A giant piz­za slice! (and pan­cake!) give away at My Paper Crane!

I like mak­ing tiny food plush, but this giant piz­za slice look so hugable, I just NEED to have it on my couch! For hug­ging! While watch­ing TV! Or to just sit beside it and cro­chet all after­noon, while drink­ing tea… sigh… So I entered the give away. I’ve nev­er won any give away, but I will try any­way… And please check out the site own­er’s oth­er food and non-food plush­es too! They’re all soooo adorable…

There’s a lot of gen­eros­i­ty in the craft­ing com­mu­ni­ty, I’ve noticed :D Lots of shar­ing of pat­terns, ideas, prod­ucts, encour­age­ment, inspi­ra­tions… it’s just a great place to be in, and I’m start­ing to look for ways to par­tic­i­pate more and per­haps make some new friends…

Hope you have a love­ly Sun­day! I will have updates about my lat­est adven­tures short­ly :D