montreal, take two

Pho­tos I took in Mon­tre­al with the Diana are final­ly devel­oped :D Here are some of my favourites.


Dou­ble expo­sures some­times make real­ly fun col­lages :D Could­n’t quite remem­ber what I took pic­tures of when I first looked at this… It was from the Biodome, an image of anemone in an open pool, over­lapped with an image of Mike in front of trop­i­cal plants.


Beau­ti­ful streets of Old Mon­tre­al on a beau­ti­ful day :D We were blessed with real­ly nice weather.


Not sure what my cam­era did with this image. Some­how most of the colours are stripped away, mak­ing the pic­ture look like a hor­ror nov­el cov­er :S The actu­al scene was quite cheer­ful with these colour­ful hous­es! The house between the red and the pur­ple is sup­posed to be blue.


Chi­na­town. I real­ly like the depth of field in this one.


I find the Mon­tre­al Chi­na­town a lot clean­er and more pic­turesque than the one in Toronto.


Inside the Bios­phere, which is locat­ed on Saint Helen’s Island.


We took a long walk on a tree-lined path on the island along the river.


St. Cather­ine Street closed off for pedes­tri­ans in the sum­mer, with bril­liant art instal­la­tions :D


This one is titled “D pour Democratie”.


We squeezed in a vis­it to the cen­tral library right before catch­ing our train home. The library is acces­si­ble through a metro sta­tion. I like the solemn­ness of this photo.

We had left­over film after our trip, so we took our cam­eras to a cou­ple of his­toric sites dur­ing Doors Open Toron­to last week­end. More pho­tos to come!

Hope every­one has a good week­end! :D