Guess what Marshie got in the mail yesterday?
An Instructables gift pack for winning the Critter Contest! :D
There were stickers, a batch, and a t‑shirt!
The t‑shirt didn’t fit Marshie. So he gave it to me.
“Way to go, Marshie!” says me.
“Thank you! What a wonderful surprise,” says Marshie.
At the end I decided to give the t‑shirt to Mike because he likes funny t‑shirts and it fits him better, and because he’s never stopped encouraging me and supporting me to make things and write just for the love of it. Without him Marshie wouldn’t have existed. None of my crafts would’ve existed. I would probably still be feeling drained and unmotivated.
“So, thank you, Mike!” says me.
i will pretend this is facebook and “like” this entry.
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