winding down

Had a very busy cou­ple of weeks as I was prepar­ing to go on hol­i­days for sev­er­al weeks. And final­ly, all the emails that could be sent are sent, vaca­tion mes­sages are set on voice­mail and email, I’m final­ly feel­ing like I’m wind­ing down.

And time to wind up more balls of yarn! :D

Photo 2016-03-17, 10 03 36 AM

We’re tak­ing a fair­ly long plane ride, dur­ing which I will sure­ly be able to fin­ish a project :D I decid­ed to make this pineap­ple lace top, which has been on my to-make list for a while now. It’s a small enough project that does­n’t require bring­ing a lot of yarn. The goal is to trav­el light!


The oth­er week­end I went to Rom­ni Wools and found enough of this mus­tard colour Mira­sol Illaris yarn in the dis­count­ed sec­tion in the base­ment :D I don’t have a ball-winder or a swift, but back of the chairs would do for now.

And I dou­ble-check on the TSA site that I can bring cro­chet hooks on the plane. Not sure about scis­sors. The TSA site says any­thing short­er than 4″ should be fine, but maybe I’ll just bring a nail clip­per. We’ll need a nail clip­per anyway.

Hop­ing I will be able to wear the fin­ished top on the trip! :D Will keep you posted!

Wish­ing you a blessed East­er long week­end, friends!