guest blogging :D

This is the first time I’m guest blog­ging so this is very excit­ing — so grate­ful to be invit­ed by awe­some cro­cheter Sue to write a post for her cro­chet blog, where I’ve shared a bit of my sto­ry of craft­ing and blog­ging. Please vis­it when you have a moment!

Sue has many won­der­ful pat­terns and cre­ations on her blog, like these awe­some pandas! 


Hap­py week­end! :D

2 thoughts on “guest blogging :D

  1. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Trish! Glad you got this oppor­tu­ni­ty :-). FYI, though, the “post” and “vis­it” links are not working :-(.
    Hope you’re hav­ing a won­der­ful weekend!

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