this week’s awesome finds

Oooh, a jel­lo origa­mi crane. There’s a video on how to make one on My Jel­lo Amer­i­cans :D


From the own­er of one of my favourite blogs, Lil Fish Stu­dios — tuto­r­i­al for a nee­dle felt­ed mush­room ter­rar­i­um on Lark Crafts!


Heart wreath made of long bal­loons, white glue and yarn :D An inge­nious idea by Michele Made Me.


I love that the mak­er’s named it the har­mo­ny neck­lace. Def­i­nite­ly on my to-make list. How-to on Qui­et Lion Cre­ation.


Super awe­some tea bag cook­ies! I sup­pose any sug­ar cook­ie recipe would do — but the idea is bril­liant! Spot­ted on Par­ty Frost­ing.


These mit­tens look super cozy and remind me of pink marsh­mal­lows. Sewing pat­tern for the con­vec­tion mit­tens on Foxflat’s Blog. 


Two ingre­di­ent straw­ber­ry fudge! Very cute and looks like the kind of cook­ing I can tack­le :D Though I dob’t think I’ve seen ready-made straw­ber­ry icing at the gro­cery store before. Maybe they have them in your neigh­bour­hood? Recipe on Cook­ies and Cups.


I love the sim­plic­i­ty and the drape of this sweater. Also looks like the kind of knit­ting I can tack­le. Pat­tern for size XL is free on Pick­les!


Wish­ing you a love­ly weekend!




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