big waves


This sweater took a real­ly long time, but it’s final­ly done :D

It’s from the lat­est Vogue cro­chet edi­tion. I thought I had enough of a sport weight yarn to make it, but half way through I real­ize there was no way. The pat­tern just uses up so much yarn so quick­ly. And I could­n’t get more of the same yarn because it was like­ly a 1 kg mys­tery fiber bag I got a long time ago from Wal­mart or Zellers.

But wait! I have this ginor­mous ball of blue worsted acrylic that I got for Christ­mas last year (no joke, the ball of yarn was big­ger than my head), I thought I’d give it a shot.

Because the yarn is now much thick­er, I had to mod­i­fy the pat­tern a bit. But that also means I can get it done quick­er! :D

Still, it took weeks. And I still did­n’t have enough yarn, so I had to short­en every­thing. Good thing I’m short.

And of course it turned out real­ly stiff. The sleeves were espe­cial­ly puffy. So I tried to “block” it by iron­ing it at low-medi­um heat under a wet tow­el. At one point I acci­den­tal­ly rest­ed the iron on a spot for too long and it looked like the acrylic near­ly melt­ed :S but it made the fiber much soft­er. So I tried to do the same to the entire sweater. Not sure if that’s a prop­er way of treat­ing acrylic yarn (hope it does­n’t fall apart in the wash :S — can any­one tell me if I’ve just killed my new sweater?), but the drape is now much better.


Per­fect day to take pho­tos of it because it’s unsea­son­ably cool today. But it’s a bit sad that I’ll have to wait until fall to wear it. I’ll just have to start on a sum­mer project :D

Have a hap­py Wednesday!




5 thoughts on “big waves

  1. It turned out great! I’ve been try­ing to decide what to make first from that same mag­a­zine! This was one of my favs! :)

    … but then again, I have yarn for 2 oth­er sweaters I haven’t even start­ed yet. Sigh.

  2. I think your top looks love­ly!! I real­ly like the colour :) 

    Yes, what you did with the iron is called “killing acrylic” — you kind of slight­ly melt it a lit­tle, and that “blocks” it, changes the drape, and it will now stay in its new form forever… 

    It does look fab­u­lous on you!!

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