letting go week 4: puss in boots

jan29 puss in boots


This week I’m let­ting go of a Puss in Boots fig­urine that I got from a Hap­py Meal. I was just going to sim­ply add to the orange mark­er draw­ing some black water­colour boots, but then I got a lit­tle car­ried away with the colouring.

Oth­er items this week: An egg-shaped stress ball, a small ceram­ic mask wall dec­o­ra­tion, a cou­ple of Kinder egg toys, an unopened PEZ with Nemo on it, and a whoopee cushion.

And if you did­n’t know already, I’m hav­ing a give­away of the Giraffe neck­warmer as part of the let­ting go project. See this post to enter by Fri­day :D

Have an awe­some Wednes­day, everyone!



giraffe giveaway! :D

giraffe 1


 Giraffe the neck warmer is one of the things that I was let­ting go of from my last post.

I made it for a craft show a few years back, it’s been sit­ting in my “poten­tial sale items” bin since then. 

giraffe 2


It’s cro­cheted with a fuzzy brown yarn like this and a soft yel­low acrylic yarn, with two large white but­tons for closure.

This is how it looks on a neck…

giraffe 3


Very warm. A cus­tomer who bought a sim­i­lar neck warmer from me said it was good for bike-rid­ing in cold weather.

So if you are inter­est­ed in giv­ing Giraffe the neck warmer a home, please leave a com­ment in this post before mid­night on Fri­day Feb­ru­ary 1st. The win­ner will be select­ed using a ran­dom num­ber gen­er­a­tor and I will post the result on Sat­ur­day, Feb­ru­ary 2nd.

Friends and vis­i­tors from far and wide are wel­come to enter, I will send it any­where :D


Have a sweet weekend! 




letting go week 3: crocheted sushi

oh my good­ness every­body! Haven’t been around here for a long time! A lot’s been going on, but I final­ly made it — I found five things that I’m let­ting go of this week. Here’s one of them…

jan23 crochet sushi


 It’s a set of cro­cheted sushi I gave to Mike years ago, might have been before we even start­ed dat­ing. They’ve come back to my pos­ses­sion after we were mar­ried, and they have been sit­ting in a cor­ner col­lect­ing tons and tons of dust. They weren’t very well-made (the hook I used was too big and I used most­ly dou­ble cro­chet stitch­es rather than sin­gle cro­chet, so they’re a bit wob­bly), and I’ve since made lots of things for Mike that are in bet­ter shape (like ground­hog, young krak­en, peas, and donut, just to name a few). It’s hard throw­ing out things with a lot of fond mem­o­ries attached to them, but let­ting go makes space for new things. 

Oth­er items:

A pouffy wine-colour skirt, a pair of slip­pers I nev­er wore, a cro­chet lace hat, and a very spe­cial cro­chet neck warmer called Giraffe.

Giraffe the neck warmer is very spe­cial because I’m going to give it away on this blog! :D I still have to take bet­ter pho­tos of it, more details to come soon!


Until then, be sure to check out Mike’s post this week in the par­al­lel blogiverse!

Take care, everyone!




letting go week 2: books

jan14 books


Looks a bit like a sail­boat, but it is in fact a stack of five books, includ­ing a few craft books. All of them were giv­en to me, so now I’m going to give them away to oth­ers who might enjoy them :)

Be sure to check out Mike’s post this week in his par­al­lel blo­gi­verse*, Project Brew­ster.

To read the back­ground sto­ry of my Let­ting Go project (i.e. why the messy, form­less draw­ing?), see the first post here.

Have a great Tuesday!



*Any­one here a Fringe fan? :D



this week’s awesome finds

 Über cute cross stitch heart sweater from Über Chic for Cheap!


 It’s a lla­ma! Or Alpaca? Not sure what the dif­fer­ence are, but they’re both awe­some :D So is this plas­tic ani­mal pin cush­ion from Small Good Things.


 Impres­sive drag­on scarfs point­ed out to me by the awe­some Amy :D For sale on Rav­el­ry.


 Moomin! I used to watch Moomin car­toons when I was a kid. Real­ly enjoyed the calm­ness and peace­ful­ness of it. Cro­chet pat­tern from Samigu­ru­mi.


