slow: hats

Update Nov. 30/2020: I’ve received quite a few com­ments and ques­tions regard­ing this pat­tern since it’s been pub­lished. It is not a begin­ner’s pat­tern. A few folks are fine with the writ­ten pat­tern and few pho­tos, and some folks request­ed more clar­i­fi­ca­tions. I apol­o­gize that I’m not a pro­fes­sion­al pat­tern design­er, my pat­terns have not been test­ed by oth­ers (though this one was repeat­ed­ly test­ed by me), I don’t have the time or know-how to make videos, I write pat­tern and instruc­tion to the best of my abil­i­ty in the clear­est way in my under­stand­ing and offer them for free. I do acknowl­edge that the pho­tos in this par­tic­u­lar pat­tern is admit­ted­ly lack­ing. I’m sor­ry about this, and if I do make anoth­er hat this win­ter, I will retake/replace the pho­tos. Work­ing and study­ing full-time cur­rent­ly means that at this point I don’t have the time nor capac­i­ty to respond exten­sive­ly to inquiries about how to make this hat. And a lot of times I can­not deci­pher what is going wrong in the ways that peo­ple describe them with­out see­ing the pieces and show­ing peo­ple what to do in per­son. So it means that at times it is sim­ply impos­si­ble for me to help peo­ple out. Going for­ward I will sup­port and clar­i­fy to the best of my abil­i­ty, but my respons­es may be delayed. I con­tem­plat­ed tak­ing this pat­tern down alto­geth­er because it sounds like it’s been caus­ing a lot of frus­tra­tion for peo­ple. But I thought I’d still leave it up for folks who find it use­ful. Thank you for visiting.   

I’ve made quite a few of these hats with cro­chet slip stitch. I like that they’re made slowly. 

I’m going to attempt to write the pat­tern for 3 dif­fer­ent yarn weights, so it’s ver­sa­tile for what­ev­er yarn you have on hand. They all make a hat that is 19″ around and 11″ in length (with brim unfold­ed). The stitch is quit stretchy so it will fit most I think. Here’s the worsted weight ver­sion on me.

And the worsted weight ver­sion on Mike (I have a small­er head than he does).

This is the sport weight version.

After test­ing the sport weight ver­sion with a left­over skein of acrylic yarn, I treat­ed myself to a skein of meri­no hand-dyed by Toron­to Yarn Hop co-orga­niz­er Emi­ly Gillies. She has a range of beau­ti­ful colours, and one skein of meri­no sport is per­fect for mak­ing one hat. 

I made the hat in blue spruce (pic­tured here, in first pho­to, and in process pho­tos below). The won­der­ful cus­tom veg­an tag is by Mil­lie Mar­ty Co. in Belleville, ON.

The hat can also be made more quick­ly in bulky yarn. I test­ed it while attend­ing the Warm­ing Toron­to event (an after­noon of hang­ing out with great folks at a local pub while mak­ing hats, scarfs and mit­tens for dis­tri­b­u­tion at emer­gency shel­ters in the win­ter). And this hat took about 3.5 hours to make.

Dimen­sion of all three ver­sions (sport, worsted, bulky): 19″ around, 11″ in length with brim unfolded. 

Sug­gest­ed yarn:

Sport — Meri­no Sport by Emi­ly Gillies, 1 skein, 282 yards

Worsted — Patons Clas­sic Wool Worsted, 2 skeins, 210 yards each

Bulky — Patons Shet­land Chunky, 2 skeins, 148 yards each


Instruc­tions are for sport weight (worsted and bulky in parenthesis).

The turn­ing ch does not count as a stitch.

The hats are made with slip stitch in black loop only (BLO), made side­ways with short rows for crown shap­ing, then seamed at the back with slip stitch (or sewing).

Cro­chet loose­ly, oth­er­wise it can be dif­fi­cult to get the hook into the slip stitches.

The hat can be made wider with one or two addi­tion­al short rows, and longer with addi­tion­al stitch­es in the begin­ning chain (makes for a wider brim).

