favourite things friday


Fire­flies are such sum­mer­time treats (for the eyes. Don’t wor­ry, I don’t eat them), but I haven’t seen too many around in the city. These fire­fly jars aren’t as amaz­ing as the real thing but they’re pret­ty cool to look at! There isn’t real­ly a how-to for them, but Cur­bly, where I spot­ted them, sug­gests flick­ing glow in the dark paint into mason jars. Or, one could try these from Fru­gal Fam­i­ly Fun, involv­ing bat­tery-pow­ered LED lights.  


I’ve told you that I love head­bands. Haven’t made too many of them though. But this one I will like­ly make soon! Knot­ted head­band tuto­r­i­al from You Seri­ous­ly Made That. Might also make a cool belt! Hmm.


I like jew­el­ry made of old cut­lery and I’ve always want­ed to buy them when I see them in the shops (but I could nev­er afford them :S). I would buy them because I thought it involves heavy machin­ery to bend/shape/form met­al cut­lery, some­thing that I can’t make at home. But appar­ent­ly there is a way to make them with just a good ol’ ham­mer and pli­ers, like in this tuto­r­i­al of a spoon pen­dent by Busi­ly Spin­ning Mom­ma! 


This is so sim­ple, but it made me laugh! A pock­et-size pup­pet for those long bus rides or doc­tor’s wait­ing room, per­haps? Goo­gly eye hand pup­pet from Make and Takes.


This, my friends, is a way to screen print with­out a screen! Bril­liant! Just an embroi­dery hoop, some mesh/sheer mate­r­i­al, and Mod Podge! How-to on Craft­gr­rl (via 52 Crafts in 52 Weeks).


I’ve nev­er made soap but always been intrigued by the process. I like the ones that come embed­ded with a rub­ber ducky or oth­er small toys. But a sheet of print­ed trans­paren­cy would also make a sophis­ti­cat­ed and styl­ish embed­ding option — makes a love­ly wed­ding favour or Christ­mas gift! How-to on Ruf­fled.


A very sculp­tur­al pen­dent made com­plete­ly with can­dy wrap­pers. I love recy­cled crafts :D From Michele Made Me.


Always won­dered how this gra­di­ent is achieved — now an easy-to-under­stand tuto­r­i­al! (I think the stripes on the shirt helps a lot) From Cot­ton & Curls.


In our small apart­ment, a table­top iron­ing board would be handy, so when­ev­er I’m work­ing on a sewing project I don’t have to haul out the iron­ing board that takes up half the liv­ing room (OK, I’m exag­ger­at­ing a bit…). Last time we went to Ikea I was look­ing at the loose shelf boards in the as-is sec­tion and I won­dered if I could make an iron­ing board with a tow­el wrapped around the board or some­thing… and then a cou­ple of days lat­er I came across this tuto­r­i­al :D From Lil Blue Boo.


These ice cream cone charms look so much fun to make, with sharp­ened wood­en dow­els and caulk­ing! Not to men­tion that they’re so very cute. From Paper Plate and Plane.


I’ve made felt­ed mush­rooms for my ter­rar­i­ums before (my first posts of this blog, actu­al­ly! :D), but I just kind of free-formed them. But here’s a detailed tuto­r­i­al! From The Mag­ic Onion.


Hand­made poly­mer clay that dries very hard with­out bak­ing, involv­ing white glue, corn­starch, lemon juice and oth­er house­hold mate­ri­als! Sounds amaz­ing, because those Fimo clay is expen­sive! Must try this some­times. Recipe on The NewNew Blog. 


Also from The NewNew Blog, reversible fab­ric scrap pen­dents! Very quaint. 


These were made from pop­si­cle sticks! When I think of bend­ing a pop­si­cle stick I can only pic­ture it snap­ping. Head over to Suzy’s Art­sy Craft­sy Sit­com to see how they’re formed to fit the wrist :D


When my watch strap was falling apart last year I thought about cro­chet­ing a replace­ment, but then we went to Hong Kong and I had it replaced in a lit­tle booth on the street. This would be great inspi­ra­tion for cro­chet­ing my next watch strap! From Kootoy­oo.


