Guess what? It’s the genuine mudpie blog’s 5th anniversary! :D
Can’t believe I’ve been writing and doing crafts on this blog for 5 years already. I’ve definitely slowed down a little with the blogging (but not with the crafting!), especially recently, because of school and work. But I’ve always found it so comforting to return to this space and share what brings me joy. Thank you so much for supporting genuine mudpie by visiting, leaving comments and journeying with me on various crafty adventures! :D
So! To celebrate, I’m doing a giveaway of tiny donuts! Simply leave a comment on this post by next Friday April 8th, and I will randomly draw a name from the comments. I will announce the winner here on Saturday April 9th. The winner can choose any 3 of the donuts shown here. I will attach a safety pin to the back of each donut — so you can wear one proudly and share the rest with your friends (or not :P). And yes, I ship worldwide :)
Each donut is a little shy of 1″ across.
And here are some of the flavours :D We have classic pink frosting…
Carrot cake!
Mint chocolate.
Special sparkly lavender.
And more :)
They’re actually a lot of fun to make and very quick too, so I will also be sharing the pattern next Saturday so everyone can make them :) But if you’d like the chance of receiving cheerful tiny donut pins in the mail, please leave a comment below! :D
Happy Saturday!
These look delectable and good enough to eat! Thanks for the chance to win and congratulations on your 5th anniversary!
EEEEH! I would very much like to win some of these adorable donuts! Also, I was just in Toronto today to see the place I’ll be in for the summer and discovered Jelly Modern Doughnuts — have you ever been?
Also, congrats on the anniversary! Good to hear you’re still crafting, and I still look forward to your posts even if they have been less frequent (:
Hi Trish,
They’re really sweet — imagine all that sweetness and no cavities to blame on them. I’m crocheting a lamb right now from a very old pattern. Its American price is marked 75c and it has instructions to make 6 animals, but 2 are really ugly. I got it in 1977 and love it so much I saved it for all those years without ever using it because I had 5 sons and a daughter to raise. Well my daughter just had her 35th birthday and I have 5 grandchildren so I felt it was high time I made the sweet little animals on the pattern. The lamb I felt was appropriate as a gift for my grown up daughter as she was born on Easter day and I always called her son Liam, Lamby until recently when he turned 16.
Trish,I’m amazed you can work so nicely on such tiny objects. I found the smallest parts of the lamb the hardest and it is way bigger than the things you do. I’m better at knitting than crochet and recently made 3 dolls with outfits and a dog.
Your crochet donuts are something my little granddaughter, Lila would so love she is always playing pretend with her doll house and lego sets. Thanks for the inspiration on your blog and congratulatitons on your 5th anniversary. I didn’t keep up my blog that I started in 2007 but I have been uploading to my flickr pages for about 10 years now and have over 9,000 photos on there. That’s why I’m not so good at the hand work as I spend so much time on photography. bye for now Ruth aka Shutterbuglette
Congratulations on your 5th anniversary, Trish! Your tiny donuts are perfect!
Congratulations Trish on your 5th anniversary! Love the tiny donuts as my brother is the younger dad in the Tim Horton’s hockey rink commercial that was shown at our winter Olympics in Vancouver BC.
Oh man, too cute! Where’s the tidbits?? Ha!
Hi Trish!
Happy Anniversary!
I’m fairly new to your blog but I’m always checking in for the latest news / crafts. These donuts are simply adorable and although I would love to win some, I’m equally looking forward to you posting the pattern so I can surprise my 8yr old daughter with her own set. She is a massive fan of all things tiny and cute!!!
Here’s to many more years of Genuine Mudpie. Xx
Love these vdonutsvwould love to win them you did a great job designing them
They’re adorable and much smaller than the huge Homer Simpson donuts I’ve made.
Those are absurdly adorable!
These are simply adorable! The nickname of my daughter is Donut! So tiny the knitting .. WOW! Thank you for the opportunity to win such a tiny but big craft!! Happy Monday to you!
Happy 5th Blogiversary! Thank you Trish for sharing so many adorable projects and thoughtful posts! I forward your posts to my teen daughter as well.
Those are so cute! Another addition to the tiny confection collection!! I have been making your tiny rainbow cake slices for my student’s birthdays, these will be fun to make too! I would love to have a Genuine Mudpie original though!!
Hi Trish, congratulations with your anniversary! Yummy doughnuts!
Hello from Paris =)
As a donut addict (like Homer Simpson!!) I am super happy to leave you a comment to play.
I love your blog and as I am a crochet beginner, I am really impressed by your lovely creations.
So many thanks for sharing.
(PS: The white one is my fave, it will be amazing as a necklace)
I love your little crocheted goodies — I even made some of the little rainbow cakes for my youth group students’ birthdays! Would love to have a Genuine Mudpie original — looking forward to making some of these from the pattern this weekend — they would make such a cute bracelet or keychain!!
I came looking for the tiny pineapple earrings and found this gorgeous tiny don’t giveaway instead, how cute!
They are so cute! Would be perfect as a brooch. Thank you for the chance to win!
Congratulations on your 5th blogaversary! Thanks for the opportunity to win such adorably tiny donuts!!! Good luck all!
I love your creations!!!!!!!!!!! Keep ‘me coming!!!!
These are so cute, look good enough to eat. Great blog. keep up the good work.
The donuts are very cute :‘D I love receiving emails about your posts :D
Wow you’re so creative! I want a donut <3
Okay, I swore I left a comment already about these adorable donuts! They’re so cute!
Love your blog! The donuts are darling, happy 5th blogaversary! Hope you have many more.
thanks so much Nancy!
thank you so much for visiting my blog Natalie! i haven’t been to jelly modern doughnuts — now i have to go check it out! have a great summer in TO! :D
thanks so much, Ruth! the crocheted lamb sounds like a wonderfully perfect gift for your daughter! i love tiny crochet because it uses so little yarn and it’s usually very quick :D i’m slowing down on my blog too but post photos frequently on instagram! perhaps i should write a blog post about that… happy crafting!
thank you Nancy! can’t believe it’s been 5 years already!
Thank you Kathy! Oh my, I now have to search for the Tim’s commercial on Youtube!!
haha, the timbits! i must work on that ;) thanks kieran!
thanks so much Victoria! i hope you enjoy the pattern!
thank you so much Pat!
thanks Vicki! for a while i was thinking about making a huge donut pillow for my couch too, it would just take much longer than the tiny ones, maybe one day! :D
thank you Laura!
Thank you! hope you enjoy the pattern too!
Thanks so much! I’m glad you and your daughter enjoy my posts!
thank you Jen! it’s so thoughtful of you to make cake slices for your students! i hope they like donuts too :D
thanks so much Ditte!
Thanks so much Edith! (I would love to visit Paris one day!) I’m glad you enjoy my blog posts! Making it into a necklace is a lovely idea!
Thanks so much Jen! Bracelet and keychain would be cute. They also make great earrings because they’re so light!
Thanks Loretta! hope you enjoyed the pineapple earrings too :D
Thank you Kirsty!
Thank you Darlene!
thanks Kityan! my friend who’s been encouraging me since 2005!! :D
thank you so much for reading my blog!
thank you Selina for subscribing! :D
thank you Mary! :D
thanks so much Amy! :D
Thank you for the chance to win those adorable pieces of confection for my very own. Very thoughtful of you!
Hi Dorrie, thanks so much for visiting my blog! the giveaway has closed on Friday April 10th, but the pattern is now available :)