the travelling pineapple purse

I start­ed the pineap­ple purse on the trip to New York. Here’s me par­tic­i­pat­ing in Inter­na­tion­al Knit in Pub­lic Day in Brook­lyn! (We had checked out of the place we were stay­ing at and had a free morn­ing before our flight in late after­noon, hence lug­ging around all our bags)

Made the straps when we got home. I think I made them too long, it was a bit hard to gauge… it works ok for now, but if they con­tin­ue to stretch as I use it I will have to replace them.

Here it is in action, at the Dev­il’s Punch Bowl in Hamil­ton, Ontario!

Much fruiti­ness at the Punch Bowl :D Here’s anoth­er look at this beau­ti­ful dis­play of rock strata.

I wish we had the time to fig­ure out the trail to the base of the cliff. The view up on the face of the escarp­ment must have been mag­nif­i­cent. But we were head­ing out to vis­it fam­i­ly and there was a thun­der­storm was com­ing, so we did­n’t want to get stuck on a trail in the woods in the rain.

Accord­ing to the Water­falls of Hamil­ton brochure that I picked up in the near­by Punch Bowl Mar­ket (more on that in a minute!), Dev­il’s Punch­bowl Falls was cre­at­ed at the end of the last ice age 450 mil­lion years ago, carved by huge amount of melt­wa­ter rivers that plunged over the escarp­ment. The Punch­bowl is the only area where one can view such a large ver­ti­cal dis­play of Ordovi­cian and Sil­uri­an strat­i­fied rocks. My phone cam­era did­n’t cap­ture it super well but you can see a bril­liant teal band of rocks in the mid­dle of the cliff. We will have to go back one day and see it better.

And the Punch Bowl Mar­ket is a treat in itself! We had a lunch of very fresh, very deli­cious pies (chick­en, straw­ber­ry rhubarb, beef) under lush hang­ing plants in the patio out­side :) They also sell a lot of home­made pre­serves and sauces, and the decor is delight­ful­ly retro :D

If you ever find your­self in the area, be sure to vis­it, along with the many many beau­ti­ful water­falls in Hamil­ton area. I’ve only vis­it­ed one oth­er water­falls in the area, so maybe a sum­mer road trip is in order :) 

Have a good rest of the week, everyone!


2 thoughts on “the travelling pineapple purse

  1. Cross­ing my fin­gers you’ll be post­ing the instruc­tions for the adorable pineap­ple purse!

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