mystery dino CAL!

Intro­duc­ing — mys­tery dino cro­chet-along! :D

This idea has been brew­ing in my head for a while, to make a series of tiny dinosaurs, think­ing about dif­fer­ent dinosaur shapes and ways to artic­u­late them with cro­chet stitch­es… and I’ve been try­ing to fig­ure out the best way to orga­nize it and invite every­one to join in on the fun. But at the same time find­ing myself pro­cras­ti­nat­ing with the design­ing… So I fig­ure, I’d just launch it! That would make sure that I do it!

So here it is! Over the next lit­tle while you’ll find a dinosaur pat­tern post­ed every week, or, “exca­vat­ed” from a square of the bad­lands above (ha!). Fol­low along to see what dinosaurs get unearthed! :D 

As you can see one dinosaur is already out! You can find the tiny stegosaurus here

What to do with tiny dinosaurs, you ask? It makes a won­der­ful zip­per pull, brooch/pin, and trav­el companion…

They would also make real­ly friend­ly fridge mag­nets. Or a baby mobile with all of them togeth­er. Or a pock­et pal. They’re flat so it’s super easy to mail one to some­one to bright­en their day! Noth­ing says “nev­er in a mil­lion years did I think I’d find some­one so utter­ly per­fect…” bet­ter than send­ing a dinosaur! (haha, maybe not, but still! Who does­n’t love a tiny dino?) 

So I invite you to jour­ney along, and send me your dinosaur pics, and at the end I’ll put my ama­teur graph­ic design skills to good use and make a vir­tu­al dino par­ty with all of your pic­tures! It will be a riot! :D

You can share your pic­tures by:

  1. Email­ing genuinemudpie[at]gmail[dot]com
  2. Blog­gers: leave a com­ment on any of the Mys­tery Dino CAL posts with a link to your blog post with the picture.
  3. Insta­gram: tag me @genuinemudpie and use the hash­tag #mys­tery­dinocal
  4. Join the Rav­el­ry group
  5. Post your FOs to my Rav­el­ry dino project pages


I hope you will join me! Have a rawr­rring week­end every­one! :D