this week’s awesome finds

Long time no write! Have been work­ing on some long projects for a while, which I will be shar­ing soon! But for now, awe­some projects I came across this week!

This is bril­liant! I should make one of these so I’m not for­ev­er fish­ing for the right hook in my box full of hooks (and nee­dles, sigh, so dis­or­ga­nized…). From Cro­chet Spot.


Stay calm and smell the laven­der, with­out harm­ful chem­i­cals. How-to for an easy-to-make laven­der room spray on Pure­ly Katie.


With just 3 ingre­di­ents, per­fect for gift-mak­ing! Tuto­r­i­al for lip balm lock­ets from A Beau­ti­ful Mess.


Per­fect use for var­ie­gat­ed cot­ton, a med­i­ta­tive stitch worked from cor­ner to cor­ner so it’s not bor­ing. Pat­tern for a moss stitch dish cloth from The Cook­ie Snob.


I’ll pack a cowl! XD This awe­some cowl is a free Rav­el­ry down­load, by Deb Jac­ul­lo.


What a bril­liant idea, build­ing a ter­rar­i­um with Legos! From Make and Takes.


This chub­by cock­a­too! Free pat­tern from Furls Cro­chet.


Have a fan­tas­tic crafty week, everyone! :)


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