I’d love, love, love to have this suc­cu­lent cof­fee table in my home one day (made from ship­ping crates!). Not some­thing I can make because I’m not handy like that, so I guess I can only dream… or per­haps make up oth­er ways to make it :D Def­i­nite­ly great inspi­ra­tion, from Far Out Flo­ra. (Also check out this even big­ger project, the suc­cu­lent din­ing table, made from ship­ping pallets!)


More junk into trea­sure — this is just mes­mer­iz­ing. Made with fus­ing plas­tic bags togeth­er. More pho­tos on Cur­bly.


Final­ly, a great list from Real Sim­ple (one of my favourite mag­a­zines :D) of sum­mer­time new uses for old things. My favourite is the colan­der ice buck­et and old show­er cur­tain as pic­nic blan­ket lin­er (I’d prob­a­bly ditch the blan­ket and just sit on the show­er cur­tain though). And I did­n’t know that tea bag is a bug bite soother! 

Hope you’re enjoy­ing the sun­shine and super warm weath­er of sum­mer! Hap­py week­end! :D


chasing after the sunny spot

Now I know how cats feel.

Ever since I saw this fab­ric sun print idea I’ve always want­ed to try it. I have no idea why or how it works with­out light sen­si­tive paper (just fab­ric and fab­ric paint!), it all seems real­ly mag­i­cal to me, so I real­ly want to see if it real­ly works!

Final­ly a real­ly sun­ny day came upon us and I grasp the oppor­tu­ni­ty :D We have a west-fac­ing bal­cony and only get direct sun­light on it in the late after­noon. And it’s only a strip of sun­light because of the bal­cony rail­ing. I used can­vas and some watered down screen print­ing ink for fab­ric, because that’s what I have.

It was also real­ly windy, so I placed stones on the leaves to keep them from being blown away. Then I thought maybe stones will make good pat­terns too, so I laid them on the wet can­vas as well.

It’s like paint­ings that make them­selves! I only had to wait two hours for them to sit in the sun. And go out 4–5 times to move the card­board with all the can­vas­es on it because the strip of sun­light was shift­ing (more quick­ly than I thought!).

And final­ly, here are the results! :D These are the two that came out a bit more clear. The edges of the leaves kept flap­ping about because it was so windy (and it’s always windy up where we are) and so it did­n’t make a good sol­id imprint. And because I used dried, pressed leaves, which did­n’t stick to the wet can­vas. I think next time I’ll try to find fresh leaves for this.


These two turned out less clear so I lat­er paint­ed some­thing on top of it. But here they are :D


After those prints were done the sun­light was com­ing into the apart­ment with the bal­cony door open, so I tried to do anoth­er print with a thin­ner kind of leaf. They stuck to the wet paint and lied per­fect­ly flat on the can­vas so I was expect­ing real­ly good prints…


But the sun was only there for an hour and a half, before the print was done. But the sil­hou­ettes of the leaves are still faint­ly vis­i­ble. Kind of ghost­ly. There’s some­thing I real­ly like about that, enough to make me save the image and not recy­cle the canvas.


The two red/orange ones that did­n’t come out clear­ly I did recy­cle. They turned into these…



I was try­ing to see if mask­ing flu­id would work on raw can­vas. I’ve only ever used it on paper, which is what it’s meant for. So! The ver­dict? It’s a no. Mask­ing flu­id does NOT come off of raw can­vas. It came off of these paint­ings because they had a thin coat of screen print­ing ink on them to start with, but still, it took me a long time to rub (and some­times scrape) off the dried mask­ing flu­id, which left my index fin­ger­tip raw and dyed blue and its nail bro­ken. But it’s worth the effort, I think! Because the colours turned out great :D (and bro­ken nail grows out in a few short days)

Mask­ing flu­id, how­ev­er, works like a dream on primed can­vas. More on that lat­er! :D

Hap­py Thursday! 

self, with red



One day I woke up with this idea for a self-por­trait, on raw can­vas, with pen­cil, and a sol­id red back­ground. It was so clear in my head. And I just sat down and did it.