Sport — 5.5 mm
Worsted — 6.5 mm
Bulky — 10 mm

Row 1 (set­up row): ch 55 (40, 33), sl st in sec­ond ch from hook, sl st in each ch to end.

First set of short rows:

Row 2: ch 1, sl st in each st until there is one st left, skip remain­ing st, turn.

Row 3: ch 1, skip first st, sl st in each st to end. 

Repeat rows 2 and 3 six (four, three) more times.

Next row: ch 1, sl st in each st. At this point the piece will look like this.

Con­tin­ue on and sl st into each end of the short row and the space in between each row — 14 (10, 8) stitch­es across the short rows, then sl st in the remain­ing last stitch from row 2. The piece will now look like this.

Next row*: ch 1, sl st in each st to end.

Sec­ond set of short rows:

Row 1: ch 1, sl st in each st until there are 14 (10, 8) stitch­es left in the row, turn.

Row 2: ch 1, sl st in every st to end.

Row 3: ch 1, sl st in every st, then sl st in the next two st in the row marked with * (the row made before row 1 of the sec­ond set of short rows), turn.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 six (four, three) more times.

Next row: ch 1, sl st in every st to end.

Repeat first and sec­ond sets of short rows four more times. Don’t fas­ten off.

Cro­chet seam togeth­er right side out. Turn inside out. Weave yarn through each stitch in crown open­ing, cinch and tied off. Weave in ends. Turn right side out. Fold up brim. Â 

Hap­py crocheting!


Note: No incen­tive or com­mis­sion was received for this post. Sim­ply thought it was neat that I could find local arti­sans for both the yarn and cus­tom tags, and want to sup­port indie businesses :)



59 thoughts on “slow: hats

  1. It looks so beau­ti­ful, thank you for shar­ing! Could you please explain what the ‘ back loop’ is or maybe add a pho­to to show where we need to insert the hook? I think I’m work­ing in the back loop (the loop of the v that is not close to me) but the fab­ric cre­at­ed doesn’t look like yours. Then I tried to work in the extra loop behind the v but that’s only pos­si­ble in the first row, after the sec­ond row that loop is gone. I can’t fig­ure out how to cre­ate the ‘knitted’ look of your hat. :-)

  2. I have been on a quest for the last 5 years to find a hat my husband,5 sons and grand­son will wear. This is it! Thank you

  3. I don’t under­stand when to start the short rows. Do you get the hat to a cer­tain height or width then start row 2? Thanks

  4. hi Deb, thank you for giv­ing the pat­tern a try. You would start the short rows right at the begin­ning at row two. The pic­ture actu­al­ly shows the first pat­tern repeat of short rows already made, sor­ry that it’s not made more clear in the post. Hap­py crocheting!

  5. is it pos­si­ble for you to do a video tuto­r­i­al on how to make this hat? I am hav­ing trou­ble with the short rows …thank you

  6. Thank you so much for your inter­est in this pat­tern. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I don’t have the equip­ment, expe­ri­ence or time to make a video. If you can let me know what you’re stuck on or if there’s any­thing I can clar­i­fy about the pat­tern I can try my best to help. thank you!

  7. Thanks for pat­tern. After 5 attempts, I final­ly made it. But I don’t under­stand how to cro­chet it togeth­er so seem would­n’t be too visible,

  8. Thank you for giv­ing the pat­tern a try. The seam will be vis­i­ble with cro­chet or sewing, but with sewing it may be less visible.

  9. Hi, do you pos­si­bly have a video for this pat­tern? I’ve been look­ing for a hat pat­tern like this but I’m so much bet­ter with being shown instead of read­ing the pat­tern I don’t know all the abbre­vi­a­tions. Thanks

  10. When I get to the end of the short rows and turn do I cro­chet in the back loop of the last stitch and turn or cro­chet in both loops? it leaves a big lump if I cro­chet in just the back loop,and does­n’t look like your pho­to. looks much smoother on the reverse side. Nice pat­tern. I have a husband,4 grown sons and a grand­son ‚and I’ve been look­ing for a long time for a cro­chet hat they like.this is it,if I can fig­ure it out! Beautiful!

