no ordinary objects

From the desk draw­er, local park, kitchen, and recy­cling bin.

Tuto­r­i­al on how to make the ordi­nary paper clip look­ing extra­or­di­nary on How About Orange.


*Squeal* Totoro paint­ed on acorns! How nifty! Instruc­tion here (in Japan­ese, but with self-explana­to­ry photos).


I can real­ly use one of these but­tons for the sweater I’m knit­ting — they’re made from branch­es! How neat is that? And with detailed tuto­r­i­al too, on Shrimp Sal­ad Cir­cus.


I love this bril­liant print­mak­ing idea — anoth­er thing a pop bot­tle can do before head­ing to the recy­cling bin! Makes great gift wraps and greet­ing cards, me thinks! From Fru­gal Fam­i­ly Fun Blog.


Anoth­er must-try: mak­ing shrink plas­tic from #6 plas­tic! I’ll have to pay atten­tion to the lit­tle tri­an­gles on those clear plas­tic con­tain­ers (actu­al­ly, this has sent me to the gro­cery store look­ing under every sin­gle plas­tic con­tain­er to see what num­ber it is). More #6 plas­tic shrink­ing exper­i­ments on Dab­bled.


I’m sure there’s prob­a­bly an app for this, but who would want to get out their phone while bak­ing and get it all gooey and cov­ered in sauce? Upside down apron with cook­ing guide by Per­pet­u­al Kid, spot­ted on swiss­miss.


I love that the cym­bals are made of the lids of the cans. Drum kit by Hel­mut Smits, spot­ted on Inspire Me Now.


Have a great evening, everyone!