Why red? I have no idea. Like I said, it was just this idea that sud­den­ly came into my head. Per­haps I had a dream the night before involv­ing the colour red, but I don’t remember.

I think I look kind of afraid or con­cerned in the pic­ture, which, appar­ent­ly, is often how I look to oth­er peo­ple. Peo­ple would come up to me and say:

“you look real­ly con­cerned — don’t worry!”

“Are you ner­vous? You look real­ly nervous.”

“Are you OK? You look worried.”

Then I would think to myself, am I wor­ried? I don’t feel wor­ried. Should I be worried?


Before this, mak­ing art feels some­what like an oblig­a­tion. I should make more art, since I grad­u­at­ed from art school and all. And I do enjoy the process once I get start­ed. But then art school was what gave me the idea that what I make will nev­er be con­sid­ered art.

To my care­ful­ly sol­dered then paint­ed glass pieces from bro­ken bot­tles, my teacher said, “that’s real­ly med­i­ta­tive and all, but I’m look­ing for more ideas, and I’m disappointed.”

So I test­ed out more ideas. I could­n’t find more glass to break at the moment, so I sketched on acetate. To that, a fel­low class­mate said dur­ing a cri­tique, “I don’t care for these straight-out-of-the-tube colours and stuff.“ 

And my teacher’s rea­sons for deduct­ing marks on my final artist statement/thesis, “it’s well-writ­ten, but you should have ref­er­enced more artists who’ve done sim­i­lar things as you, like so-and-so, or so-and-so.”

Yes, I need accom­plished artists to val­i­date what I make, because just on their own my art and my sto­ries behind them aren’t good enough. I need to name-drop, that’s what it is.

Well, I don’t know how to name-drop. I only know what I like. I like to make things, but if that’s what the “art world” is like then I don’t like it and I don’t want to be part of it. So I still paint, less often than I’d like, because it remains a strug­gle, with the above com­ments plus many more com­ing back to me with every line and every brush­stroke I make.

Maybe it’s true. I’m just not good enough to be an artist. And I don’t han­dle crit­i­cism very well. I know that about myself. I’m work­ing on that.

(Now, that is not to say that I don’t enjoy any of the art school expe­ri­ence. There’re still lots of good mem­o­ries and many valu­able lessons learned. I met many good friends with whom I’m still in con­tact. And I met Mike. So I will always be thank­ful for those years.)

Then recent­ly, through one of the blogs I read I came across the work of Bar­bara Cole, a Toron­to-based, self-taught photographer. I was imme­di­ate­ly drawn to the watery, painter­ly qual­i­ty of her pho­tographs. Then I looked through her Toron­to Series and read the artist’s state­ment. And I cried. I was so moved. It was so hon­est­ly writ­ten. So plain, so unpre­ten­tious, and so beautiful. 

Some­how, read­ing that, made it OK to paint again. It was strange. But it was after read­ing that one state­ment that I paint­ed the self-por­trait. I mean, I did­n’t make up excus­es or find oth­er things to do or put it off, I just went and paint­ed it. 

Ide­al­ly, I would like it to be hung a bit away from the wall, so the fringed edges of the can­vas cast a fringed shadow.


I stuck it on the ther­mo­stat to take the pho­to but I can’t leave it there per­ma­nent­ly so the paint­ing is stored between books on the book­shelf now. But I had some fun with it before putting it away :D

Should’ve stuck my hand out to take the pic­ture… oh well.

So, is it art? Absolute­ly. But only recent­ly have I come to that con­clu­sion. I run art groups some­times, and I always tell the par­tic­i­pants that any­one can make art and every­one is cre­ative in their own ways. So why can’t I believe that about myself? 

