this blog is a happy place

Photo 2015-05-10, 6 09 25 PM


This blog has always been a hap­py place for me. The main pur­pose of this blog is to share the joy of craft­ing. But a few days ago some­thing hap­pened on this blog, some­thing that’s prob­a­bly the most unhap­py thing that’s ever hap­pened on this blog, and I feel that I can­not go on writ­ing my usu­al hap­py posts with­out address­ing it with the vis­i­tors and reg­u­lar readers.

A few days ago, it was brought to my atten­tion that one of my past posts was prob­lem­at­ic. I’ve addressed what hap­pened in the post itself, includ­ing tak­ing down much of the con­tent of that post. It can be read there, so I won’t go over the detail again here. But I want to apol­o­gize to every­one for not being care­ful and thor­ough enough when I wrote the orig­i­nal post. My inten­tion has always been focused on shar­ing what I know, and shar­ing it freely. But in this inci­dent the desire to share had pre­clud­ed thoughts about deter­min­ing what is or is not mine to share. So I will, from now on, be a lot more care­ful about find­ing orig­i­nal sources and acknowl­edg­ing the hard work that artists/designers/artisans have put into their creations.

I’ve had the urge to take down that entire post so that I won’t have to face my mis­take again, so that I can keep this blog a hap­py place. But this blog can be a hap­py place and bear my mis­takes, and we move for­ward from here.

So, to end this post, I share with you a very hap­py spot I vis­it­ed today, under­neath a crab apple tree. I wish I could record the mag­i­cal fra­grance of this tree for you. And here is a view from under­neath the canopy.

Photo 2015-05-10, 6 10 06 PM

I’ve just vis­it­ed the cher­ry trees at High Park with the Diana this week and dropped off the film for devel­op­ing today, so there will be more bloom­ing tree pho­tos to come!

Thank you for read­ing today. I hope every­one has a won­der­ful week!


5 thoughts on “this blog is a happy place

  1. Dear Trish. We’re all human, and as such, we all make mis­takes. We read Mr. Boursin’s response and can’t help but think there might have been some­thing lost in the trans­la­tion. In any event, you have made the cor­rec­tion per his request. Thank you for all the won­der­ful con­tri­bu­tions in your blog, espe­cial­ly all of your pat­terns you share with us! We’ve been fol­low­ing for sev­er­al years and love it! Thanks again!!

  2. Hi Trish, your blog is still a very hap­py place to be.
    Three­zcharm­ing makes a very good point: there may be some­thing lost in trans­la­tion. Hav­ing said that, though, you did make it very clear that you’d had the tuto­r­i­al for a long time and had been using it for a long time but could­n’t remem­ber the source.
    On the oth­er hand, Mr. Boursin did pub­lish the books and he needs to have a watch out. I won­der, though, if it occurred to him that origa­mi has been around for hun­dreds if not thou­sands of years.
    There is a plus side to this: Mr. Boursin obvi­ous­ly thought your work was great or he may not have both­ered to let you know.
    Chin up.
    From one Toron­to girl to anoth­er, you’re doing great.
    P.S. In all the years I lived in Toron­to (20 or so) I nev­er once went to High Park. I’m an East York kid. Have fun and look for­ward to more of your pictures.

  3. I hope you’re not wor­ry­ing too much about this. It’s easy to for­get where we learned things, and you nev­er claimed the tech­nique was yours.

    You’ve cred­it­ed the per­son who believes he is the cre­ator, and that’s all you need to do.

    I look for­ward to read­ing your blog — it’s a hap­py place for me, too.

    Take care,


  4. It’s still a very hap­py place here, Trish! I love see­ing your cre­ativ­i­ty and all of your inspir­ing projects. I am sure I have shared many things on my own blogs that may have got their start some­where else. I try and cred­it the source when I can, but some­times it was so long ago I hon­est­ly don’t remem­ber where I learned it. As oth­ers have said, don’t wor­ry over­much about this. You’ve done what you can. Chin up and go on. Those crab apple blos­soms are amaz­ing — I can almost smell them!

  5. thank you so much for your sup­port­ive com­ments, every­one! i’m so grate­ful that you’re read­ing this blog and tak­ing the time to write to me :) *hugs*

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