this week’s awesome finds


Beau­ti­ful cro­chet edg­ing. Works for t‑shirt neck­lines too, you think? From the Purl Bee.


Sim­ply bril­liant. Have to dig into my seashell col­lec­tion! From I Still Love You.


Very well-writ­ten, easy to under­stand tuto­r­i­al from It’s Always Autumn. A trip to thrift store is in order!


Washi tape flow­ers. Makes a nice pin! From Just Some­thing I made. 


Very sophis­ti­cat­ed men shirt refash­ion, with pleats! From Leafy Tree­top Spot.


Also spot­ted on Leafy Tree­top Spot was a tuto­r­i­al for adding Peter Pan col­lar on a t‑shirt. Not sure how I would look in it, but I think it’s a nice way to use pret­ty fab­ric scraps.



Enlight­en­ing! Why did­n’t I think of this before? From 13 Life Chang­ing Ways to Eat Food. The toast­er grilled cheese is pret­ty awe­some too.


Fun, bold, sim­ple, and oooh — what if the baubles were cro­cheted? :D Love­ly inspi­ra­tion from The Beau­ti­ful Mess.


Look! It’s Reepicheep! Pad­dling to Aslan’s Coun­try, fear­less and valiant… *sniff*
Not a pat­tern, but we can sim­ply appre­ci­ate its awe­some­ness. By cro­chet mas­ter June Gilbank. 


Have an awe­some day, everyone!





4 thoughts on “this week’s awesome finds

  1. OMG I just picked up a whole bunch of bed linens at a new thrift store yes­ter­day! Was plan­ning on using for oth­er sewing projects, but that dress may be in order! ;)

  2. I think that Peter Pan col­lar would look very nice on you. But def­i­nite­ly the dress. With the shell necklace :-).

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