favourite things friday

Here are my fab­u­lous finds this week — I hope you enjoy them too!


Got a stray sock? Or a sock with holes in the heel? Make some baby socks! Now I just have to find a baby to wear them… Sim­ply genius idea from Made by Joel.


It is absolute­ly worth the mon­ey to buy this pat­tern, if you and your fam­i­ly like to wear flip flops — it comes in size 3–10, good for both indoors and out­doors! Makes fan­tas­tic gifts for birth­days in the sum­mer, I think! Pat­tern for sale at EASY.


More crepe paper awe­some­ness! The tuto­r­i­al calls for crepe paper in sheets, but I won­der if stream­ers would work. Hmm. Crepe paper flower tuto­r­i­al from How About Orange.


I love this idea from Make and Takes to encour­age opti­mism in the fam­i­ly. One per­son writes in a jour­nal 3 things that made him/her hap­py that day, then put the jour­nal on some­one else’s bed to write the next day. I sup­pose one could also write about things that one is thank­ful for, to treat the grass-is-always-green­er-on-the-oth­er-side syn­drome. Or write about things that give us hope, in times of change and chal­lenge. It’s fun to do when there are sev­er­al of peo­ple (espe­cial­ly kids) in the house­hold. But I can also see it being a great jour­nal­ing prac­tice. Don’t have a jour­nal handy? Make one with scrap paper! :D


But when it’s hard to express in words, try say­ing it in lla­ma. Because lla­ma makes every­thing bet­ter. Just watch. Not con­vinced? Read these exam­ples. Now go ahead, say it in lla­ma, save, and share. (via Swiss­miss)


On the oth­er hand, if you have some­thing real­ly nice to say to some­one, this cute dic­ta­tion pouch would do a fab­u­lous good job. Tuto­r­i­al by The Long Thread.


Per­fect for week­end brunch! Bun­ny fold for nap­kins, instruc­tion on the Martha Stew­art web­site.


Also made with a rec­tan­gu­lar piece of fab­ric — a sim­ple, breezy sum­mer blouse. Free pat­tern on Gros­grain.


This is just bril­liant! A the­atre made of a match­box, and char­ac­ters made of rocks! Not only that, but the rocks are moved by mag­nets on a pop­si­cle stick, and the scenes are replace­able (even has a piece of rib­bon at the bot­tom for easy removal). Such an awe­some idea, gen­er­ous­ly shared on Coloured But­tons.


I have been want­i­ng some air plants for a while… I think they’re just fas­ci­nat­ing. And I think these ter­rar­i­ums are just the per­fect way to dis­play an air plant. How-to on Ruf­fled.


What’s bet­ter than an extra whip green tea lat­te? (or any hot drink of your choice — GTL is just my favourite) An extra whip green tea lat­te with a colour­ful knit­ted cup sleeve! These are by far the most elab­o­rate cof­fee sleeves I’ve seen. Pat­tern by Ohdessa Knits.


Coconut ice! These look so deli­cious, and are sur­pris­ing­ly sim­ple to make! Though the orig­i­nal recipe calls for dessi­cat­ed coconut, I’m guess­ing reg­u­lar shred­ded coconut would do (I will test it out and report back — stay tuned!). (via Mini-Eco)


I’m not a fan of olive, but these would be a hit at any par­ty for sure! How-to on The Hair­pin.

Hap­py craft­ing! :D


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