  11. thanks so much for giv­ing the pat­tern a try. yes, every stitch in the pat­tern is made in the back loop only. If you’re work­ing on the first set of short rows, after turn­ing you would ch 1, and skip the first st, then sl st in every st for the rest of the row (row 3 in the first set of short row). If you’re work­ing on the sec­ond set of short rows, after turn­ing you would ch 1, and sl st in every st. So be sure to ch 1 at the begin­ning of every row, which does not count as a stitch. I also cro­cheted quite loose­ly to accom­mo­date the sl st, so maybe that helps with smooth­ing the stitch­es out. Hope this helps, hap­py crocheting!

  12. Hi, love this pat­tern but I don’t quite under­stand where to go after the row run­ning up and over the first set of short stitches.

  13. Hi Louise, thank you for giv­ing the pat­tern a try. Sounds like you’ve com­plet­ed the first set of short rows. The next row after that is:

    Next row*: ch 1, sl st in each st to end.

    Then you would start the sec­ond set of short rows:

    Row 1: ch 1, sl st in each st until there are 14 (10, 8) stitch­es left in the row, turn.

    Row 2: ch 1, sl st in every st to end.

    Row 3: ch 1, st st in every st, then sl st in the next two st in the row marked with * (the row made before row 1 of the sec­ond set of short rows), turn.

    Repeat rows 2 and 3 six (four, three) more times.

    Hope this helps, hap­py crocheting!

  14. Hel­lo am from India. And I need this pat­tern for my 2.5 year old girl. Can you please tell me what all are the changes I have to made. Thank u in advance…

  15. Hel­lo, sor­ry about the delay in reply. I can’t pro­vide the exact mod­i­fi­ca­tion for the size you’re look­ing for, but you can try using sock weight yarn with a 4.5mm hook and fol­low the pat­tern, which will make a small­er hat than pic­tured. Hope this helps, hap­py crocheting!

  16. I don’t under­stand this pat­tern, I did all of the instruc­tions up to the first pic­ture and all I got was half a tri­an­gle, def­i­nite­ly not what was shown as what we are sup­posed to have. There are so many miss­ing steps and I am so con­fused on how to com­plete this project

  17. Thank you for your mes­sage Emma, I’m sor­ry that you did­n’t have a good expe­ri­ence with the pat­tern. All the steps/rows involved in the pat­tern are writ­ten in the post, but the pho­tos don’t show each step, I’m sor­ry about that. The first pho­to actu­al­ly shows one set of short rows already made, so from what you’re describ­ing I believe you’re on track. I’m sor­ry that the pho­tos aren’t accurate.

  18. I love John­ny at New Stitch A Day — but maybe there are some who learn bet­ter by check­ing out oth­er videos/teachers:

    Give this one a shot:

    I am fin­ish­ing up a Sea­far­er’s Cap and that is the first time I did so much slip stitch — for the brim! Prob­a­bly why the instruc­tions from Gen­uine­Mud­pie make sense to me. The seam is a bit of a prob­lem so will wait until brain is relaxed to pro­ceed — again. In case some­one here would like to look at this one:

    One of the best tech­niques I’ve learned is the frog stitch (rip­pit, rip­pit, rip­pit) — and when I final­ly *get it* I speed right through … like a miracle.

    I’m def­i­nite­ly going to try Trisha’s pat­tern and method.

  19. I’ve made the sea­far­ers cap many many times. You tube can help with how to slip stitch for an invis­i­ble seam. A great pat­tern. I’ve made slow: hat once. It turned ok ok,but not great in the short row seams. It does not look any­thing close to your hat.…maybe I should keep trying,but a lot of work to not turn out very well. Yours looks great

  20. Ive waist­ed so much yarn try­ing to do this. It would not come out as in the pics. There should be some steps miss­ing. Plus it says to repeat steps 2 and 3 six more times after the first one, but in the pic­ture there is 8 rep­e­ti­tions. That makes no sense! So i tried it like that too, and failed again. Im get­ting frus­trat­ed here.

  21. Hel­lo! I love this pat­tern, what are your thoughts on mak­ing and sell­ing these hats? Most peo­ple just want a ref­er­ence back to them for where the pat­tern came from. I would like to make and sell these hats in my neighborhood.

