east coast yarn adventures!

Mike and I were trav­el­ling in Nova Sco­tia over the past week :D We had a mag­i­cal time dri­ving through the moun­tains, mar­veling at the sea and chat­ting with very friend­ly locals. I will share more pic­tures about our trip in oth­er posts. But first, yarn! We first stopped in Hal­i­fax (where I was actu­al­ly attend­ing a con­fer­ence before we rode off to the sun­set and the sea and fun times), and not far from where we were stay­ing is The Loop!


There’s been some con­struc­tion going on in front of the shop, so guess what? The scaf­fold­ing gets some new sweaters! :D

I bought a skein of local­ly made wool there, by East Anchor Yarns, in love­ly shades of blue/green and pale yel­low. (The friend­ly shop­keep­er let me know that the oth­er skeins with shades of pink were dyed with news­pa­per! Who knew black ink will turn yarn pink? She also helped me with wind­ing the skein into a ball so I can start using it right away :D)


And so dur­ing lunch time at the con­fer­ence and on the way to Cape Bre­ton Island I was finger-knitting :)


Can’t show you what I was mak­ing yet, because it’s a gift. I thought it would make a pret­ty spe­cial sou­venir to buy some local yarn and make some­thing dur­ing the trip! I might even write a pat­tern for this project, it’s super fun for trav­el­ling :D

I could have brought the project I was work­ing on at home, but because I most­ly knit with straight, long (and met­al!) nee­dles, I was doubt­ful about bring­ing them on the plane. So I fig­ure I’d finger-knit!

We were stay­ing in Bad­deck while vis­it­ing Cape Bre­ton. I did­n’t know that the vil­lage has a yarn store until we spot­ted the bright pink sign on the way there. Baadeck Yarns! This is the best sur­prise ever! :D


It has soooo much yarn… (sor­ry about the blur­ry pic­ture, my hands were obvi­ous­ly shak­ing with excitement)


The shop­keep­er is so very friend­ly! She showed me the beau­ti­ful cro­cheted cardi­gan she just fin­ished, we exchanged expe­ri­ences with var­i­ous knit­ting stitch­es, then she chat­ted with Mike while I went around the store to touch every­thing. This is me being ridicu­lous­ly hap­py being in this store.


I seri­ous­ly had a super hard time walk­ing out the door, with the kind shop­keep­er and all the yarns… but even­tu­al­ly I did. And hope to return one day. On the plane home I was knit­ting with a ball of yarn that I bought there.


This is all the yarn I gath­ered from the trip :D (the Sir­dar Kiko has already been knit­ted up)


I bought the skein with green/purple/brown shades at the Sea­port Farm­ers’ Mar­ket from Lis­more Sheep Farm, when we drove back from Cape Bre­ton to Hal­i­fax to catch our flight. After going to Baadeck Yarns I was­n’t going to buy more yarn, because we tried to trav­el light and only brought one suit­case and a cou­ple of car­ry-on bags. But it was real­ly afford­able and it has beau­ti­ful shades of colours I like, so I could­n’t resist! I was­n’t going to get so much of the brown/tan yarn nei­ther, but the shop­keep­er at Baadeck gave me a real­ly good deal because she was clean­ing out the shelf… Any­way, good thing yarn can squeeze into small spaces, every­thing fit in our suit­case in the end :D

Stay tuned for more pho­tos and sto­ries from our trip! :D Hope every­one has a good start to the week!




needle testing fun

The friend­ly folks at Yarn Cana­da sent me a Denise2Go knit­ting set to review :D


So very gen­er­ous of them! Clear­ly I was very excit­ed, and start­ed a cou­ple of projects to try it out :D

The knit­ting kit that I chose comes with 4 pairs of nee­dles (6.5mm-10mm) and 3 cords of dif­fer­ent length­s (14″, 16″, 19″), and they’re inter­change­able! It also comes with a 6.5mm cro­chet hook (handy to have in a knit­ting kit for weav­ing in ends, pick­ing up stitch­es, adding cro­chet details, or tak­ing up cro­chet­ing if one does­n’t already cro­chet…), 2 end but­tons and a con­nec­tor (I’ll show you what they do in a bit).

The cord locks into the end of the nee­dle with a half turn and a click. And we’re ready to knit!




I’m super excit­ed about the cords. Since I usu­al­ly avoid projects that work in the round, I don’t have a lot of cir­cu­lar nee­dles, but I do need them for knit­ting col­lars (even though I try to avoid knit­ting those in the round as well), and for large projects. This is where the con­nec­tor is very useful.


