squinty fox


squinty fox

Pre­sent­ing… squin­ty fox!

9th Pat­tern in the 12 Days of Wood­land Crea­tures project :D

A very spe­cial thank-you to Kate of Signed with an Owl, who left a com­ment on the owl pat­tern post about using the loop stitch to make a squir­rel’s tail, which gave me the idea to try the loop stitch for the fox’s tail. It makes it extra fluffy!

I used:

Worsted weight yarn in orange, white, black and brown

3.5 mm hook

Tapes­try nee­dle for embroi­der­ing and sewing



Round 1: with white, 4 sc in mag­ic ring, sl st in first sc to join.

Round 2: ch 1 (does not count as a stitch), *1 sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, sl st in first sc to join, switch to orange, fas­ten off white. (6 sc)

Round 3: ch 1, 2 sc in each sc around, sl st in first st to join. (12 sc)

Round 4: ch 1, *1 sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc* around, sl st in first sc to join. (18 sc)

Round 5–6: ch 1, 1 sc in each sc around, sl st in first sc to join. (18 sc)

*Note: As I’ve men­tioned in the first wood­land crea­tures post, I’m mak­ing these ani­mals for a baby mobile so I’m mak­ing them flat, but all of the pat­terns are designed with dou­ble lay­ers for stur­di­ness, and you can always slight­ly stuff them so they’re a bit more 3‑dimensional and plush-like. For the fox, now would be good time to stuff the head before the ear row.


Press the top open­ing of the head flat so that the stitch on the hook is on the top cor­ner edge of the head. We’re now cro­chet­ing through both lay­ers of the head.

ch 2, 2 dc tog over the next 2 sc, ch 1, sl st in top of 2‑dc-tog just made, ch 2, sl st in the sec­ond st of the 2‑dc-tog, sl st in next 4 sc, ch 2, 2 dc tog over next 2 sc, ch 1, sl st in top of 2‑dc-tog just made, ch 2, sl st in last sc on the top cor­ner edge of the head. Fas­ten off.


Round 1: With orange, 6 sc in mag­ic ring, do not join.

Round 2: 2 sc in each sc around, do not join (12 sc).

Con­tin­ue mak­ing 1 sc in each sc around until piece is 1″ tall.

Nex­t row: *1 sc in next sc, 2 sc tog over next 2 sc*, repeat from * to * 3 more times.

1 sc in each sc around until piece is 1.75″ tall. Now is a good time to stuff the body if you’d like.

Next row: *1 sc in next sc, 2 sc tog over next 2 sc* twice.

Last row: 1 sc in each sc around, fas­ten off, leave a tail for sewing.


*Note: Loop stitch is worked on both sides of the tail. Though all of the designs in this project are flat and can be used for applique, they are all designed to be viewed on both sides, so they will also work as orna­ments :D

Tail is cro­cheted in rows.

With orange, leav­ing a 6″ tail for sewing, ch 3.

Row 1: sc in sec­ond ch from hook, sc in next sc, turn.

Row 2: ch 1 (does not count as a stitch), lp st (loop stitch) in each sc across, turn.

Row 3: repeat row 2.

Row 4: ch 1, lp st in first st, 2 lp st in next st, turn.

Row 5: repeat row 2.

Row 6: ch 1, lp st in first st, 2 lp st in next st, lp st in last st, turn.

Row 7: ch 1, lp st in first st, 2 lp st in next st, lp st in each st to end, turn.

Row 8: switch to white, ch 1, lp st in first st, skip next st, lp st in each st to end, turn.

Row 9–10: repeat row 8.

There will be 2 loop stitch­es in the end, fas­ten off, weave in all ends.


Embroi­der the white inner ears, nose, and eyes.

*Tip: Insert sewing nee­dle into the white part of the head on the back when embroi­der­ing, and always tie off in that part, because it will be cov­ered by the neck part of the body when attach­ing the body to head.

Attach body to head by sewing togeth­er the top row of the body to the first row of orange (after the white part) on the back of the head, sewing through all lay­ers of the body to the head.

