in transit


Was look­ing for a project that would be small enough to work on while tak­ing pub­lic tran­sit. I find it a great way to de-stress to/from work and deal­ing with rush hour traf­fic. (And so it is also nec­es­sary to learn to knit while stand­ing in a mov­ing train — it’s quite a skill, if I do say so myself :D)

I found this love­ly pat­tern on Rav­el­ry by The Yarn Juice. I’ve always been par­tial to side­ways tri­an­gu­lar scarfs with con­trast­ing stitch pat­terns and colours. This pat­tern is perfect.

I start­ed on Vic­to­ria Day hol­i­day while tak­ing the bus to my par­ents’. This makes wait­ing for the bus much more tolerable.


On the street­car to the beach!

Photo 2016-05-24, 1 48 19 PM

Post-long week­end morn­ing… but look, we got seats! This hap­pens like once every 6 months. I’m real­ly pleased with how the pur­ple con­trasts with the var­ie­gat­ed lime/yellow yarn (which by the way I got in Hal­i­fax, hand-dyed by East Anchor Yarns, and I’m so hap­py to incor­po­rate it in some­thing I can wear :D).

Photo 2016-05-25, 8 28 32 AM

Fast-for­ward to week­end again, tak­ing the long sub­way ride to Scar­bor­ough Bluffs (more on that trip later).


This is me bind­ing off 7 days lat­er. It’s a super quick knit! (And yes, that is a Michaels bag with more yarn in it for my next projects.)

Photo 2016-05-29, 5 13 19 PM

Arriv­ing with a fin­ished scarf! :D (iron­i­cal­ly, there was a sched­uled clo­sure in the sub­way line that week­end, which made our trav­el time quite a bit longer. Well, more time for knitting!)

Photo 2016-05-29, 5 46 29 PM

I’m real­ly pleased with how it turned out. I love every­thing about it. I love all the dif­fer­ent tex­tures lay­ered togeth­er when it’s wrapped around the neck. And it’s wide enough to drape over the shoul­ders. It’s far too warm to wear it right now but I’ll be sure to bring it with me every­where comes this fall.

Photo 2016-06-03, 9 45 40 PM

Photo 2016-06-03, 9 43 52 PM

I used worsted weight yarn and 6mm nee­dles, rather than DK yarn and 5mm nee­dles as called for in the pat­tern, because I have a lot of worsted weight scarp yarn. It’s real­ly a great way to use up scarps. I think I will make anoth­er one as a gift. I also got to prac­tice using cir­cu­lar nee­dles, which I nev­er real­ly liked using. But it’s great for knit­ting in transit.

Hope every­one’s hav­ing a good weekend!



6 thoughts on “in transit

  1. the scarf is so pretty…and with left­over yarns!…and on transit!…such an indus­tri­ous girl!…

  2. Thanks Janette! Yes I made the hat as well, it’s a pat­tern from the May/June 2010 issue of Cro­chet Today :D

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