this week’s awesome finds

Just because the hol­i­days are over does­n’t mean the home can’t smell fes­tive! Easy to make wax sachets from Hel­lo Glow.


This cozy cardi­gan was made with a round knit­ting loom! Must try. From Good Knit Kiss­es.


Good night’s sleep and relax­ation in a bot­tle makes a great home­made gift :) Pil­low mist from Let’s Min­gle.



Oh my good­ness, a gor­geous cable sweater and it’s free! Cro­chet pat­tern by Sewrel­la.


Lion Brand Yarn has come up with some designs that I real­ly like late­ly, such as this sim­ple, relaxed-look­ing cardigan.


And this nice cowl — per­fect for prac­tic­ing cables and I like it’s clever construction.


These felt­ed cats! Made using a cook­ie cut­ter! Bril­liant! Tuto­r­i­al from Cat at Roof.


One of my favourite things from the Last Jedi :D Pat­tern by The Geeky Hook­er on Rav­el­ry.


I think I’ve prob­a­bly post­ed this before but it’s so awe­some, no one would mind if I post it again! Cord tacos as easy to make as real tacos :D From Local Adven­tur­er


Hope every­one’s hav­ing an awe­some week­end! Stay crafty :D



this week’s awesome finds

Time to start the Christ­mas elf­ing (i.e. gift-mak­ing)! :D

With the bulky yarn and large nee­dles there’s a good chance that it can be done by Christ­mas. Moss stitch is my favourite, and it has pock­ets. Pat­tern by Two of Wands.


Very prac­ti­cal and very cute. From Think Make Share.


Very sweet cro­chet cable bracelets, great alter­na­tive to leather ones. From Let’s Yarni­fy! (scroll down for English!)


For those who have every­thing — who would­n’t need more spare pairs of socks? From Hand­made Char­lotte. (If you’re look­ing for dessert after those sushi, check out my cup­cake socks tuto­r­i­al! :D)


Also a quick knit and very styl­ish. From Mol­lie Makes.


And final­ly, not a gift that I would have the skills to make but heart­warm­ing nonethe­less — daikon ani­mals in soup! :D

I love this daikon lla­ma. Hope it brings a smile to your face :)

Have a love­ly week­end, everyone!


this week’s awesome finds

Weath­er in Toron­to final­ly feels a bit more like fall and more con­ducive to cozy yarn-crafting :)


I’m a big fan of Two of Wand’s sim­ple but always inter­est­ing designs. I espe­cial­ly love the con­trast­ing tex­tures in this wrap. You can find the pat­tern here


Anoth­er design I real­ly like is this cowl. It’s a sim­ple mod­i­fi­ca­tion of a reg­u­lar cowl, but so much more cool-look­ing and sculp­tur­al. You can find the paid pat­tern here.


Cozy and bright. Paid pat­tern by Cro­chet Bit on Rav­el­ry.


A yarrrrrn mouse! :D Pat­tern by Who­dunnknit.


This is frankly hilar­i­ous, and reminds me of Sher­man of Sher­man’s Lagoon, and Liz Climo’s shark friend :D Pat­tern on Knit­ty!



Who does­n’t love an acorn with sur­pris­es inside? :D From Oh Hap­py Day.


For all the Miffy fans! A free (!!) knit­ting pat­tern by Knit­ter Bees. Can make dif­fer­ent inter­change­able sweaters!


But my skill lev­el is prob­a­bly a bet­ter match for this fox. This very cute square fox. By The Bushcrafter.


This, and many oth­er inspir­ing ideas using toy dinosaurs, on Bris­bane Kids. (Seri­ous­ly think­ing about mak­ing this, won­der how I could get the toy dinos on the wood though… epoxy, maybe? Or glue with a screw on the back? Hmm…)


Hap­py autumn! :D




this week’s awesome finds

Sim­ple, ele­gant sum­mer blouse. Pat­tern from Kok­ka Fab­ric.


The cutest owl baby mit­tens. There is also a chart for Totoro ones! From Lyn­nette Hulse on Rav­el­ry.


The only way I would wear ripped jeans. Cro­chet lace patch by Make & Do Crew.


From A Spoon­ful of Yarn: “In the top you will find three dif­fer­ent cloud shapes: Cumu­lus clouds (those big heaped clouds), cir­rus clouds (thin and whispy) and cir­rocu­mu­lus clouds (small puffy clouds).” Lucky us cloud lovers, it’s free pat­tern! :D


This is so groovy. Avo­ca­do squares from Sprin­kles on Top Nina.


