super awesome week :D

Last week was the first week after school was done, I quick­ly filled it with trips to the craft/bead/fabric stores and a craft day with friends!

Found an acorn charm for 75ï¿  at the bead store :D It’s my new favourite neck­lace at the moment.


Then my friend and I went to the friend­ly fab­ric store down the street from the bead store, and African print cot­ton was on sale! Going to make more square blous­es (like the blue one in this post).


Lat­er in the week a friend came over to make uni­forms for her floor hock­ey team. We made sten­cils out of trans­paren­cy plas­tic (I hap­pen to have stacks of them at home) and applied fab­ric paint on the t‑shirts with a cut-up kitchen sponge.


We print­ed 22 shirts! One set of navy blue and one set of white. They were lying on the couch drying…


And my friend brought over home­made mac­arons! :D They were so good… felt so com­plete­ly spoiled!


A very pret­ty pink one with green tea fill­ing :D


Have a great start to the week!