  22. Hi Sarah, thank you for your inter­est in the pat­tern. Yes you can sell the fin­ished prod­ucts as long as you link back to this pat­tern page on my blog to cred­it the design. Thanks so much for check­ing. Hap­py crocheting!

  23. Hi there!
    So I just fin­ished the first stock­inette stitch on the first set of “short stitch­es”. I am here…

    Next row*: ch 1, sl st in each st to end.
    Sec­ond set of short rows:

    My ques­tion is, is the next row sup­posed to be slip stitch­es in the very first row of chains or… are we sup­posed to ch1, turn, slip stitch in each stitch to end?? I am a bit con­fused! HAA but love the pat­tern so far!

  24. Hi Kay, thank you for giv­ing the pat­tern a try. In the row you copied in your mes­sage, sim­ply slip stitch in every stitch you see in the row until the reach the bot­tom edge of the hat. You would have turned at the end of your last row. I hope this helps. Hap­py crocheting!

  25. Hel­lo there seems to be some steps miss­ing. My project is not look­ing like the pho­tos. I real­ly want to make this ver­sion of the hat. Is it pos­si­ble to fill in the miss­ing steps please. Or is there a way I can share my pho­to with you so you can advise what’s miss­ing. The steps are def­i­nite­ly miss­ing in the beginning.

  26. Hi Keisha, thank you for giv­ing the pat­tern a try. Sor­ry about the pho­tos, the are in fact a few steps ahead of the writ­ten instruc­tions, but there are no steps miss­ing in the writ­ten instruc­tions. Feel free to email me at genuinemudpie[at]gmail[dot]com with a pho­to of what you have and I can try to help. Thanks.

  27. Hel­lo! What do you mean by “st st”? I haven’t been able to find any mean­ings for there being two! I thought it may be a typo, but after read­ing com­ments I think I’m just out of the loop on what it means! Thanks!

  28. Hi there, wher­ev­er it said “st st”, it should be “sl st” through out, abbre­vi­a­tion for slip stitch. I’ve cor­rect­ed the typos. Sor­ry about that. Thanks for catching.

  29. Hi Trish, thank you for the pat­tern, the hat looks love­ly! Could you give an exam­ple of how many stitch­es we are sup­posed to have per row espe­cial­ly after each of the short rows? I’m still quite a begin­ner and it’s my first time attempt­ing a hat and short rows, and I’m not sure if I’m doing this right.

    Row 1 (set­up row): ch 55 (40, 33), sl st in sec­ond ch from hook, sl st in each ch to end. (So there are now 54 stitches?)

    First set of short rows:

    Row 2: ch 1, sl st in each st until there is one st left, skip remain­ing st, turn. (So there should be 53 stitch­es in this row?)

    Row 3: ch 1, skip first st, sl st in each st to end. (Are there still 53 stitch­es or 52 now? When you say skip first st, you don’t count the ch 1 correct?)

    Thanks in advance for your clarification!

  30. Hi Jane, thanks so much for giv­ing the pat­tern a try. Yes, every­thing you said is cor­rect about the short rows. Hap­py crocheting!

  31. Thanks for the clar­i­fi­ca­tion Trish! Sor­ry I have anoth­er ques­tion: what is the space in between each row in the instruc­tions below, is it made from the space of the Ch 1 and skip 1 Ch in row 3 of the first set of short rows?

    Con­tin­ue on and sl st into each end of the short row and the space in between each row — 14 (10, 8) stitch­es across the short rows, then sl st in the remain­ing last stitch from row 2. The piece will now look like this.

  32. Hi Jane, yes, the space would be made either by the turn­ing ch or skipped ch in between each row. But that can be hard to tell with slip stitch­es. Ulti­mate­ly if you can even­ly sl st 14 (or 10 or 8, depend­ing on yarn you’re using) across the short rows you’ve cre­at­ed, it would be fine. Hope this helps!