I real­ize that this post is less than cheer­ful, which is unusu­al, so thank you for bear­ing with me! It’s just one of those days. But at the end of the day I’m hap­py about what I made and I will find ways to do better.





weekend wonders

The past two week­ends have been quite won­der­ful. I did­n’t have a chance to post those week­end pic­tures here last week, so here they all are! :D

Last week­end we took a long over­due trip to Ikea, had their fab­u­lous meat­ball com­bo and Swedish dessert sam­pler and of course lin­gonber­ry juice :D


And at Ikea I got a large jar of Per­ler beads! I thought my heart was going to burst when I opened it and saw all the colours spilling out. Must be a mil­lion of them in there — filled to the brim with hap­pi­ness :D


My first project was a Nyan Cat. I real­ized that if I copied the pix­els exact­ly it would turn out huge (5.5″ across, appar­ent­ly, like this awe­some ren­di­tion). I did­n’t even have a large enough board to make the full-size Nyan Cat, so I sim­pli­fied it a bit. And the jar of beads also did­n’t have grey (for the cat) or tan (for the Pop­tart). But that’s OK. My Nyan Cat would be lilac-coloured and the Pop­tart pas­try would have to be yel­low. And here it is fly­ing across the screen with the rain­bow trail…


Fig­ured out anoth­er way to wear my cro­chet tea rose — on a belt! My belt had a met­al buck­le and the flower had a safe­ty pin on the back, so the flower was held to the belt buck­le with a cou­ple of mag­nets in between. I think it looked alright. 


Over the past week I’ve been exper­i­ment­ing with dress­mak­ing (I’m hop­ing to replace old rat­ty t‑shirts with clothes I make). So far I’ve made myself this blouse with some fab­ric I found in my mom’s fab­ric bin. It must be from Hong Kong. It’s not exact­ly pol­ka dots, because the white dots are kind of ovals. Mike and I both think that they look like grains of rice. (More on the mak­ing of this top lat­er!) I wore this flower pin on my belt with it. I asked Mike to take a pho­to while we were watch­ing the sun­set on the deck at top of our build­ing :D


And I save the best for last — my new niece was born on Wednes­day! Her name is Lucy :D We saw her for the first time this past week­end. She’s so precious…

Wish­ing you a week full of won­ders! :D

sunday video — angry birds live!


Mike down­loaded Angry Birds on his phone and I’ve been play­ing it a lot this week­end. My first time play­ing the game was at the doc­tor’s office; it was going to be a long wait and I for­got my book. Then I was hooked — absolute­ly hooked and total­ly under­stand why every­one’s mak­ing angry bird plush and (playable!) angry bird cake and angry bird cro­chet pat­terns! And here’s an awe­some video of angry birds LIVE! XD



It’s not just for the iphones — it’s a free Chrome app too, so I can play it on my com­put­er when Mike’s out with his phone. Yikes. I’m going to get a lot done these days… now if you would excuse me, I’m going back to fig­ure out how to beat this new level!

Have a great Sun­day, every­one! :D 


favourite things friday


I quite like this idea, maybe for putting togeth­er a series of small prints, or a book in a box. From Martha Stew­art Liv­ing.


 This reminds me of those fun mag­net­ic fridge poet­ry sets, except more poet­ic, with the imagery of a riv­er. From Made by Joel.


Any idea? You, too, can eas­i­ly make a maze rug! Check out this post on Cur­bly!


Dou­ble-sided fab­ric head­band! That’s like, two head­bands in one to match dif­fer­ent out­fits! Fab­u­lous :D How-to on Hap­py Togeth­er.


I love the look of this head­band too, like a crown of lau­rels. Knit­ting pat­tern from the awe­some Sweat­shop of Love.


More head­bands! I do like head­bands, they go well with my bangs. And I’m seri­ous­ly con­sid­er­ing mak­ing one of these. Now I just have to find myself a nice colour t‑shirt. Very detailed instruc­tions on Make It and Love It.


