a long overdue shop update!

Spent the past week cro­chet­ing and sewing, and final­ly a shop update! :D I haven’t been putting a lot of effort into the Etsy shop, to be hon­est, but my friend has just opened a phys­i­cal shop down­town and I real­ly want­ed to make some stuff for her, so I thought I’d put some new stuff in my shop as well :D


I had this idea in my head for a long time, a grassy brooch with flow­ers on it, but could­n’t fig­ure out what I should use to make the flow­ers, what kind of flow­ers I want to make, etc. It final­ly all came togeth­er when the weath­er was get­ting warm and the dan­de­lions start­ed bloom­ing, and I was remind­ed of the back­yard in my fam­i­ly’s first home in Cana­da. It was in North­ern Ontario and we had wild ros­es and, of course, dan­de­lions in the yard. We’ve nev­er had a yard or gar­den in Hong Kong, so this was quite new to us. We plant­ed oth­er things too, like pan­sies. But the wild ros­es and dan­de­lions, they’re the ones that came back spring after spring with­out water­ing, tena­cious­ly, per­sis­tent­ly, care-free.

So! The spring gar­den brooch is in the shop! :D



I also made an oval one.


The brooches were a lot of fun to make. I’m hop­ing to make more soon, maybe with dif­fer­ent flowers.

And here’s snow mush­room’s cousin, spring mush­room! :D


Spring mush­rooms like sun­bathing and pic­nick­ing on sun­ny days and falling asleep to the sound of the rain. He has shiny sequins on his cap. 


There’s also anoth­er cousin of snow mush­room, the snowflake mush­room. She will be liv­ing in my friend’s shop.


Snowflake mush­room has snowflakes on her cap.


The orig­i­nal snow mush­room is still avail­able at the shop :D

And here are the ones I’m bring­ing to my friend’s shop — the teacup mushrooms!

It’s also an idea that I’ve been think­ing about for a while. The grassy bit is a lid, so one could put things in the teacup, like can­dy, loose change, a rock col­lec­tion, love notes…

Here’s anoth­er one…


When I was at the thrift store I saw these glass­ware and I thought these would be just per­fect for the snow mush­rooms! So I had to make them too.


They have spark­ly beads on their caps :D


The teacup and glass­ware mush­rooms are only at my friend’s shop for now, but I’d be hap­py to mak­ing them on com­mis­sion :D


It was a bliss­ful week cro­chet­ing, drink­ing tea and watch­ing Gil Gris­som solve crimes…

The mush­rooms and I wish you a love­ly week­end! :D 




6 thoughts on “a long overdue shop update!

  1. Just have to say, besides lov­ing your broach­es, that I appre­ci­ate the fresh look at dan­de­lions. I do love the wild ros­es, too, but tend to for­get to look at the beau­ty in the sim­ple dan­de­lion. Some­times, we get so wrapped up in the details, we for­get to look at the whole — see­ing things with fresh eyes, real­iz­ing that even though the poor dan­de­lion is con­sid­ered an unde­sir­able weed, it can still bring won­der and joy and beau­ty to another. 

    (and let’s not for­get — dan­de­lion wine, dan­de­lion root “cof­fee”, and ten­der young dan­de­lion leaf sal­ad greens)

  2. dan­de­lion wine… that sounds intrigu­ing! i once saw a recipe for mak­ing dan­de­lion jel­ly, would love to try it some day. just dif­fi­cult to find pes­ti­cide free areas in toron­to… thank you for vis­it­ing! :D

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