  33. Hi Trish, thank you for the guid­ance so far, I’ve man­aged to fin­ish most of the hat :) my final ques­tion is, how do I seam it with­out cre­at­ing a bump? So far I’ve tried to slip stitch the ends togeth­er by lin­ing up the edges with wrong side fac­ing each oth­er, but it leaves an unsight­ly bump. Is there a way to cro­chet seam it flat, such that the fin­ish real­ly looks seam­less? Thank you!

  34. I’m so sor­ry, I’m still hav­ing a hard time fol­low­ing the instruc­tions. Is there a video tuto­r­i­al for this? Or a name for the crown-shap­ing type of hat? I’ve tried read­ing the instruc­tions about a half a dozen times, and I’m still get­ting a clunky look.

  35. I am new to cro­chet. Love this hat for my hus­band. Read­ing com­ments have been most help­ful, but because I’m a visu­al per­son, I need a step by step pho­to. I have the stitch itself down pat and have learned what not to do on the straight edge (brim), am I under­stand­ing this cor­rect­ly? The 1st set of estab­lished rows is the cen­ter of each of the 5 sec­tions. As I move to the short rows, I am decreas­ing to angle the top on the right top sde of the 1st sec­tion and even­ly at the bot­tom of the brim? Because I dont under­stand where to go from there (worsted 40 down to I believe about 32 stitch­es), am I increas­ing to start the left half of the next sec­tion? Am I con­nect­ing the two at this time? Or after I fin­ish all sec­tions? Also, what are the 10 stitch spac­ing? Are those the stitch­es con­nect­ed the sec­tions as seen in the 1st pho­to? If I am way off I’ll con­tin­ue the ftog rip­pet stitch and keep read­ing until I get it. I am a deter­mined newbie.

  36. Hi Ella, I’m very sor­ry for the delay in reply. I don’t have a video tuto­r­i­al for this. There’s cro­chet hat pat­tern that looks sim­i­lar, is very pop­u­lar and has good reviews, which you might want to try out instead:
    I’m sor­ry for the frus­tra­tion that this pat­tern has caused. Hope you find a pat­tern that brings you relax­ation and joy.

  37. Hi Lin­da, sounds like you’re get­ting it cor­rect­ly. You’re decreasing/increasing to angle the top and the brim edge stays straight. You’re con­nect­ing the two sec­tions as you cro­chet the rows. I’m not sure where you’re refer­ring to as the 10 stitch spac­ing — can you copy/paste that sec­tion in the com­ment so I know which part of the pat­tern you’re look­ing at? Thank you for giv­ing the pat­tern a try.

  38. Your con­ver­sa­tion with Jane on 10/30–11/1. Thank you for stat­ing “loose­ly” as well. That helps. I’ll keep check­ing back in case you do post more pho­tos. Again, thanks for this pat­tern. I’ve looked for an eas­i­er pat­tern, but this is the look I’m “hooked” on. Thanks for your reply and good luck on your studies

  39. This is the best, min­i­mal­ist and “knit-like” cro­chet pat­tern I have found any­where! (and I’ve been hunt­ing for a while). What makes it even bet­ter is it is local to where I am, which made me very excit­ed when I found it through Pinterest. 

    Like many of the com­ments, I found it a lit­tle hard to fol­low at first, but Trish has done a great job if you real­ly read each line-by-line. We are all guilty of quick­ly skim­ming pat­terns, when we know bet­ter and that we should­n’t. I do it all the time! This pat­tern if you read it all and do a few quick num­ber cal­cu­la­tions on your own your hat will come out beautiful.

  40. Hi,
    I’m hav­ing trou­ble with the pat­tern because for each repeat my num­ber of stitch­es is increas­ing and I don’t know how to sew this in the end or if it’s even right.

    “Row 3: ch 1, sl st in every st, then sl st in the NEXT TWO st in the row marked with * (the row made before row 1 of the sec­ond set of short rows), turn.” So because of work­ing 14(10,8) out of 7(5,4) stitch­es before, the num­ber of stitch­es is increas­ing at this point each time. Or is it meant to cro­chet the two sl st TOGETHER, so at the end of doing this it’s 7(5,4) again?

  41. Trish
    I real­ly like this pat­tern for its clever shap­ing and excel­lent fit.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

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