I’ve seen plen­ty of pil­low­case skirts and tops, but nev­er seen a full-length dress made of a bed sheet! The key, of course, is to make it so that it does­n’t look like one is walk­ing around draped in a bed sheet. I’ve often con­tem­plat­ed mak­ing a pil­low­case top but wor­ry that every­one would be able to tell right away that I’m wear­ing a pil­low­case… any­way, I digress. But this dress is AMAZING! The pat­tern on the vin­tage sheet is gor­geous. Read more on the mak­ing of the dress on Run­ning with Scis­sors.


More foam tray print­ing good­ness. I’ve attempt­ed this method before, it’s so much fun I should do more of this. Sty­ro­foam tray sta­tion­ary tuto­r­i­al from Smooth­peb­ble.


I’ve attempt­ed these before too! For a project in print­mak­ing class. I drew the design on trans­paren­cies with a hot glue gun :D was fun but the “stamps” were wonky and a bit annoy­ing to han­dle. These stamps from the tuto­r­i­al on Craft are made with clear sil­i­con caulk­ing on Plex­i­glass — I’m sure it’s much stur­dier and eas­i­er to use!


Very styl­ish bath mat! I love the sim­ple knit cable design. Tuto­r­i­al from A Com­mon Thread.


Love­ly fab­ric lanterns, mold­ed on bal­loons and jar lids and stiff­ened with white glue. Bril­liant idea. From Make Grow Gath­er.


Can’t believe how easy it is to make scratch-off paint! Just metal­lic acrylic paint mixed with dish soap! Martha’s tuto­r­i­al is for a wed­ding save-the-date card, but this could total­ly be a fun par­ty game or some­thing. Or greet­ing cards. Or just make scratch-off cards for fun!


Also bril­liant are these mason jar sip­py cups — so much more styl­ish than the plas­tic ones. And yay to no spillage! (Prob­a­bly not for tod­dlers though, I think, as they are glass) Actu­al­ly, I would total­ly use one of those — yay to no bugs falling into my drinks at out­door bar­be­ques! How-to on A Bit of Sun­shine.


I love how sim­ple this is — just pineap­ple, banana, coconut milk, and ice! Can’t wait to get some coconut milk and try it :D Recipe on Make and Takes.


I’ve men­tioned how much I love the idea of cup­cake in a jar — here’s a red vel­vet ver­sion! Mmm cream cheese frost­ing… From Not Martha.


Sim­ply awe­some way to orga­nize desk! Via How About Orange.


Every­thing about this is so beau­ti­ful. I espe­cial­ly love the tiny switch. Book lamps were avail­able for pur­chase at this Etsy shop but now it’s sold (not that I could afford it any­way. I can only admire them with my eyes). (via Inspire Me Now)


Much more afford­able (and makes me equal­ly hap­py) is this pan­da mug set! :D Isn’t he clever? (not that I will spend the mon­ey. I will be con­tent just hug­ging it with my eyes). From Mod Cloth (also via Inspire Me Now).

Hap­py Fri­day, every­one! :D



mobile casey and stripy jack

Mobile Casey and Stripy Jack are mobile phone cas­es or jack­ets. I ini­tial­ly made Casey (right) as a birth­day present for Mike. I worked on him on the sub­way and on my lunch break at work so Mike would­n’t know. He’s a big fan of the Ugly Dolls, so Casey and Jack are kind of like fan art, I guess. Mike loved a cell­phone-eat­ing mon­ster but it was a bit too snug for his iphone, so I end­ed up remak­ing the design and cre­at­ed Stripy Jack (left), who fits the iphone perfectly.

Casey, how­ev­er, fits my phone per­fect­ly. And I have a real­ly basic phone that is 1 3/4″ wide, 4 1/4″ tall, and 5/8″ thick. So the small­er pat­tern may fit a phone with sim­i­lar dimensions.


Mike want­ed the top part to be able to flip back completely…

so he can use it like a sleeve, plug in his ear­phones, and put it into his pock­et. So Casey and Jack were designed around that idea.

To make your own mobile phone-eat­ing mon­ster, you’ll need some worsted weight yarn (I used acrylic because it’s nice and durable) and a 3.75mm hook. And a bit of felt and sewing nee­dle and thread for eyes and teeth.

