diana spring roll


Final­ly got back the pho­tos tak­en on the Diana :D These were tak­en on 200 ISO film, which was cross-processed.

For the cher­ry blos­soms this year I most­ly took pic­tures on the Diana, and a cou­ple on my phone, because I find that in pre­vi­ous years I was tak­ing so many pic­tures that I for­get to enjoy the cher­ry trees them­selves. The one above is my favourite of the cher­ry blos­som pho­tos on film.

This year the cher­ry trees bloomed dur­ing the week, so we had to vis­it them after work, and it was about 7pm when we got to High Park, the sun was set­ting, the petals were glow­ing, it was quite glorious.

Here is the park at dusk, with gold­en rays of light from the set­ting sun shin­ing through the branches.


These ones were tak­en with my phone.

Photo 2015-05-07, 7 34 21 PM

Photo 2015-05-07, 7 49 32 PM

They just make me so happy :)

Ear­li­er in the month we vis­it­ed the Chil­dren’s Ani­mal Farm in Sar­nia, Ontario. This pho­to is my absolute favourite of the roll.


The way the branch­es are posi­tioned in the goose, the grey-blue tone, the com­po­si­tion — I’m just real­ly hap­py with the way it turned out.

And here is my favourite smil­ing ani­mal :D


I think I might print this and put this up in my cubi­cle at the office :D

And here are some very pic­turesque views of the farm.




Then one week­end we took a stroll down Queen Street West and end­ed up in Trin­i­ty Bell­woods Park. We got some white squir­rel ice cream (white choco­late, craisins and pecans) from the White Squir­rel Cof­fee shop and wait­ed for the res­i­dent white squir­rel. No luck so far, will try again next time.


But I did find more cher­ry blos­soms! :D


A walk through the park…



Took this while wait­ing for the streetcar.


And back in my own neigh­bour­hood, with my favourite bloom­ing tree :)



Have a hap­py week­end, every­one! :D


2 thoughts on “diana spring roll

  1. Wow, love your Diana shots! The dou­ble expo­sure shots of the goose/branches and city/flowers are my favorite! Thanks for sharing!
    Kate :}

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