More cute cro­chet food by I Cro­chet Things.


Does­n’t this look like a giant marsh­mal­low? :D Tuto­r­i­al on Cur­bly.

May your week be filled with won­der­ful craftiness!


this week’s awesome finds

A very sophis­ti­cat­ed-look­ing pom pom bun­ny! Also, lov­ing the donut pom pom mak­ers. From Pom Mak­er


This is sim­ply won­der­ful, and it’s a free pat­tern! Won­der Woman Wrap by Caris­sa Brown­ing on Ravelry.


Pat­terns for dif­fer­ent kinds of mush­rooms, felt­ed! From Kathryn Ivy.


Tiny win­dow cat, look­ing out into the world. From Sara Eliz­a­beth Kell­ner on Rav­el­ry.


Bril­liant! Must make one for my back­pack before our trip to Drumheller in the fall. From Pride of Lions.


A sum­mery dish­cloth that reminds me of Wes Ander­son movies. From Knit Picks.


Cozy slip­pers, love the teal heels. From Make & Do Crew.


Fan­tas­tic pineap­ple pil­low pat­tern, by Lit­tle Things Blogged on Hob­by­craft Blog.


Hap­py August! :D



this week’s awesome finds

A won­der­ful project of knit­ting feath­ers of birds rep­re­sent­ing each ter­ri­to­ry and province of Cana­da. Paid pat­tern from Erin Black on Rav­el­ry. (and thank-you to Amy who always shares the most awe­some yarn craft­ing projects with me! :D)

A rope coiled and sewn togeth­er with sewing machine to make these cute bowls. From Lia Grif­fith.

I love that it’s not a square-form. I bet it’s very hug-able. From Hob­by Craft.

Also hug-able is this oni­giri pil­low! Real­ly want to make a cro­chet ver­sion of it for my friend who loves every­thing Japan­ese :D From Kit­ten­hood.

This stitch would make a nice sum­mer top I think. From We Are Knit­ters.

I saw the scrub­ber yarn at Michaels and have been won­der­ing about try­ing it. This makes a nice cute gift! From Fiber Flux.

This is so awe­some, and so well made! :D Gude­ta­ma pat­tern by Stuff Susie Made.

I’ve nev­er had pan­na cot­ta, but they remind me of the almond tofu dessert that I like, and look easy enough to make, so maybe I’ll try mak­ing it one day in the sum­mer! From Oh Hap­py Day.

And final­ly, this chart spot­ted on Pin­ter­est! This will be my win­ter project, in a cor­ner-to-cor­ner cro­chet throw :)


Have a great week, everyone!


this week’s awesome finds

Nev­er too ear­ly to start knit­ting hats! The seed stitch adds a nice tex­ture to this one. From Lion Brand Yarn (scroll down in post for link to hat pat­tern, free but reg­is­tra­tion required).


Sim­ple yet bold pop­pies to add a styl­ish touch to any jack­et. From Picot Pals.


Oh my good­ness, MUST MAKE! From Make & Do Crew.


Make space for zen. Sim­ple desk zen gar­den from Dwell Beau­ti­ful.


Nev­er heard of show­er melts before, but I think these vapour rub flavour ones would make a good prac­ti­cal gift! Would prob­a­bly be bet­ter used than bath fizzes I think. I for one had­n’t tak­en a bath since I was a kid, always pre­fer show­ers. From The Home­spun Hydrangea.


Macrame can be beau­ti­ful, hip­ster and not hip­pie. Neck­laces from Lia Grif­fith.


Also from Lia Grif­fith, these beau­ti­ful flower rings! I think they would also make gor­geous ear­rings, and no one will be able to tell that they’re made from shrink plastic. 


These fab­ric coil bowls are intrigu­ing, and made from t‑shirts! From We are Scout.


Great alter­na­tive to actu­al birth­day cake, or just for tea par­ty! From Tikki­do.


Looks super fan­cy but the recipe seems sim­ple enough for me to tack­le! And with crois­sants! From Make & Takes.


Hap­py sum­mer craft­ing! :D


this week’s awesome finds

Also nice for lay­er­ing in the fall with a fuzzi­er yarn I think! Beach robe by Two of Wands.


Cheer­ful origa­mi cac­ti, links to dia­gram in Blue­bells Design’s post!


