yarncrafting resolution

Here’s a list of projects that I’d like to work on in 2012 :D


Been want­i­ng to try weav­ing for a long time. I want to try my hands on it so maybe I can do this with groups :D (instruc­tion from Full Cir­cle)


This trilo­bite is call­ing my name… (free pat­tern on Rav­el­ry)


I have a lot of blue yarn that would be quite nice for this pat­tern. Also a great way to learn to make cables. ALSO knit­ted flat and seamed togeth­er :D (I have quite a bit of trou­ble using cir­cu­lar nee­dles) Pic­tur­ing it with some round but­tons with flow­ers print­ed on them. (free pat­tern from Stitch Nation)


This would be the next step up after the cable cardi­gan. It’s a pat­tern from a book and I bor­rowed it from the library. I can’t quite under­stand the pat­tern right now but I can prob­a­bly ask my knit­ting friends to help, which means knitting/crocheting tea par­ties are in order! :D


In the mean­while, I’ll prac­tice my knit­ting with hats :D I made this hat I found on Rav­el­ry for Mike for Christ­mas, and I’m plan­ning on mak­ing a longer one for myself, so it’s a bit slouchy, because I lost my per­fect slouch hat on the bus ear­li­er in the fall :’(


A pret­ty man­age­able list, I think. Will keep you post­ed on the progress!

Hap­py new year, friends! Wish­ing you a won­der­ful year of good health, new inspi­ra­tions and life-enrich­ing creativity!


star stitch continued


Using the same star stitch in the can­dy apple hood­ed cir­cle scarf, I made a coat! :D It was a semes­ter-long project, some­thing to work on when I need­ed some time away from my papers, or some cro­chet­ing time to reward myself with after fin­ish­ing a paper.

It’s basi­cal­ly just rec­tan­gles of var­i­ous sizes sewn togeth­er to make the coat. 

This dia­gram demon­strates how the pieces are put together. 



After the front and back and the sleeves are attached as pic­tured, I fold­ed entire piece in half along shoul­der seam, then sewed togeth­er the seams along the under­side of the sleeves and the sides of the body. 

Then I made the ribbed col­lar along the front edges and the back neck edge. The rib­bing is 19 ch across, attached to the coat as it was made.

Final­ly, I cro­cheted a row of sc along each sleeve cuff and the bot­tom of the coat, and with slip stitch­es I made but­ton loops along the edge of the ribbed col­lar the right front.

This con­struc­tion would prob­a­bly work for a dif­fer­ent stitch pat­tern, one could cus­tomize mea­sure­ments to one’s liking.

But I love the tex­ture of the star stitch.


Hope your hol­i­day has been won­der­ful. Count­ing down to 2012! :D


candy apple continued


I decid­ed to add a hood to the can­dy apple infin­i­ty scarf I made ear­li­er in the fall because the weath­er start­ed to get cold enough that I need­ed to wear hats but I could­n’t find a hat to match the scarf.

I sewed but­tons to the hood so it’s detach­able. The larg­er gaps between the stitch­es in the scarf act as but­ton holes.


What the hood looks like with­out scarf… 


It was just a long rec­tan­gle fold­ed in half, then sewn on one side. I used the same star stitch pat­tern and start­ed with 51 ch, then fol­lowed the pat­tern until the piece was about 8 inch­es tall.


Side view…


I wore it to the Christ­mas mar­ket at the Dis­tillery! :D


Kind of like a giant space hel­met worn on top of my coat… but it’s mer­ry and bright! :D

Have a love­ly Wednesday!



Merry Christmas!


… the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On com­ing to the house, they saw the child with his moth­er Mary, and they bowed down and wor­shiped him. Then they opened their trea­sures and pre­sent­ed him with gifts of gold, frank­in­cense and myrrh. 

Matthew 2: 9–11


May your Christ­mas and new year be filled with hope, peace and joy.




holiday deliciousness

Was mak­ing won­ton for a get togeth­er the oth­er night. After all the meat fill­ing was used up there were five wrap­pers left. I remem­bered read­ing some­where once upon a time about this won­ton wrap­per crisps and have always want­ed to try mak­ing it, so I did :D


They were deli­cious :D The wrap­pers were brushed on both sides with melt­ed mar­garine, sprin­kled with sug­ar and cin­na­mon, and baked on a bak­ing sheet at 300°F until it’s gold­en brown… can’t tell how long it took because I was busy mak­ing noo­dles while it baked… I just checked periodically.

And then a very thought­ful friend brought home­made egg tart! :D One of my absolute favourites!


Have a sweet Thursday! 


day of the jelly fish

Remem­ber I men­tioned that I bought a super awe­some neck­lace from City of Craft the oth­er day? This is it, the jel­ly fish!


Isn’t it spec­tac­u­lar? It’s like a water droplet with a tiny jel­ly fish in it :D (it’s all made of glass — when I showed it to peo­ple every­one asked me if it were a real jel­ly fish. No jel­ly fish was harmed in the mak­ing of this, I assure you.) It’s made by Tosca Ter­an, a local glass and met­al artist (I am hop­ing to take a class with her one day!). Nev­er seen any­thing like this before. So after cir­cling back to the booth sev­er­al times I final­ly bought it. 

