adventures in loom-knitting

For my birth­day I got myself a set of knit­ting looms. It also serves well as a birth­day crown :D

I’ve dis­cov­ered that loom-knit­ting is super quick for mak­ing hats! I found it quite relax­ing and it’s a great for tv-watch­ing. I lit­er­al­ly made 5 hats in a week. Some were small­er child-size ones of course, but def­i­nite­ly quick­er than knit­ting. And thick and cozy with the dou­bled brim and super bulky yarn. I’ve had great results using Caron Tea Cakes. One roll makes about 2.5 hats, and it’s just about the right thick­ness for the loom. 

So I made a cou­ple with the Earl Grey colour­way for friends. The looms I got came with an instruc­tion book so I just fol­lowed that. There are also tons of tuto­ri­als for mak­ing dou­ble-rimmed loom-knit­ted hats with sim­ple e‑wrap stitches.

Then I remade my pink hat.

And then made a cou­ple of kids’ ones using Sprin­kle Cakes :D This was one of them. The brim was 2 strands of worsted weight yarn held togeth­er. The oth­er has a pur­ple brim and yel­low pom pom but I gift-wrapped it before tak­ing a picture :(

This one I made with two strands of worsted weight yarn held togeth­er throughout. 

And this was a cus­tom order, with a mod­i­fied Alber­tosaurus on it :)

Have you tried loom-knit­ting? What else have you made? I’d love to hear about oth­er possibilities!

Have a good week every­one! :D


6 thoughts on “adventures in loom-knitting

  1. Tout d’abord: joyeux anniver­saire Trish!
    Ces bon­nets sont superbes. Je suis bien tentée par ce cer­cle à tri­cot­er car il y avait très récemment sur Rav­el­ry un modèle de châle en free pat­tern réalisé avec cet acces­soire et je l’avais trou­vé bien joli.Peut être que le père Noël va penser àmoi!!

  2. thanks so much Clau­dine! a shawl! I should check Rav­el­ry for ideas for sure! I do hope San­ta will bring you some looms this Christ­mas! :D

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