 A dif­fer­ent way to stamp! I won­der if it would work with just a sponge with some paint on it. From Tal­ly’s Trea­sury.


 I’ve been see­ing this around the web a lot. I kept think­ing it was some kind of joke, until one day I got curi­ous and clicked on a link to the tuto­r­i­al — one CAN mail a piece of cake! What fun would it be to find a piece of cake in the mail­box? What fun would it be for the post­man to put a piece of cake in the mail­box? Spread the sweet­ness! :D


 These seat cov­ers look like clouds. With a whop­ping 20mm hook and mere­ly 3 rounds of cro­chet! From Pick­les.


 Sim­ply the cutest cup­cake top­pers, from Oh Hap­py Day.


 I’d love to make this for a friend who loves to make mac­arons (and they’re super deli­cious too!). From Craft Pas­sion.


 Love­ly granny hat from Revving It Up.


 Also real­ly like this sim­ple and very cozy-look­ing garter stitch hat. From Jane Elli­son.


 I mar­vel at super real­is­tic minia­ture food things but rarely do I find such detailed tuto­ri­als for it! This is fas­ci­nat­ing — cook­ie charms, also spot­ted on Craft Pas­sion.


Have an awe­some week­end! :D



a project of letting go

Check out Mike’s new blog, Project Brew­ster! :D

It’s a bril­liant project of de-clut­ter­ing. His goal is to give away, donate, recy­cle, or throw out five things a week for a year.

In the mean time, I was also look­ing for a reg­u­lar art exer­cise for the new year (sim­i­lar to the square-a-day project, but less time con­sum­ing). Inspired by Mike’s project, I fig­ure I could do the same de-clut­ter­ing thing, and in the end we’ll have a much less clut­tered liv­ing space! :D 

The slight dif­fer­ence in my project is that instead of tak­ing a pho­to of one of the things I’m giv­ing away/donating/recycling/throwing out each week, I’m mak­ing a blind con­tour sketch of it. So it’s a project of let­ting go of things and a way of prac­tic­ing let­ting go of per­fec­tion­ism at the same time. And because I rarely draw. I think I’ll learn much from the art prac­tice itself.

Week 1: green (turned brown­ish) sneakers

jan7 shoesI bought these shoes on sale for $10 when I was 17. I’ve only recent­ly stopped wear­ing them because there are holes in the soles. They’re the old­est pair of shoes I have.

Oth­er items this week: More shoes with holes in them, and a few pairs that felt fine at the store but kind of tor­tured my feet when I start­ed wear­ing them. Par­tic­u­lar­ly, a pair of pink bal­let flats I wore at our wed­ding. They start­ed cut­ting into my heels when I wore them sev­er­al years lat­er and now had blood stain in them :S so they had to go :( That’s okay though, I have plen­ty of pho­tos of me wear­ing them at the wedding :)


Have a great start to the week!




the travelling donut


Part of my Christ­mas present for Mike this year is a knit­ted tiny donut from a Mochi­mochi Land pat­tern. Because it looks a lot like the donut in the Excel gum com­mer­cial (I can’t find a bet­ter qual­i­ty video of it, but this ver­sion of the gum com­mer­cial is extra spe­cial because it was filmed at Dupont sub­way sta­tion in Toron­to, which is also one of Mike’s favourite sub­way sta­tion, fea­tur­ing two large glass tile mosaics of giant flow­ers :D) and Mike real­ly likes that donut. 

Close to Christ­mas we got into a con­ver­sa­tion about sprin­kles, and Mike men­tioned that metal­lic sprin­kles are his favourite, so I added sil­very beads to the donut.

I got a lot of help from my friend, who is a very skilled knit­ter and very patient. It took three hours alto­geth­er for a pat­tern that con­sists of 13 rows of knit­ting, which is kind of aston­ish­ing for me since I’m used to cro­chet­ing. The donut is espe­cial­ly chal­leng­ing for me because it’s tiny and involves knit­ting in the round!