I could link two cords togeth­er to make a super long cord! Ini­tial­ly I had just con­nect­ed the cords for a pho­to, but as my knit­ting grew I real­ized that with­out the cord con­nec­tor I would­n’t have been able to con­tin­ue :S (I’ve nev­er knit­ted any­thing this large before).


The plas­tic is kind of stiff when it’s new, and it’s a tiny piece, so I found it a bit hard to to grip and turn some pieces in place, but wide elas­tic bands (from buy­ing broc­coli :D) saved the day.


I also won­dered about the cords becom­ing dis­con­nect­ed in the mid­dle of knit­ting. So far it’s been fine, every­thing seemed secure. The cord only came off the con­nec­tor once when I acci­den­tal­ly turned it while push­ing the stitch­es forward.

And the end but­tons! They can turn cir­cu­lar nee­dles into “straight” needles.


All in all I do pre­fer actu­al straight nee­dles, because I can rest them on my fore­arm­s as I knit, and I find that eas­i­er on my wrists. But have you seen my bin of nee­dles? I will spare you the headache and won’t show you, but it’s a giant mess! The good thing about this kit is that it wraps up in a neat bun­dle, and it’s orga­nized and small and easy to store. And the case is hand­made! Maybe I should look into mak­ing cas­es for all my oth­er needles…


Yarn Cana­da also car­ries a cro­chet kit and a knit­ting kit with small­er nee­dles, you can find them here :) They also car­ry a wide vari­ety of yarn, with free ship­ping options. I’ve nev­er bought yarn online before, but might give this a try if I already know the look and feel of the yarn I want.

And now I’m off to the yarn shop! :D Hap­py Wednes­day, everyone!


last days of summer


Final­ly devel­oped the roll of film in my Diana from sum­mer. These are some of my favourites. I real­ly like the angle of this one of the echinacea.

Strolled past an arti­fi­cial beach by the water­front. It’s real­ly quite nice with the per­ma­nent beach umbrel­la. Just kind of dis­ap­point­ed that I haven’t been able to make it to a real beach this summer…


Dou­ble expo­sure of chil­dren play­ing on the WaveDecks.


And a dou­ble expo­sure of me and the lake :D



I thought I got some nice pic­tures on film this sum­mer :) Look­ing for­ward to cap­tur­ing fall colours!

Have a great week­end, everyone!



alpaca farm day and surprise visit with Maud

Oh my, it’s been a while since I’ve writ­ten! I’ve been busy prepar­ing for an upcom­ing trip to the east coast (excit­ing!), and kept delay­ing writ­ing about our much-antic­i­pat­ed trip to an alpaca farm on one of the Nation­al Alpaca Farm Days. But final­ly! Here are some pho­tos of these friend­ly ani­mals! :D


Aren’t they just so fluffy-look­ing and beau­ti­ful? And it was an absolute­ly gor­geous day.

Most of the alpacas seem too busy eat­ing to be pay­ing us much notice, some would war­i­ly glance at us and then trot away, but one or two came up and looked at us for a while :)


And this friend­ly one let Mike pet her :D (and this pic­ture and the next were tak­en by the Diana, my film camera)


They’re such a gen­tle and peace­ful group!


The guard dogs were also very affec­tion­ate. They would growl a bit when they sense peo­ple approach­ing, but then quick­ly jumped up to the fence to be petted.


Then on the high­way my sis­ter spot­ted sings to the house of L. M. Mont­gomery, so we made an impromp­tu trip to the house, and we caught the last week­ly tour of the sea­son! What luck!


We got a very thor­ough inter­pre­tive tour by a very knowl­edge­able and friend­ly guide. I high­ly rec­om­mend it if you’re ever in Uxbridge, Ontario. The tours are still offered by appoint­ment, and there are sched­uled events lead­ing up to Christ­mas :D

This is a favourite room of the author (affec­tion­ate­ly referred to as Maud by the tour guide). I was drawn to the couch by the win­dow when I first walked in, and I thought if I were look­ing to sit and relax and knit/crochet in this room this would be my favourite spot. And then the guide let us know that the couch was where Maud sat to write her books every morn­ing. Kin­dred spir­its, eh? :)


I actu­al­ly did not know that the author wrote 11 of her 22 nov­els in Ontario. In fact, I did­n’t even know that she lived in Ontario. I only ever knew about her famous home­stead on Prince Edward Island. I also nev­er read any of her books, and only knew about her and her char­ac­ters because my sis­ter is a long-time fan. So now I’ve added Emi­ly of New Moon to my read­ing list — report­ed­ly her best work!

Hope every­one’s hav­ing a good week! I’m hop­ing to post more sum­mer pho­tos from the Diana and anoth­er craft project before I’m off to anoth­er trip next week :D Stay tuned!