
Some time in the spring I devel­oped a fond­ness for cut­ting block let­ters from mag­a­zine pages, free-hand. I find it rather calm­ing. And so, when­ev­er I had a break in my work day, if I were not eat­ing or doing paper­work, I would be sit­ting there cut­ting out block let­ters from mag­a­zine pages. Not just aim­less­ly cut­ting out block let­ters, but mak­ing greet­ing cards! Here are a few that I’ve made over the past few months. I liked them so much that I did­n’t quite want to part with them, but I had to send them off because that was the point of mak­ing a greet­ing card… so I took pho­tos of some of them.

This is one I made for a wed­ding, with bub­ble wrap print. The let­ters were cut from the rain­bow-colour cup­cakes on the cov­er of a Valen­tine’s Day issue of the Martha Stew­art Liv­ing mag­a­zine. I also stuck a pic­ture of a cup­cake on the inside.

This one I made for my sis­ter, for her grad­u­a­tion! She is an Eng­lish major, so I cut out let­ters from an old book. And also berries and flow­ers from the Martha mag­a­zines. (The Martha mag­a­zine has got the best pic­tures for mak­ing greet­ing cards with!)

This is for some­one who real­ly likes water and the colour yel­low, on a piece of paper I made. The pic­ture might be too small to see, but the let­ters were cut from a pho­to­graph of a body of water. And the maple leaf is real — it’s from the tree that the birth­day per­son­’s hus­band had plant­ed :D I par­tic­u­lar­ly like the yel­low tomatoes.

More bub­ble wrap print! With knit pat­tern on the let­ters. I love cut­ting out things from mag­a­zines because I nev­er know what I’ll find, but what I do find is always per­fect. It’s like a gift.

This one has laven­der in the let­ters, and I was sur­prised to see that when I went to deliv­er the card to the per­son­’s house, she had just plant­ed laven­der in her front yard.

Thank you for vis­it­ing my show-and-tell! :D

4 thoughts on “Greetings!

  1. These are pret­ty great trish! You’re always find­ing some­thing new to cre­ate, i love it. I’m get­ting lots of ideas here in asia..I hope I can cre­ate some sort of project..keep post­ing, your blog is fun! xoxo kitty

  2. I love your stuff — these are won­der­ful… you are soooo creative!


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