Attach tail to bot­tom of the back of the body.

Mr. Fox is com­plete! :D

squinty fox 2 NEW


Have a won­der­ful Fri­day and week­end, everyone!

20 thoughts on “squinty fox

  1. Ah! Too cute Trish!! The tail is PERFECT! I real­ly hope I can find time to make some of your love­ly animals!

    Have a great weekend!
    Kate :}

  2. thanks soooo much for the idea kate! i think i will make oth­er ani­mals with fluffy tails this way, and prob­a­bly remake the squir­rel too!

  3. Adorable! I’ve added all your Wood­land Crea­tures to my projects in Rav­el­ry. Have fin­ished the Hedge­hog, so cute! Am cur­rent­ly fin­ish­ing 70-squares ros­es afghan. But can hard­ly wait to work fur­ther on your crea­tures!! Hel­lo from the Windy City Chicago!

  4. i love the windy city! and wow, 70 squares of ros­es! that is going to look so amaz­ing! thanks so much for try­ing out the wood­land crea­ture patterns!

  5. thanks so much for vis­it­ing, Alexan­dra! hmm, i’m not sure if the fox will keep its shape for long if it’s actu­al­ly used as a key chain (i.e. with keys on it, being tak­en in and out of purs­es or bags repeat­ed­ly). but if it’s only used as a dec­o­ra­tion it would be fine (i.e. hang­ing the key chain on bags or back­pack). if you’d like to order one please vis­it my etsy page (the link is on the right side­bar of the blog) and add a note let me know that you want it to be a key chain when you place the order :) cheers!

  6. Danke für dieses süße Muster,Ich werde diesen Fuchs als Brosche verwenden.Und meine Enkelkinder wer­den mich beneiden.
    Werde wohl noch ein paar von diesen süßen häkeln müsse.Aber das ist ja schnell geschafft,wenn ich erst richtig über­set­zt habe.
    Liebe GRüße

  7. Hi, this is so cute. I made my new grand­son an afghan and it just need­ed some­thing extra to make it fit his nurs­ery and look more baby­ish. I am how­ev­er find­ing the body a bit hard to under­stand. Could you please help.

  8. Hi Barb! Thank you for giv­ing my pat­tern a try. For the body, start with 6 sc in mag­ic ring, then for the next round 2 sc in each sc, then round 3, 1 sc in each sc, then repeat round 3 until the piece is 1″ tall. 

    Then, work a decrease row by cro­chet­ing [1 sc in next sc, 2 sc tog in next 2 sc] 4 times. Then, cro­chet 1 sc in each sc until the piece is 1.75″ tall. 

    Then cro­chet [1 sc in next sc, 2 sc tog in next 2 sc] 2 times. Final­ly, for the last round, cro­chet 1 sc in each sc, then fas­ten off. 

    Hope this helps! If not, please let me know specif­i­cal­ly which part is unclear, and I can try to offer some explanation :)

  9. Love this, too cute! I’m mak­ing this for my nephew but was hop­ing to make it much big­ger. Any sug­ges­tions on how to make it 4–5 times bigger?

  10. hi Bran­di! glad you like the fox! to make a big­ger fox, per­haps use super super bulky yarn (like Bernat Blan­ket” and use a 6.5mm hook? hap­py crocheting!

  11. Hi Trish — Thanks so much for shar­ing your pat­terns with every­one. I have a ques­tion. In the sec­tion enti­tled Head, at the end of round 2, you instruct us to fas­ten off the white yarn. Then in round 3, is that when we attach the orange? I know this pat­tern was post­ed a long time ago — like maybe 5 years — but I’m hop­ing you will see my com­ment and respond. I’m plan­ning to make just the head to sew it to the cor­ner of a cro­cheted baby blan­ket. Thanks!

  12. Hi Heather, thank you so much for giv­ing the pat­tern a try! Yes, in round 3 you would switch back to the orange yarn after fas­ten­ing off the white yarn. Hap­py crocheting!

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