public art

So, in my pre­vi­ous post about our Que­bec trip I wrote that there was this amaz­ing pub­lic art exhi­bi­tion hap­pen­ing in old Que­bec. It was called Les Pas­sages Inso­lites (The Unusu­al Pas­sages — you can read more about each piece and the artists on the exhi­bi­tion site). And I thought, what’s a bet­ter way to appre­ci­ate pub­lic art than to be part of it? :D

This one I’m most proud of. Deliri­ous Frites (Noo­dle Delirium).

delirious frites


Attempt­ed to fit into the inter­locked pile of stuff. Also, per­fect for a game of eye-spy. Stock en Tran­sit (Stock in Transit).

stock en transit

Not inten­tion­al, but wear­ing bright­ly coloured shoes and cardi­gan cer­tain­ly helps me blend in to these par­tic­u­lar installations.

This one was espe­cial­ly delight­ful :D L’Odyseé (The Odyssey).


The instal­la­tion also includes two oth­er pigeons and a Camp­bell soup can. Here’s the full view of it :D



This one isn’t part of the exhi­bi­tion, but equal­ly fun. The Mur­al of Qube­cers com­mem­o­rates the his­to­ries of low­er town.

the mural of quebecers


So here we find our­selves at the end of sum­mer, but more excit­ing things are afoot! Pos­si­bly a cro­chet-along… stay tuned if you enjoy craft­ing togeth­er :D

Have a won­der­ful Thursday!


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