trip of the dreams!


I’ve been look­ing for­ward to vis­it­ing the Jog­gins Fos­sil Cliffs for months. I had so want­ed to become a pale­on­tol­o­gist when I was a child, so going to a fos­sil site was a trip of the dreams! I stud­ied tide time charts and planned our dri­ve so we would arrive at low tide; I looked at oth­er trav­ellers’ pho­tos and com­ments; I checked and re-checked weath­er fore­cast and prayed for rain to hold off on the day we planned to visit…

– and sud­den­ly we were here!

The cliffs are sit­u­at­ed along the Bay of Fundy, which has the high­est tides in the world. It holds rocks and fos­sils from the “Coal Age”, about 300 mil­lion years ago.

This, where I was stand­ing, is the OCEAN FLOOR (could hard­ly con­tain my excite­ment!!) and will be sub­merged in up to 13 metres of water in a mat­ter of hours.


(as you might notice, some pic­tures were tak­en with film with the Diana, and some where tak­en on my phone).

We joined a walk­ing tour, in which the friend­ly tour guide point­ed out dif­fer­ent fos­sils that could be found at the cliffs. Like this fos­sil of a tree trunk.


These were track­ways of Arty the arthro­pleu­ra — a giant insect about 1–8 feet long. The tour guide showed a scaled down repli­ca of Arty.


Fos­sil of a trilobite.


Fos­sil of tree roots.


Look at the beau­ti­ful lay­ers of rocks on the cliffs!



The tides com­ing in…


It was majestic.


We were hop­ing to vis­it the Fundy Geo­log­i­cal Muse­um in Parrs­boro after­wards, but we spent a bit too much time at the cliffs, and by the time we got to Parrs­boro the muse­um was closed. So instead we spent some time at the wharf look­ing at the sun­set sparkles on the water.


More on Nova Sco­tia tomor­row! :D

Hope every­one is hav­ing a good start to the week!


east coast yarn adventures!

Mike and I were trav­el­ling in Nova Sco­tia over the past week :D We had a mag­i­cal time dri­ving through the moun­tains, mar­veling at the sea and chat­ting with very friend­ly locals. I will share more pic­tures about our trip in oth­er posts. But first, yarn! We first stopped in Hal­i­fax (where I was actu­al­ly attend­ing a con­fer­ence before we rode off to the sun­set and the sea and fun times), and not far from where we were stay­ing is The Loop!


There’s been some con­struc­tion going on in front of the shop, so guess what? The scaf­fold­ing gets some new sweaters! :D

I bought a skein of local­ly made wool there, by East Anchor Yarns, in love­ly shades of blue/green and pale yel­low. (The friend­ly shop­keep­er let me know that the oth­er skeins with shades of pink were dyed with news­pa­per! Who knew black ink will turn yarn pink? She also helped me with wind­ing the skein into a ball so I can start using it right away :D)


And so dur­ing lunch time at the con­fer­ence and on the way to Cape Bre­ton Island I was finger-knitting :)


Can’t show you what I was mak­ing yet, because it’s a gift. I thought it would make a pret­ty spe­cial sou­venir to buy some local yarn and make some­thing dur­ing the trip! I might even write a pat­tern for this project, it’s super fun for trav­el­ling :D

I could have brought the project I was work­ing on at home, but because I most­ly knit with straight, long (and met­al!) nee­dles, I was doubt­ful about bring­ing them on the plane. So I fig­ure I’d finger-knit!

We were stay­ing in Bad­deck while vis­it­ing Cape Bre­ton. I did­n’t know that the vil­lage has a yarn store until we spot­ted the bright pink sign on the way there. Baadeck Yarns! This is the best sur­prise ever! :D


It has soooo much yarn… (sor­ry about the blur­ry pic­ture, my hands were obvi­ous­ly shak­ing with excitement)


The shop­keep­er is so very friend­ly! She showed me the beau­ti­ful cro­cheted cardi­gan she just fin­ished, we exchanged expe­ri­ences with var­i­ous knit­ting stitch­es, then she chat­ted with Mike while I went around the store to touch every­thing. This is me being ridicu­lous­ly hap­py being in this store.


I seri­ous­ly had a super hard time walk­ing out the door, with the kind shop­keep­er and all the yarns… but even­tu­al­ly I did. And hope to return one day. On the plane home I was knit­ting with a ball of yarn that I bought there.


