letting go week 2: books

jan14 books


Looks a bit like a sail­boat, but it is in fact a stack of five books, includ­ing a few craft books. All of them were giv­en to me, so now I’m going to give them away to oth­ers who might enjoy them :)

Be sure to check out Mike’s post this week in his par­al­lel blo­gi­verse*, Project Brew­ster.

To read the back­ground sto­ry of my Let­ting Go project (i.e. why the messy, form­less draw­ing?), see the first post here.

Have a great Tuesday!



*Any­one here a Fringe fan? :D



4 thoughts on “letting go week 2: books

  1. I start­ed out watch­ing Fringe, but it became a vic­tim of the “wait months between sea­sons or for the mid-sea­son break and bounce it around to dif­fer­ent days and times so no one can find it anymore”. 

    I will wait for it to return via syn­di­ca­tion and catch it in reruns from the start again… 

    Great let­ting go posts :)

  2. Oops — dogs inter­rupt­ed me — I meant to also add, I love doing blind con­tours — so free­ing! Hard to be over­ly self-crit­i­cal when you do it. :) And yours look great!

  3. yay fel­low fringe fans! :D i’m think­ing of watch­ing the first sea­son of fringe again too! have for­got­ten a lot of the impor­tant pieces and got kind of con­fused watch­ing the finale… i’m half hop­ing that the show will come back in some ways…

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