spring critters

Found two snails in a bush with pink buds on my way to the subway.


Went with my mom to her neigh­bour­hood park last week­end. Saw lots of geese. Can you spot the koi fish? They were giant! Peo­ple must not be heed­ing the “Don’t feed the fish/geese” signs very much…


“Come on now. Get up! Quit danc­ing! We need to fin­ish cross­ing this road!”


Not crit­ters, but equal­ly delight­ful — mushrooms!


Ground cov­ered in pink petals (and I wish I could cap­ture the petals falling from the trees…)


They fell from this bloom­ing tree.


Saw these exot­ic-look­ing flow­ers in some­one’s front lawn.


And one of my favourite flow­ers in anoth­er front lawn.


And one day, we walked past this bloom­ing tree with tiny pink flow­ers, each looked like an orchid. Wish I know what the tree is called…


Anoth­er one of my favourite flow­ers — for­get-me-not bush­es as far as the eye could see! (well, I’m exag­ger­at­ing a bit — but there was a lot of them!) At a his­toric house muse­um we vis­it­ed yes­ter­day. (I’ll write about it in a few days!)


Spring is full of hap­py encoun­ters :D

Hope you’re enjoy­ing the warm weath­er and all the new life that it brings!



4 thoughts on “spring critters

  1. Those “exot­ic look­ing flow­ers” are columbine; one of my favorites! I have some in my back yard.

  2. thank you, nan­cy! :D i start­ed see­ing them in a lot of peo­ple’s front yards, they just look out of this world!

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