this week’s awesome finds!


The awe­somest of the the awe­some things this week has got to be the jel­ly fish in a bot­tle! Made with those clear plas­tic bags from the pro­duce isle (like plarny the bet­ta fish! :D), and the jel­ly fish actu­al­ly flows around in water! SO. VERY. COOL. There’s a video of the jel­ly fish in action, plus a detailed tuto­r­i­al from Bhoom­play’s Blog.


For my fel­low Nyan Cat fans! Spot­ted on Craft, which points to the orig­i­nal post about how it was made :D


More cat good­ness — kit­tens in a box! Per­fect for cat-lovers who are sad­ly aller­gic to cats… I know how that feels :’( How-to on Obses­sive­ly Stitch­ing.


I have a cou­ple of long scarfs but I nev­er real­ly know how to make it look nice but effort­less. Stum­bled upon this use­ful scarf-tying guide through Pin­ter­est — vis­it 9gag to see the big picture! 


I have a feel­ing I’ve post­ed this before… but it’s def­i­nite­ly worth men­tion­ing again since the weath­er is start­ing to get a bit chilly — Nutel­la hot choco­late! I imag­ine it’s much like hazel­nut hot choco­late, and easy to make! From The Hun­gry House­wife.


I more want­ed to share this because it’s pun­ny — it’s ins­ta-gra­ham! :D From Bak­erel­la.


Inter­est­ing (and def­i­nite­ly mem­o­rable!) busi­ness card idea from Colour Me Katie. 


Bril­liant idea to make owl cook­ies with tulip and heart cut­ters! From The Sweet Adven­tures of Sug­ar­belle. I don’t bake cook­ies very often but I imag­ine this would also be a great idea for ornaments!


Have a sweet week everyone! 



3 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds!

  1. I stum­bled across this You-Tube video awhile back. It should give you 19 MORE ways to wear a scarf! :)

  2. oh my good­ness that’s a real­ly awe­some video! some of the scarf-tying meth­ods look real­ly cool! it’s great that the whole video got embed­ded because now every­one who come by will see it :D thank you so much for sharing!

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