The cutest chairs have paws. Pat­tern from Let’s Knit (email signup required to download).


This is inge­nious! A jel­ly­fish cap for air plant by One Dog Woof.


This cat sweater! Paid pat­tern by Knit Picks.


Looks like a speedy project and super squishy. Bun­ny slip­pers by Per­sia Lou.


Bril­liant egg cozies for sum­mer brunch-time. I love the pom pom flow­ers :) By Twinkie Chan.


For us cat admir­ers who’re aller­gic, the cozi­ness of a cat scarf with­out a real cat! From A Beau­ti­ful Mess.

Hap­py week­end, everyone!


this week’s awesome finds

This fab­u­lous phas­es of the moon shirt, on Rae­gun Ram­blings.


Look at this toasty piz­za blan­ket! From By Jen­ni Designs.


I love the choco­late bun­ny one. Sweet cup­cakes by Can­dy van Sweet on Rav­el­ry, free patterns!


A cool friend point­ed me to these love­ly clouds ^_^ by Gate­and Hand­made Cro­chet.


Anoth­er love­ly design by Crafty Queen. The granny cardi­gan just looks so com­fy <3


I love neg­a­tive spaces filled with strings. The tuto­r­i­al is in French but it’s got won­der­ful self-explana­to­ry pic­tures. From Jesus Sauvage.


I was tempt­ed to buy the faux suc­cu­lents while wan­der­ing in Michaels one day but did­n’t know what to use it for, and now I know! I love that it’s made with an embroi­dery hoop! Check out the min­i­mal­ist air plant ver­sions too. I might just make that and will nev­er kill anoth­er air plant again. From Delia Cre­ates


These are the most fab­u­lous! Looks like I have to get myself to Old Navy again for more flip flops! Yes I already have an open-toe pair that I have not yet have the chance to wear, but one always needs more than one pair of sum­mer shoes. From Make & Do Crew.

So grate­ful for the warm spring weath­er today (final­ly!), hope every­one’s enjoy­ing spring!


this week’s awesome finds

It’s March and win­ter has returned for its (hope­ful­ly) last hur­rah with much snowi­ness and bit­ter winds. So, wel­come to a very cozy episode of awe­some finds! :D

This phone case is inge­nious — you open the case by tak­ing off the hel­met, which is latched onto the but­ton nose when closed! (I don’t think Darth Vad­er would like me using the words “but­ton nose” on him. But there it is, his nose is a but­ton.) Paid pat­tern by Anna Vozi­ka on Rav­el­ry. There’s a Yoda ver­sion too!


I love kimono slip­pers, I think they’re very styl­ish. And these are very easy to knit, I just won­der where one could buy thick wool felt for the soles, if not buy­ing the felt soles from the online store. Maybe an alter­na­tive would be flip flop soles, but that’s less cozy. From Joe’s Toes


A per­fect stash-buster project with styl­ish chevrons. From Dan­de­lion Daze.


A love­ly, squishy stitch that I think would make a nice seat cov­er or a bath mat. Or a clutch with that funky neon yel­low! From Notey / Behooked Cro­chet.


Real­ly like the asym­met­ri­cal stripes on this cardi­gan. It uses thick wool and large nee­dles so it should be a quick make… Can one have too many cardi­gans? From Of Two Wands.



Did you know that sprouts could grow in a jar? Mag­i­cal! This means that win­ter does­n’t stop us from doing some kind of gar­den­ing. Not that I do any kind of gar­den­ing in the spring/summer… But this is prob­a­bly the eas­i­est, low­est main­te­nance, most kid-friend­ly kind of gar­den­ing ever. We bought a sprout­ing jar from Young Urban Farm­ers at a com­mu­ni­ty fair recent­ly, and have already har­vest­ed and enjoyed the adzu­ki sprouts! Unfor­tu­nate­ly they don’t seem to sell the sprout­ing jars online, but here’s a tuto­r­i­al on how to make your own from Pass the Pis­til. The friend­ly urban farmer at the fair did say to buy sprouts from here rather than bulk barn to get bet­ter ger­mi­na­tion rates. I also post about our sprout­ing progress on Insta­gram if you’d like to check it out! :D


Final­ly, you can cheer any­one up and chase the win­ter blahs away with this uni­corn pup­pet made with an origa­mi heart! From Wil­low Day.

Wish­ing every­one a good week filled with sim­ple joys :)