capybara currently ahead of the curve

Aw, and this one is hug­ging a cat. (source)

As you may know in my last post I asked every­one what animal/creature/thing you’d like to see an amigu­ru­mi (cro­chet small plush) pat­tern for, and to leave a com­ment if you’ve got an idea. I’d then ran­dom­ly choose a com­ment this Sat­ur­day to make the cro­chet plush that’s been sug­gest­ed. The per­son who made the com­ment will receive the fin­ished cro­chet plush (I do ship inter­na­tion­al­ly), and I will write up the pat­tern and share it on the blog for all to enjoy :D

So far it looks like capy­bara has the most chance of being ran­dom­ly cho­sen, as most of the visitors/readers have sug­gest­ed it. But if you’d like a cro­chet plush of a dif­fer­ent animal/creature/thing, there’s still a chance before Sat­ur­day! You can leave a com­ment on this post or my last post.

Have a good rest-of-the-week!



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