mystery dino CAL: pterosaur!

Can’t believe we’re at the sec­ond last episode of mys­tery dino CAL already! This week’s dinosaur is Kin­taro the pterosaur!

Pterosaur is tech­ni­cal­ly a fly­ing rep­tile and not a dinosaur, but that does­n’t make it any less icon­ic in our col­lec­tive imag­i­na­tion of the pre­his­toric world! The word pterosaur lit­er­al­ly means “winged-lizard”, the largest of this species had a wingspan as wide as a small plane. It is believed that they could fly as soon as they are hatched, and ate small fish and could fil­ter small fish from water with teeth like those of whales. (source)

Kin­taro, on the oth­er hand, means “gold­en boy” in Japan­ese, and is a hero of extra­or­di­nary strengths and friends of ani­mals in Japan­ese folk­lore :) (source)

The con­struc­tion for Kin­taro is a bit more com­pli­cat­ed than oth­er dinosaurs because of the wings, it’s a good next step in lev­el of cro­chet chal­lenge if you have been cro­chet­ing along! If you are new to the series, this is still not too dif­fi­cult and there are some pho­tos to guide you along, and you can find all the oth­er dinosaurs here.

You’ll need:

  • A bit of worsted weight yarn
  • 3.5 mm hook
  • Tapes­try needle
  • Black thread, sewing nee­dle, and seed beads for eyes


The body begins as a circle.

Round 1: ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd sc from hook, don’t join in round.

Round 2: 2 sc in each sc around (12 sc around).

Round 3: [2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc] five times, 2 sc in next sc, sl st in next sc (17 sc and 1 sl st around).

Neck and head:

ch 6, sl st in 2nd ch, [yo, pull up a loop] twice in next ch, [yo, pull up a loop] twice in next ch, pull through all loops on hook (head made), ch 6, sl st in 2nd ch from hook and next 3 ch, hdc in the same ch as sec­ond half of the head (skull crest made), sc in next 2 ch of neck, con­tin­ue on to wings…

Wings, tail and leg:

The rows of the wings run per­pen­dic­u­lar to the body.

With body piece fold­ed in half, sl st in first 2 sc of back after the neck through both lay­ers of body. 

Then, ch 7, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 5 ch, skip next sc in body, work­ing in the front loops of the front lay­er of body only, sl st in next 2 sc in body, turn.

sc in next 4 sc of wing, sl st in next sc, turn.

Skip first sc, sl st in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, sl st in next sc in body through front loops only, pull up a very long loop of yarn — I used 1.5 of a human wingspan’s length — and cut yarn.

Using tapes­try nee­dle and the long yarn tail, sew togeth­er the back towards the neck, through the remain­ing back loops of the front piece of body, and the back loops of the back piece of body, like so…

Remove the nee­dle and using the long yarn tail, pull up a loop in the stitch to the right of the sec­ond sl st on body after the neck, like so…

Repeat pat­tern for wing.

sl st through both loops and both lay­ers of body in next sc in body after the sec­ond wing, sl st in the last sc in body, ch 2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in the last sc in body (tail made), sl st in a stitch between the 2nd and 3rd round of body towards the under­side of the body, ch 4, fas­ten off (one leg made).

Oth­er leg:

Attach yarn to back of the body in the stitch between the 2nd and 3rd round, same as where the first leg is attached. ch 4, fas­ten off.

Weave in ends. Trim the yarn tails on the end of the legs and fray them a bit so they look like claws. Sew on eyes. And it’s done!

Here’s Kin­taro fly­ing over Mike’s head remind­ing him to work hard ^_^; 


To recap, here are the mys­tery dino CAL posts so far:

Mys­tery dino CAL intro post

Stu the Stegosaurus

Dmitri the Dimetrodon

Trix­ie the Triceratops

Bron­wyn the Brontosaurus

Nessie the Plesiosaurus


Share your dinosaur pics by:

  • Blog­gers: leav­ing a com­ment on any of the Mys­tery Dino CAL posts with a link to your blog post with the picture.
  • Insta­gram­mers: tag me @genuinemudpie and use the hash­tag #mys­tery­dinocal
  • Rav­ellers: join­ing the Rav­el­ry group and post­ing your FOs to my Rav­el­ry dino project pages!


Stay tuned for the grand finale of the mys­tery dino CAL! :D Hap­py week­end everyone!