It’s real­ly rather straight­for­ward and size is eas­i­ly adjustable.

For Casey (the small­er monster):

Row 1: ch 15, 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in each ch across, turn.

Row 2: ch 1 (does not count as 1 sc), sc in each sc across, turn.

Repeat row 2 until piece mea­sures 11 inch­es, fas­ten off.


Fold the bot­tom short end up to the 7th or 8th row down from the top, like so…

Fold the top 7 or 8 rows down, like so…

Secure the folds with pins and cro­chet the two long sides togeth­er. In the top part where there are three lay­ers of fab­ric stacked togeth­er, cro­chet through all three layers.

(You can also sew the sides togeth­er, but I find cro­chet­ing cre­ates a more stur­dy seam. With sewing, you may want to con­sid­er revers­ing the folds i.e. fold­ing the top down first, then fold the bot­tom part up, and then turn the work right side out when finished.)

Cut out teeth from felt and decide on place­ment. It’s best done with the phone in it, so you can see how much the top of the teeth and the front flap need to over­lap (I did­n’t have the phone in mine but it worked out).

Sew teeth to the piece behind the front flap, and eyes to the front flap.

Because when the front flap flip back­ward it will leave the stitch­es behind the eyes exposed, here’s a way to hide the sewing stitch­es behind the cro­chet stitch­es (the tuto­r­i­al is for sewing a lin­ing to a cro­chet bag, but I hope it helps!). And here we have it, Mobile Casey! :D He looks con­cerned for some rea­sons… hmm.

Now for Jack (the larg­er iphone-eat­ing monster):

Row 1: ch 17, 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in each ch across, turn.

Row 2: ch 1 (does not count as 1 sc), sc in each sc across, turn.

Repeat row 2 until piece mea­sures 12 inch­es, don’t fas­ten off.

Jack needs more head room so it can be flipped back­ward more eas­i­ly, so it needs short rows on either side of his head, as follows:

Row 3: With hook and yarn still attached to one cor­ner, ch 1, sc even­ly down the long side, turn,

Row 4: ch 1, 1 sc in each of next 8 sc. Fas­ten off.

Row 5: Attach yarn to cor­ner diag­o­nal from begin­ning of Row 4, ch 1, sc even­ly down the oth­er long side, turn.

Row 6: ch 1, 1 sc in each of next 8 sc, fas­ten off.

When the side rows and short rows are com­plete it will look like this:


Fold the bot­tom short end up to the bot­tom of short rows, like so…

Fold the top down, like so…

Secure all lay­ers with pins and cro­chet the long sides togeth­er. Sew on eyes and teeth. And here’s Stripy Jack! :D

Enjoy­ing an after­noon snack…


Pret­ty easy, eh? Feel free to drop me a note if you have any questions!

Hap­py Thurs­day! :D




shirt dyeing — round two!

I won’t give up on you, cot­ton shirt, no I won’t!

After fail­ing to dye this cot­ton shirt pink with beets last time, I thought of anoth­er dye­ing method I’ve been dying to try (yes, pun intended).

Sharpies! :D

I first saw this Sharpie dye­ing idea here, and then I came across anoth­er one here. I did­n’t have coloured Sharpies though, nor do I have an eye­drop­per. But I fig­ure I’ll just use my black Sharpies, and a paint­brush would do.

Aside from get­ting a slight headache from the alco­hol fume after­ward, I’m rather hap­py with the result :D


And the back…


And a close-up of the sharpie circles…


The white tunic was made from an extra large men’s t‑shirt. I can’t tell you how I made it though, because it’s kind of free-formed :S I cut off too much from the sides ini­tial­ly and had to sew on strips of fab­ric to each side after­wards. It’s not sym­met­ri­cal at all, but it fits!

