Presentinnnng… Favourite-things Friday!

I real­ly like the idea of hav­ing dif­fer­ent themes for dif­fer­ent days of the week, like in some of the craft blogs that I like to read. So! I’m incor­po­rat­ing that idea because it looks like so much fun! And because Fri­day is my favourite day of of the week at the moment (a day off, fol­lowed by anoth­er day off, is it great or what!), I thought it would be fit­ting to post some of my favourite things on Fridays.

Marsh­mal­low peep bun­nies make the top of the list this week, since it’s East­er. I don’t par­tic­u­lar­ly like to eat them, in fact I can’t bring myself to eat them (I mean, chew­ing off their fluffy ears? What a cru­el thought!), and I don’t think that the true mean­ing of East­er has any­thing to do with marsh­mal­lows or bun­nies, but I still love them any­way, sim­ply for the utter cute­ness of it.

This year I was deter­mined to make a marsh­mal­low peep bun­ny whose head can­not be chewed off, unless you’re a felt-eat­ing mon­ster. I found a tuto­r­i­al on That’s Just Freak­ing Love­ly and print­ed the tem­plate from that.


I attached a pin on the back to wear to the egg-hunt­ing-face-paint­ing-pan­cake-eat­ing-extrav­a­gan­za at church on Sunday.

Today at break­fast, Mike gave me a kinder sur­prise (he’s the best!). Marsh­mal­low peep found its way into it when I was clear­ing away the dishes.

“Delight­ful,” it sniffs, “with choco­laty good­ness in the air… I can real­ly get used to this cozy place, rather than going back to that hor­ri­ble mess of a desk I was in yesterday!”

Too busy talk­ing to itself, marsh­mal­low peep did not see that an odd-look­ing bug­gy-eyed girl has just popped out of her pod and is lurk­ing behind the tinfoil…

“Not so fast!” odd bug­gy-eyed girl charges, her pierc­ing green eyes fast on marsh­mal­low peep, which makes Marsh­mal­low peep feels so glad it’s not real­ly made out of marsh­mal­low, or it would sure­ly be pierced to mush by those laser beam eyes by now!

As the agile marsh­mal­low peep quick­ly hops into hid­ing, the odd bug­gy-eyed girl takes off her head *gasp* with an evil laugh that sounds more like wheez­ing… “HHH­Heeeee HHH­Heeeee HHHHeeeeeeee.…”

And the truth is no longer out there, it is revealed! The odd bug­gy-eyed girl is actu­al­ly AN ALIEN! The girl head is just A MASK! How creepy is THAT! I know, kinder toys are always more strange than cute… I think I like open­ing them more than keep­ing them…

While Mr.Alien is still boast­ing about his mas­ter­ful dis­guise, Trish takes a break from the eter­nal dish­es chore and tip­toes to the scene and care­ful­ly drags the choco­late off the table.

“MUHAHAHAHAHA…” was all he heard. “Grrrrrrr.…” was the only sound he could make.

Will Mr.Alien come back for the choco­late? What ever hap­pened to marsh­mal­low peep? Stay tuned for the next episode of Favourite-things Friday!

This blog­ging busi­ness is far too much fun :D