she sells these in her Etsy shop too :D


I’m head­ing to a wed­ding in a cas­tle! Woohoo!! Hope to bring back pho­tos, espe­cial­ly lev­i­tat­ing ones :D Have a hap­py week­end, everyone!