To get rid of the Sharpie smell I put it in the wash with dark cloth­ing (and socks. We — OK, I — fig­ure they’re old socks so it would­n’t mat­ter too much, and it’s time Mike gets some new socks any­way), and it did­n’t fade! :D Just stained the white areas in a few spots on the same shirt, but it did­n’t stain the white socks that we had in the same load of laundry.

Dye­ing with Sharpies is new to me but I lat­er found out that it isn’t such a nov­el­ty, there are tons of tuto­ri­als and videos on it! Here’s a video on dye­ing a scarf with a wavy-stripe pat­tern. Very water­colour-like, which I like. Might have to try that when I get some coloured Sharpies!

On a relat­ed note, beets did­n’t quite work for me but my sis­ter-in-law com­ment­ed that red wine might work, though it would make a ridicu­lous­ly expen­sive dye. But then I thought, isn’t wine just fer­ment­ed grape juice? What about grape juice? Appar­ent­ly it works well! I found this tuto­r­i­al for t‑shirts here, and for yarn here. Will have to try that too!

Thank you for vis­it­ing and stay tuned for more exper­i­ments! Hap­py Wednes­day! :D




beet love



It was Mike’s birth­day a cou­ple of weeks ago, and I want­ed to bake him a cake. After see­ing the beet cake video by Tiger in a Jar I thought, why not? I’ll make a beet cake! :D

And after read­ing this post about tie-dye­ing with stuff in the kitchen, there was no way I was going to just pour all that beet water down the drain — I’ll dye stuff with it, while I bake the cake! :D

So we got the largest bunch of beets in the gro­cery store (they were sold by the bunch, not by weight).


They had beau­ti­ful­ly ruf­fled leaves with red veins.


I cut and boiled the beets in a large pot. Even threw in the stems, because they looked real­ly red.


I boiled the beets for a long time — prob­a­bly too long — so I could get as much colour out as pos­si­ble. But that was prob­a­bly why the cake in the end did­n’t taste much like beets :P After tak­ing the beets out I threw in a tied white cot­ton shirt and went on with the baking.


It called for bak­ing choco­late but I for­got to buy it. But we had choco­late coins! :D So I used those instead.


The cake bat­ter was SO pink!


While the cake was bak­ing, I took out the shirt and let it dry on the cloth­ing rack. I was pret­ty hap­py with the shade of pink. I also added a bit of cot­ton yarn to the dye bath half way through.


Ta-da! The cake was done! :D


Hap­py birth­day, Mike! :D He liked the cake. I think it tast­ed good, kind of like car­rot cake. Just a bit dis­ap­point­ed that it was­n’t pink inside, and the bits of beets had turned into a shade close to that of raisins.


The recipe yield­ed quite a large cake. It stood pret­ty tall in a 9″ round pan. I prob­a­bly could have made a small­er round cake and a loaf. We brought half to church the next day, and spent the next two evenings eat­ing beet cake for dessert. It was good though!

The yarn turned out with beau­ti­ful shades of pink after it dried.


And with it I cro­cheted a free-form heart.


The shirt, though, fad­ed a lot as it dried. So I dyed it again (I saved the beet water in the fridge after the ini­tial dye­ing, just in case I find oth­er things to dye in the next cou­ple of days), added vine­gar to it this time (because I read some­where that it helps to fix the colour in the fab­ric) so the whole shirt smelled like pick­led beets. The colour was more intense the sec­ond time. And I ironed it as it was dry­ing (because I read some­where that it also helps to set the colour). And then I put it in the wash because I could­n’t pos­si­bly wear a shirt that smelled like pick­led beets. And when it came out, all the colours had fad­ed to a yel­lowed old shirt colour :(


There’s no way I’m going to rinse the dyed yarn then. And the yarn does­n’t smell as much like pick­led beets.

Well, I was hop­ing to dye fab­ric with­out spe­cial dye agents or fix­a­tives but it looks like the colour would­n’t stay oth­er­wise. Or per­haps I did­n’t do it right… any­way, it was a fun exper­i­ment and I can always use the shirt for some oth­er dye­ing experiments ;)

Have a great start to the week, everyone!