sunday video

When I was a kid my fam­i­ly used to rent a movie to watch togeth­er every week­end. It was a tra­di­tion that start­ed when we lived in Hong Kong (the LD), and con­tin­ued when we moved to north­ern Ontario (the VHS), and then to the city (the DVD). So I thought it would be fun to bring back this tra­di­tion here on the blog, to share videos that I find inspir­ing (usu­al­ly the heart-warm­ing, or the ridicu­lous­ly cute). I may not be able to find a video to post every week, but I will sure­ly keep an eye out. If you have videos to sug­gest for Sun­day video or inter­est­ing stuff for favourite things Fri­days please feel free to send me a note!

This week’s video is sup­posed to be a com­mer­cial for a smart phone, I think. But still, I find it quite mov­ing. (via Swiss­miss)



Thank you for tak­ing a moment to enjoy this with me. Wish­ing you a day of peace and rest.

4 thoughts on “sunday video

  1. Thanks for shar­ing Trish. That does make you stop and hear the music. We are enjoy­ing the warmer tem­per­a­tures out­side today and are grate­ful for a nice qui­et Sunday.
    love mom

  2. I’m Bach-obsessed, and that was just jaw drop­ping =) Hope they do a behind-the-scenes video about how they cre­at­ed that!

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