So you can prob­a­bly see huge gaps between stitch­es where the nee­dles join, but I’m still hap­py with my first attempt of tiny knit in the round :D

And the most impor­tant thing is that Mike loves it :D

He car­ried it in his coat when we vis­it­ed fam­i­lies over the holidays…

The first night we arrived in Mike’s home­town, there was a lot of snow.

donut travel 1


The next morn­ing, there was even more snow.

donut travel 4


Then we went on a bus toward my fam­i­ly’s home…

donut travel 3


First dim sum gath­er­ing with the extend­ed family…

donut travel 2


Sec­ond dim sum gath­er­ing with the extend­ed family…

donut travel 5


It’s kind of hilar­i­ous how it always looks surprised.

Donut still liv­ing in Mike’s coat pock­et at the moment. He’s not sure whether he wants to keep it at work or at home. Maybe he’ll take more pho­tos for the trav­el­ling donut posts! 

Hap­py trav­els, wher­ev­er you go! :D





holiday crafting

walnut 1


Wal­nut orna­ments for a friend :D I saw this real­ly cute wal­nut orna­ment from this blog about mak­ing minia­tures, so I had to give it a try. Plus Mike and I were going to make this mixed-nut cin­na­mon sug­ar cran­ber­ry top­ping (for yogurt, ice cream, oat­meal, etc.) to give away as gifts. It took sev­er­al days to crack the bag of wal­nuts, and only 10 or so split open per­fect­ly, but I was real­ly hap­py with how the orna­ments turned out :D

Here’s the side of it, so you can see how I attacked the yarn loop. I just glued it on with hot glue.

walnut 3


And I must make the yarn bas­ket because my friend is a very tal­ent­ed knit­ter and has helped me with quite a few knit­ting projects! :D

walnut 2


This is a request from my 7 year-old cousin, who want­ed a pink stripy cat. It’s mod­i­fied from this tiny bun­ny pat­tern. She lat­er told me that she named the cat Rain­bow Uni­corn Spiky. Here Rain­bow the cat is sit­ting with Kat Sue the felt­ed cat a friend bought from the awe­some Fel­pa Felt last year.

new cat


Hip­ster bibs for my niece and nephew! I used the pat­tern from This Young Mama. For­got to take a pic­ture of the back but it’s actu­al­ly lined with tow­els, with snaps for clo­sure. My favourite is the one with the chick­en on it. Though when I print­ed out the pat­tern I thought it looked too big, so I reduced the size a bit and it turned out look­ing a bit small on the kids. Oh well. They still looked quite cute on them and I hope they would still be use­ful for a while…

hipster bibs


I just liked how the pat­terns and colours looked togeth­er with these projects so I took a pho­to before pack­ag­ing it for mail­ing. They were going to a friend and her mom. The green ones are actu­al­ly socks made from this pat­tern, and the pink is a (knit­ted!) hat from this pat­tern. I’m kind of afraid of knit­ting in cir­cle, and I left it until a cou­ple of days before the par­cel-mail­ing dead­line :S So the pat­tern was per­fect because it was knit­ted flat and seamed, and it’s made with a chunky yarn so it’s super quick. 

head to toe


A Christ­mas pick­le! I thought my friend would like the sto­ry that goes with it. Made with pat­tern from Fresh Stitch­es.

Christmas pickle


Gin­ger­bread man pins! Made from Twinkie Chan’s cheer­ful cro­chet book :D I made four, but only remem­bered to take a pho­to after wrap­ping up two of them. The idea was inspired by my sis­ter-in-law, who has been wear­ing the gin­ger­bread man pin I gave her for the past few years despite the fact that it was­n’t very well-con­struct­ed and was all curl­ing up and stretched out of shape. So I was deter­mined to make her a new and improved one. It’s actu­al­ly a real­ly great pat­tern so I decid­ed to make more for my sis­ter and cousins :D

gingerbread peeps


Cup­cake hats! Also from Twinkie Chan’s book. I made them small­er with a small­er hook and thin­ner yarn for my two baby first-cousins-once-removed (in Chi­nese they would just call me a cousin-aunt). This pat­tern is real­ly fun to make as well, would­n’t mind mak­ing sev­er­al more… who wants a cup­cake hat? :D oooh, and I made the pom­pom cher­ries with a fork! That’s lots of fun too.

cupcake hats


I think I’m more excit­ed about mak­ing presents than receiv­ing presents, because it gives me more rea­sons to make things.

The present that was the most chal­leng­ing to make deserves a post of its own, so I will share that with you lat­er! :D

Have a hap­py Wednesday!