And then it inspired me to make a paint­ing of jel­ly fish.


It’s paint­ed on the back cov­er of an old book. See?


An old book called The Trum­pet of the Swan by E. B. White. I love the cov­er with the writer’s sig­na­ture in gold foil.


The water stain on the low­er right cor­ner was already there when I found the book. Kind of goes with the oth­er two jel­ly fish. Also has fab­u­lous green end papers :D


Hope your week is filled with new inspirations! 



day of the octopus


My friend was wear­ing the octo­pus neck­lace from Mod­Cloth and I was real­ly admir­ing it, and then a cou­ple of weeks lat­er I was at the bead store and saw an octo­pus charm exact­ly like it! Well, not exact­ly, the ten­ta­cles are tan­gled dif­fer­ent­ly and it’s hung dif­fer­ent­ly, with an extra ring at the bot­tom of one of its ten­ta­cles for beads or what­not, but I bought it! For $1.50!

And right out­side the bead store there was a giant octopus!


And then I found the per­fect bead to add to the octo­pus from Bum­ber­shoot Sup­plies. They are sea-water green with bub­bles in the glass. And the sell­er is super quick and so very friend­ly :D


Though I did­n’t real­ize how del­i­cate these glass beads were and acci­den­tal­ly cracked one while try­ing to close a jump ring around it :( Sec­ond try was more successful.






Have a hap­py Sun­day, friends!


weekend wonders

These are actu­al­ly from the past few week­ends. The city is look­ing fes­tive! :D

Two weeks ago we wan­dered past Camp­bell House Muse­um and it hap­pened to be free-entry day! Have been want­i­ng to vis­it for a long time.


There were love­ly cloved oranges in bowls around the house…


Tea dis­penser! Would­n’t it be great if I have one of these at home…


Com­mu­ni­ty Christ­mas ban­quet at church. Some­one brought a smi­ley face cheese cake ^_^


This past week­end was the week­end of craft shows! I missed my annu­al trip to the One of a Kind show because of school work *grum­ble*, but found out about City of Craft, and it was WAY more fun. Check out the pom pom gar­lands! The ven­dors were all amaz­ing. Bought a super awe­some print from Jacob Rolfe and a mag­i­cal glass pen­dant (it deserves a post of its own — stay tuned!), and I even won one of the top door prizes! Will def­i­nite­ly remem­ber this for next year.


Wan­dered pass White Squir­rel Way :D Think­ing of Al McFluffy­tail


Best Christ­mas win­dow dis­play ever! Out­side Mag­ic Pony. Note the plush Totoros! :D (My face was kind of frozen though. It was a rather cold day…)


Also vis­it­ed the Wych­wood Barns for the hol­i­day art mar­ket (it used to be a street­car barn before turn­ing into a com­mu­ni­ty cen­tre for stu­dios, gal­leries and offices). Love the rain­bow chim­ney, reminds me of Nyan Cat (by the way, have you seen the Nyan Cat­bus? :D)


It also has nice giant num­bers, which Mike would real­ly like, but he was­n’t there with me, so I took a pho­to for him.


Mike’s office had a cook­ie con­test and he signed up to be a judge, and he brought home all the cook­ies he tast­ed (so they all had a cor­ner cut off for the tasting)! 



Have a sweet week­end, friends!



shop revisited

I have plush in my shop again! :D Since I had to list a cus­tom order I re-list­ed the orna­ments as well. 

There’s a s’more… he’s in stock.


And snow mushrooms… 


The snow mush­rooms in the pic­ture have been sold, so they are made to order, and will like­ly look like this one…


With the rib­bon loop instead of jute. And has gills under its cap! :D (the old ones did­n’t have gills.)


Drop by for a vis­it if you have a minute! :D



more awesome finds for Christmas crafting!


Awe­some wine glass snow globes, can even dou­ble as a can­dle hold­er! How-to on Fam­i­ly Chic.


Sim­ple cro­cheted snowflakes, stiff­ened with white glue! Instruc­tion on Craft.


And then a snowflake that kids can make, with spark­ly salt! From Fru­gal Fam­i­ly Fun.


Melt­ed snow­man orna­ment! XD How-to on Flex­i­ble Dreams.


Rings made of sil­ver spoons! I’ve always liked the orna­men­tal details on sil­ver­ware. Instruc­tion on Through the Front Door.


And ros­es made of plas­tic spoons! Pret­ty incred­i­ble eh? Instruc­tion on Cut Out and Keep.


A sculp­tur­al Rudolph! :D Cro­chet pat­tern on Cult of Cro­chet.


I book­marked this because I saved Coke cans with polar bears on them and have been want­i­ng to cut out the polar bears and turn them into neck­lace charms. This looks awe­some with the dimen­sion­al glaze! From Diary of a Crafty Lady.


An alter­na­tive to plain ol’ pho­to albums. Hexa­gon explo­sion box from Crafts for All Sea­sons.


Spot­ted on Pin­ter­est — no instruc­tion, but pret­ty self-explana­to­ry. Great for car­ry­ing gold fish crack­ers around! :D


Can­dy lights! Add a few giant can­dy cane dec­o­ra­tions and turn the house into a gin­ger­bread house! :D From Oh Hap­py Day.

