HK love

This place will always be my home <3

But I haven’t been able to be there as much as I’d like in the past 20-some years. So, even though there’s so much to see and do and so much fun to be had, it always feels a bit emo­tion­al to vis­it. Child­hood mem­o­ries, and such.

We crossed the har­bour between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Penin­su­la almost dai­ly. Usu­al­ly we take the MTR (sub­way), but real­ized that we can also take the Star Fer­ry, so we tried that one day. The Star Fer­ry has been in oper­a­tion since 1888. It used to be much busier when the MTR was­n’t as exten­sive. I remem­ber tak­ing it every time we vis­it­ed my grand­par­ents, and it would make me sea sick (it still does :P). It’s an excel­lent way to take in the views of Vic­to­ria Harbour.



Near the Star Fer­ry pier we could see the smi­ley Fer­ris wheel ^_^ We did­n’t go on it though. It was very rainy that day.


Aberdeen is one of the neigh­bour­hoods where my fam­i­ly used to live. The Aberdeen har­bour is home to many boat hous­es, and the many peo­ple who live in them.


Peo­ple could cross the har­bour with the com­muter boat, it costs $2.20 HKD (about $0.35 CAD) for the 3‑minute jour­ney. So of course we went for a ride :D It was also a nice way to look at the boat houses.


The hotel we stayed at was very close to the North Point Pier. There were quite a few peo­ple fish­ing at the pier. This is one of my favourite pic­tures from the whole trip.


Spring­time is very foggy.


Mike recent­ly start­ed read­ing Moomin comics and was very excit­ed to find a Moomin Cafe :D We had lunch there one day. The serv­er would bring over giant Moomin (and friends) plush to sit at the table with people.


And we found not one, but TWO Stu­dio Ghi­b­li stores! (Donguri Repub­lic at Har­bour City and Times Square)



We also found the BEST cat cafe ever!


There were cats every­where. Right beside me curled up in a chair, on top of the tables, inside the counter…



Most are sleep­ing, but the ones wan­der­ing about were quite friend­ly :D


And in the same neigh­bour­hood I found a yarn store! (the red framed win­dows with the sweaters) Cause­way Bay is the place to be! I bought some dis­count­ed acrylic but exer­cised quite a bit of self-con­trol — there’s only so much space in the lug­gage and there are so much fun snacks to bring back!!


Switch­ing gears to see places out­side of the city, we joined a boat tour to vis­it the vol­canic rock region in the Hong Kong Geo­log­i­cal Park, which con­sists of sea arch­es, sea caves, and hexag­o­nal rock columns! The tour leaves from the Vol­cano Dis­cov­ery Cen­tre at Sai Kung Pier.


Pic­tures don’t do these moun­tains jus­tice, they are absolute­ly mag­nif­i­cent. Here is a sea arch!


And some sea caves, and waterfalls!


As well as fish­ing villages…


And ven­dors sell­ing seafood from their boats.


Fog­gy days mean low clouds hang­ing in the mid­dle of the moun­tains and this heav­en­ly scene.


Then we went to the oppo­site side of Hong Kong and vis­it­ed Tai O, which is a fish­ing vil­lage on Lan­tau Island, with many stilt hous­es built on water.


The small streets and hous­es are very dif­fer­ent from that of the city.


Res­i­dents mak­ing salt fish, shrimp paste and dried seafood.


We took a boat tour to watch for the famed pink dol­phins, but did­n’t see any :( maybe next time.

Going back in time, we vis­it­ed a muse­um of a 200 year-old restored Hak­ka walled vil­lage, called Sam Tung Uk.


We vis­it­ed part­ly because my sis­ter and I have Hak­ka ances­try. Some of the things in the muse­um indeed remind me of what my grand­par­ents used to have in their home, and still in the vil­lage where they live now, like the ances­tral hall.


Back in the city, we vis­it­ed the his­tor­i­cal Stone Slabs Street (aka Pot­tinger Street) in Cen­tral dis­trict. Some of the stone slabs are restored, and some are orig­i­nal I think. Ven­dors keep stalls on both sides of the street. I remem­ber being there once when I was young, and it being a lot busier back then, but this is excit­ing nonethe­less :D



And guess what I found on these fab­u­lous stone steps? A yarn­bombed railing!


Near­by there is a Star­bucks dressed like an old times Hong Kong cof­fee house :D


My sis­ter took us to the Chi­nese Uni­ver­si­ty of Hong Kong, where she went to grad­u­ate school sev­er­al years ago :D It might not be a place that most tourists would vis­it, but since it’s built on a moun­tain it’s actu­al­ly a good hike, with lots of beau­ti­ful scenery, like this foun­tain near the top of the moun­tain, which seems to be built to blend with and inter­act with its sur­round­ing views.


The tiles make up the words, “spread wings and fly” :)


And so we did, at the end of our trip, flew back to our oth­er home in Toron­to. But sure­ly we will be back :)

I hope you enjoyed the pho­tos! :D Because I have more! :D Most­ly street pho­tog­ra­phy using the Diana Mini. I’m still wait­ing to fin­ish my last roll and for the rest to devel­op, but will pick some good ones to show you.

Have a good week­end, everyone!




14 thoughts on “HK love

  1. What an amaz­ing trip! Thank you so much for shar­ing your gor­geous pho­tos and a bit of your life, as always.

  2. Loved this tour! That cat bus is sweet! Thanks for shar­ing your beau­ti­ful pho­tos, and can’t wait to see more, as always!
    Kate :}

  3. huge­ly enjoyed the pho­to tour of Hong Kong…they even have a cat cafe with lots of those love­ly, mag­i­cal felines (my favourite creature)…so nice for you to have gone home…

  4. Encore mer­ci de partager ces belles pho­tos et ce reportage de votre voy­age si chargé d’émotion.

  5. Don’t for­get all the Gude­ta­ma we came across! :D And also IRL I prob­a­bly would­n’t be allowed inside an actu­al ances­tral hall :S

  6. Thank you so much for shar­ing! I almost feel like I’ve gone on a trip, myself. Hong Kong looks like a fab­u­lous place to vis­it! I’m sure I would spend every last cent I had. lol prob­a­bly a lot of it would go to cat cafes! I wish we could have those here in the USA.

  7. haha yes, the food at cat cafe was actu­al­ly on the pricey side… but we thought it was fair because they also had to take care of the cats. they’re pop­ping up all over the place in dif­fer­ent cities, it’s like­ly that one will open near you soon! :D

  8. i’ll have to post one of those gude­ta­ma videos here one of these days XD and i was actu­al­ly think­ing about it, are women not allowed in the ances­tral hall? what about for new year or cer­e­monies for newborns?

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