favourite things friday

Spring has gone miss­ing in our neighour­hood. There was a bliz­zard on Mon­day, the tem­per­a­ture con­tin­ues to stay below 10°c, and the wind is bit­ter. But that won’t damp­en my crafty spir­it! Here’s a whole slew of cheer­ful spring projects (and oth­er cool things too!) for all to enjoy :D


Absolute­ly stun­ning flower bas­kets. More stun­ning is the fact that these are made of the hum­ble, dis­pos­able cof­fee fil­ters! Would­n’t they make gor­geous cen­ter pieces or dec­o­ra­tions at a wed­ding, hold­ing small cook­ies or can­dy or favours? How-to on Aunt Peach­es.


I love the one with fern pattern. Botan­i­cal wall decor tuto­r­i­al by David Stark on Design Sponge.


This is bril­liant — a lily brooch made of chil­dren’s hand­print! Per­fect Moth­er’s Day present col­lab­o­ra­tion for nieces, nephews and a crafty aunt :D How-to on Wild Olive.


A free pat­tern from Mochi Mochi! Tiny bun­nies are per­fect for car­ry­ing around in one’s pock­et :D


I love that these chicks are made of egg car­tons. So very adorable, AND they can hold can­dy inside! They’d make great par­ty favours any time of the year. From Paper, Plate, and Plane.


More egg car­ton chicks, and bun­ny too! This time with the Sty­ro­foam vari­ety, no paint­ing required. I think they would also make real­ly cute chub­by bird orna­ments :D From Sim­ple as That.


So we make plen­ty of things with egg car­tons, what about the eggs? Meyamo has a tuto­r­i­al on how to make fruit and veg­etable based paint for dec­o­rat­ing eggs. It’s fas­ci­nat­ing, and edi­ble! (scroll down to see tutorial)


I have a pile of notes, reminders, receipts, coupons and oth­er ran­dom pieces of paper strewn all over my desk at the moment, and I’ve been look­ing for a mag­net­ic mes­sage board for a long time, this might be the per­fect thing! Have to keep an eye out for met­al serv­ing trays next time I’m at the thrift store. Tuto­r­i­al on Sparkle Pow­er.


This caught my atten­tion because my mom recent­ly gave me a large bag of cro­cheted doilies. Though the doilies I have are real­ly small. But I might be able to com­bine a few to make one sleeve. How-to by Jes­si­ca Wil­son on Craftzine.


Not try­ing to get ahead of myself — spring is bare­ly here — but would­n’t this be so per­fect for those scorch­ing hot sun­ny days? I just love the sim­plic­i­ty of it. Silk shirt refash­ion on One Pearl But­ton.


This made me smile. I mean phys­i­cal­ly. But I can type it out too :) Signs jew­lery by Chao and Eero. (Via Inspire Me Now)


And final­ly, I end with this, from Shan­na Mur­ray, a decal for sale to sup­port Japan, with a quote by Moth­er Teresa.


And today, being Good Fri­day, I’m reflect­ing on the great love that is the root of Easter.

Peace, love, and warm wish­es to you and yours. Hap­py Easter!