
I actu­al­ly fin­ished mak­ing this in the SUMMER. Just nev­er got around to tak­ing a prop­er pho­to of it. The won­der­ful and very gen­er­ous Amy sent me yarn in the mail to test out her Love-Me-Knot cowl pat­tern. And final­ly! Here it is :D

Photo 2015-02-11, 8 18 42 PM

I did­n’t make it as long as the pat­tern calls for and added a twist before join­ing at the end, so it’s kind of a mobius shawlette. I love the drape and the for­est colours in the yarn. I also real­ly like the love knot stitch. I find it very med­i­ta­tive, more so than any oth­er cro­chet or knit­ting stitch.

I very much enjoyed the pat­tern (and the yarn!), thanks so much again Amy!

Hope every­one has a love­ly week­end! :D

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