
Late­ly, I’ve been work­ing on this nice knit­ted lace top (it’s a free Rav­el­ry down­load! :D).

Photo 2015-04-25, 8 49 59 AM

I got this yarn last year to make the Con­ver­gence top. I was using a bit of a heav­ier yarn than called for, so I increased the hook size to 4mm instead of 3.75mm, expect­ing that the entire top will turn out a bit larg­er, which would be fine for me, because I like loose fit­ting tops in the sum­mer, and the mea­sure­ments for size small real­ly looks rather small even for me… but for some rea­sons it turned out nar­row­er than the giv­en mea­sure­ments, and wayyy longer. So I took it apart. And I’m now work­ing on this knit­ted top. I think the lace pan­els go well with the var­ie­gat­ed yarn :) Will def­i­nite­ly show you when I’m done!

Late­ly I have also been enjoy­ing some kon­bu cha in the evening :D

Photo 2015-04-23, 9 39 31 PM

Not to be con­fused with kom­bucha, which is the sweet­ened fer­ment­ed tea. Kon­bu cha is kelp tea. My friend, who is Japan­ese, gift­ed it to me last week when we ran into each oth­er at a work­shop :D It tastes like sea­weed sal­ad in a cup, and to me it tastes more like broth than tea, but I love it! I love kelp. I will have to get more of it at Asian gro­cery stores.

Late­ly I have also been work­ing on a cou­ple of Etsy orders, one of which is the tiny yeti pin. Here he is, all ready for his jour­ney to a good home :D

Photo 2015-04-19, 12 26 18 PM



Hope you are hav­ing a good week!


5 thoughts on “lately

  1. He is THE cutest lit­tle yeti!!! You are so tal­ent­ed! Nice top also! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. That yeti is adorable and that tea sounds real­ly inter­est­ing! I LOVE tea, and have recent­ly learned to make matcha. So good!! Your tea cups are beau­ti­ful too!
    Kate :}

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