it’s never too late to celebrate Mother’s Day!

And nev­er too ear­ly neither.

Some­how I thought Moth­er’s Day was the first Sun­day of May, which was May 2nd. It was also close to my mom’s birth­day, so I made her chest­nut and napa cab­bage to cel­e­brate :D

While we were hav­ing din­ner that week­end Mike told me that Moth­er’s Day was not on May 2nd, it was on May 9th.

I felt a bit dumb. But no mat­ter. We could­n’t have gone to my par­ents’ to cel­e­brate Moth­er’s Day on May 9th any­ways. And we also could­n’t cel­e­brate Moth­er’s Day with Mike’s mom on Moth­er’s Day. But! We were able to get togeth­er 2 weeks lat­er. And dur­ing those two weeks, I worked on a secret present for my mother-in-law…

This! :D

Yet anoth­er bril­liant tuto­r­i­al on one of my favourite blogs, Ruf­fles and Stuff (I don’t think there’s any­thing I don’t like on that blog!), this is a fam­i­ly tree brooch. Usu­al­ly a fam­i­ly tree brooch has every fam­i­ly mem­ber’s birth stone on it, but in this fam­i­ly too many birth stones are alike, I thought it would be fun to use beads of every­one’s favourite colours. I even found a black one that’s translu­cent. I have only ever seen opaque black beads, but trusty Arton Beads nev­er fails to amaze me.

So, any­ways. It is nev­er too ear­ly or too late to cel­e­brate Moth­er’s Day. In fact, we could cel­e­brate moth­ers everyday!