This year Mike and I marbled paper using shaving cream and made Christmas cards with them. It was a lot of fun and I wish you can smell the refreshing scent from across the screen! :D
Thank you so much for journeying with me this year. Though my posts have been few and far in between since the fall, this blog has been with me since 2010 and is still a joyful anchor amidst various busy and chaotic times in my life. Thank you for being a part of it by visiting, reading and sharing your thoughts too!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday, with time to pause, rest, re-energize, craft, eat good food, share lots of laughs with your loved ones, and craft some more :D
Thank you for all of your newsletters, AND, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your husband.
Merci pour votre blog que j’apprécie énormément, pour votre partage, pour le temps que vous prenez pour nous faire les tutos de vos réalisations. J’espère que vous avez passé un bon Noël et je vous souhaite ainsi qu’à votre mari, une excellente nouvelle année.Claudine.
Merry Christmas Patricia! Wishing you a fantastic new year as well!
Thank you so much Claudine! Wishing you a very happy new year! :D