quick knits with stolen time

A few things with school and work got can­celled, so the first two weeks of the semes­ter weren’t as busy as I thought, and I sud­den­ly have time on my hands for a few quick knit­ting projects :D

Mike request­ed these to wear in his chilly office.

hobbit mitt 2I used this pat­tern. Knit­ted flat and seamed together.

hobbit mitt 1

And then I made myself this hat, knit­ted side­ways in garter stitch. 

sideways hat

Was being real­ly wool­ly that day, wear­ing a wool­ly hat and a wool­ly sweater.

I fol­lowed this pat­tern. It was fun to learn short rows! I decreased the num­ber of stitch­es because I used a much thick­er yarn (super bulky) and much larg­er nee­dles (10 mm) than called for, and I did­n’t do the knit TBL for the top and the brim.

Well, what­ev­er got can­celled most­ly got pushed to this week, so things will get busier, but hope­ful­ly I will still be able to sit down and knit for a while in the evening.

Have a won­der­ful week, everyone!




moss & ferns

moss and ferns

 This was the knit­ting project I men­tioned a cou­ple of posts ago :D It’s a Lion Brand pat­tern. The lace pat­tern was a bit con­fus­ing at first and I had to take it apart a cou­ple of times. Thank­ful­ly no stitch­es were lost (I think), and after 2 weeks of knit­ting I pret­ty much got the pat­tern mem­o­rized so it got a lot eas­i­er after that. Just two rec­tan­gles with a bit of neck shap­ing. The col­lar turned out a bit small­er than I thought, so I just cro­cheted 1 round of sin­gle cro­chet to fin­ish it off rather than doing the 3 rounds of k1 p1 rib­bing as instruct­ed. A bit big on me all around but I like that it’s long.

I real­ly like the tex­ture of the moss stitch. I think I’m going to try to make up a sweater pat­tern with moss stitch, bulky yarn and 10 mm nee­dles. We’ll see.

Have a hap­py Wednesday!


trip to the aquarium

photo 1

For months I have been star­ing at this poster while wait­ing for the train. 

And final­ly, we were there! :D


Hel­lo, friend­ly-look­ing turtle!

Yes, this is the new aquar­i­um in Toron­to. I love sea crea­tures. I’m not sure what I think about aquar­i­ums, zoos, and ani­mals in cap­tiv­i­ty. But I’m hap­py to be able to see the sea crea­tures that I would nev­er be able to see in per­son oth­er­wise, and I hope that they’re being well tak­en care of.

This reminds me of the kodama (for­est spir­its) in Princess Mononoke.


 Fash­ion­able rays sport­ing pol­ka dots.


And glit­tery piranhas. IMG_1492

Sea drag­on dance.


 Sharks swim­ming overhead!


And the reef exhib­it reminds me of the crys­tal palace in Jour­ney to the West (pop­u­lar Chi­nese sto­ry about a mon­key king) where the drag­on king lives. It is so very magical.

crystal palace

The part I was most look­ing for­ward to was the jel­ly fish tank. It was hard to take good pic­tures of, but so mesmerizing…



Wish­ing you a great start to the week! 






New year, new school sup­ply! :D

I bring a trav­el mug to school to take advan­tage of the ket­tle in the stu­dent lounge. Green tea does help to increase con­cen­tra­tion in lectures.

I used the pat­tern from Lit­tle Things Blogged for the fox fin­ger­less mitts. Start­ed with the same num­ber of stitch­es in the foun­da­tion chain, but added a few stitch­es around in the sec­ond last round to accom­mo­date the shape of the mug. Instead of a brown fox, I thought I’d make a grey one, like Kristof­fer­son in Fan­tas­tic Mr. Fox (I love that movie :D).

Cheers to the new year!