the laziest cheesecake

If Gude­ta­ma were ever made into a cheese­cake, this would be it…

… because I made it in a rice cook­er :D

I lit­er­al­ly just mixed all the ingre­di­ents togeth­er and pressed the “cook” but­ton. Found the recipe from this Japan­ese cook­ing web­site, I chose it because it was the eas­i­est (no sep­a­rat­ing egg whites and egg yokes kind of stuff). I con­vert­ed some mea­sure­ments and sub­sti­tut­ed some ingre­di­ents, and it turned out quite beau­ti­ful­ly if I do say so myself :D so I’m record­ing the mod­i­fi­ca­tions here in case I have to come back to it again, or if any­one is inter­est­ed in try­ing it. Note: I have a 5‑cup rice cook­er; for a small­er rice cook­er, you might have to halve the recipe as sug­gest­ed on the orig­i­nal recipe, so it will cook through.

  1. Warm 200g of cream cheese to room tem­per­a­ture (I eye-balled 1/5 of the 250g brick and cut it off), fluff with fork.
  2. Mix in 2 eggs (beat­en), 1/3 cup sug­ar, and 1 tbsp lemon juice.
  3. Grad­u­al­ly mix in 1/3 cup pan­cake mix (I bought the kind that you have to add milk and egg, not the just add water kind) and 1/3 cup half-and-half cream. Mix very well to elim­i­nate lumps (I used a hand mixer).
  4. Grease inner pot of rice cook­er with margarine/butter. Pour mix­ture into pot. Cook on reg­u­lar rice setting.
  5. When done, test with tooth­pick to see if the cen­tre is still run­ny. If so, cook on same set­ting again. (Tooth­pick will not come out clean, but as long as the inside is not run­ny it should be ok)
  6. Take out inner pot and cov­er with plas­tic wrap, cool to room tem­per­a­ture, then refrig­er­ate for a few hours (I want­ed to min­i­mize the chance of it crum­bling when I flip it out).
  7. Flip the cake out of the pot care­ful­ly with my hand (or a plate that fits inside the pot) press­ing gen­tly on the cake (as demon­strat­ed with pic­tures in the orig­i­nal recipe).


It tast­ed like a cross between Japan­ese cheese cake (light, fluffy, not too sweet) and New York style cheese cake (dense and rich). I sus­pect the dense­ness is due to me cook­ing the cake 3 times. The tooth­pick did­n’t come out com­plete­ly clean the sec­ond time and I thought it had to be, so I think I over­cooked it. Next time I’ll just cook it twice. 

I made it for Mike’s birth­day :D I’ll prob­a­bly make it again for my par­ents, Mike’s par­ents, my co-work­ers, my friends, church potluck… it’s so easy!!

Wish­ing every­one a sweet Sun­day afternoon!


p.s. Gude­ta­ma is a San­rio char­ac­ter in the shape of an egg who is very lazy. It also morphs into dif­fer­ent kinds of egg-based foods. His short ani­me are hilar­i­ous, and a bit bizarre… but fun for a short break in the day :)

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