Enoki, maybe?

Anoth­er ter­rar­i­um, yes.

I actu­al­ly made the mossy part for the oth­er ter­rar­i­um, but it turned out too big for the jar. And of course I did­n’t both­er to check its size until it was all sewn togeth­er. It’s kind of dumb, I know. Like I nev­er both­er to check gauge when I make sweaters and more often than not they turn out too big/too small/altogether ill-fit­ting. Then I take it all apart and do it all over, again with­out check­ing gauge.

That’s why I like to cro­chet and (almost) nev­er knit. It’s much eas­i­er to rip out cro­chet stitch­es than knit stitches.

But I did­n’t want to take the moss apart. It would be too much effort to take out the sewing, and it looked too love­ly to not do any­thing with it. So the only option was, of course, to make anoth­er terrarium.

I found a can­dle hold­er that fits well over top the over­grown moss. Like a bell jar, you know? Very posh. Then I need­ed a base. I could­n’t find any­thing for a base. So I decid­ed to make one. I bought some air-dry­ing clay from the dol­lar store ear­li­er, because they were a dol­lar. I thought some cracks would give it more char­ac­ter. Like it was all effort­less, you know. But it was actu­al­ly any­thing but effort­less to pre­serve the cracks while mak­ing the sur­face lev­el so that the “bell jar” could more or less rest on it even­ly. Any­ways, the cracks grew longer and deep­er as it dried. And it took for­ev­er (like 5 days) to dry. But I’m still rather hap­py with how it turned out, giv­en that it does­n’t crack in half lat­er when I’m not looking…

And then I thought the group of white mush­rooms look a bit like Eno­ki:

A very deli­cious kind of mush­room. Has a but­tery taste. I remem­ber my grand­moth­er real­ly liked to cook with it, usu­al­ly in stir fries. I can’t seem to find them in most gro­cery stores though, except for the Chi­nese ones, but I don’t live near the Chi­nese ones. That sucks. Appar­ent­ly it’s real­ly good in a roll, with beef, but I don’t think I’ve ever had one. If I ever come across one I’ll sure­ly let you know how it tastes.

While look­ing around for a good pic­ture of Eno­ki to show every­one, I found a kit for grow­ing your own Eno­ki mush­rooms (that’s where I got the pic­ture), and a tuto­r­i­al for mak­ing your own bell jar ter­rar­i­um! So it’s only log­i­cal that one can grow a bell jar Eno­ki mush­room ter­rar­i­um!

But I think I’ll just stick with the cro­chet-felt ver­sion for now. That world is much safer. No one could ever die in there. I real­ly like mak­ing these ter­rar­i­ums. Maybe I can make one in a teacup next.

Enjoy the spring weather!