This is all the yarn I gath­ered from the trip :D (the Sir­dar Kiko has already been knit­ted up)


I bought the skein with green/purple/brown shades at the Sea­port Farm­ers’ Mar­ket from Lis­more Sheep Farm, when we drove back from Cape Bre­ton to Hal­i­fax to catch our flight. After going to Baadeck Yarns I was­n’t going to buy more yarn, because we tried to trav­el light and only brought one suit­case and a cou­ple of car­ry-on bags. But it was real­ly afford­able and it has beau­ti­ful shades of colours I like, so I could­n’t resist! I was­n’t going to get so much of the brown/tan yarn nei­ther, but the shop­keep­er at Baadeck gave me a real­ly good deal because she was clean­ing out the shelf… Any­way, good thing yarn can squeeze into small spaces, every­thing fit in our suit­case in the end :D

Stay tuned for more pho­tos and sto­ries from our trip! :D Hope every­one has a good start to the week!




alpaca farm day and surprise visit with Maud

Oh my, it’s been a while since I’ve writ­ten! I’ve been busy prepar­ing for an upcom­ing trip to the east coast (excit­ing!), and kept delay­ing writ­ing about our much-antic­i­pat­ed trip to an alpaca farm on one of the Nation­al Alpaca Farm Days. But final­ly! Here are some pho­tos of these friend­ly ani­mals! :D


Aren’t they just so fluffy-look­ing and beau­ti­ful? And it was an absolute­ly gor­geous day.

Most of the alpacas seem too busy eat­ing to be pay­ing us much notice, some would war­i­ly glance at us and then trot away, but one or two came up and looked at us for a while :)


And this friend­ly one let Mike pet her :D (and this pic­ture and the next were tak­en by the Diana, my film camera)


They’re such a gen­tle and peace­ful group!


The guard dogs were also very affec­tion­ate. They would growl a bit when they sense peo­ple approach­ing, but then quick­ly jumped up to the fence to be petted.


Then on the high­way my sis­ter spot­ted sings to the house of L. M. Mont­gomery, so we made an impromp­tu trip to the house, and we caught the last week­ly tour of the sea­son! What luck!


We got a very thor­ough inter­pre­tive tour by a very knowl­edge­able and friend­ly guide. I high­ly rec­om­mend it if you’re ever in Uxbridge, Ontario. The tours are still offered by appoint­ment, and there are sched­uled events lead­ing up to Christ­mas :D

This is a favourite room of the author (affec­tion­ate­ly referred to as Maud by the tour guide). I was drawn to the couch by the win­dow when I first walked in, and I thought if I were look­ing to sit and relax and knit/crochet in this room this would be my favourite spot. And then the guide let us know that the couch was where Maud sat to write her books every morn­ing. Kin­dred spir­its, eh? :)


I actu­al­ly did not know that the author wrote 11 of her 22 nov­els in Ontario. In fact, I did­n’t even know that she lived in Ontario. I only ever knew about her famous home­stead on Prince Edward Island. I also nev­er read any of her books, and only knew about her and her char­ac­ters because my sis­ter is a long-time fan. So now I’ve added Emi­ly of New Moon to my read­ing list — report­ed­ly her best work!

Hope every­one’s hav­ing a good week! I’m hop­ing to post more sum­mer pho­tos from the Diana and anoth­er craft project before I’m off to anoth­er trip next week :D Stay tuned!


end of summer in black & white

Not that I feel par­tic­u­lar­ly sad about the end of sum­mer. I’ve had lots of fun this sum­mer, but I’m sure there will be good times in the fall and win­ter too. There’s just some­thing time­less about black and white pho­tographs, cap­tur­ing those every­day moments that are cherished.


We vis­it the Dis­tillery Dis­trict at least once every sum­mer. Took this pic­ture while mar­veling at the gas lamps lit up at dusk.

indie ale

We got to enjoy some craft beer and lengthy con­ver­sa­tions at the Indie Ale House with our good friends, whose chil­dren were camp­ing out at their grand­par­ents’ for the week. I think this was the first time we got to do this in 10 years :P I’m by no means a con­nois­seur of beer, I most­ly order based on the names of the beer (I’m a suck­er for interesting/pretty prod­uct names, I think I’ve men­tioned this before…). So here I was hav­ing a “Rab­bit of Caer­bannog”, which I lat­er found out was “an immense­ly cute but blood­thirsty rab­bit-like mon­ster found in Mon­ty Python and the Holy Grail,” accord­ing to Vil­lians Wikia.

epic shark

A majes­tic shark at the aquar­i­um. I’m quite proud of this one.

knit knit knit

Not that the sum­mer would stop me from cro­chet­ing or knit­ting, but I’m excit­ed about mak­ing cozi­er things when the weath­er is cool­er, and my hol­i­day craft­ing list, the plushy scarves and mit­tens I’m going to make new wool, and this! I’m exper­i­ment­ing with mak­ing a pat­tern and can’t wait to find out whether it will work out, and I will sure­ly share with you if it does!

And last but not least, I present to you — jel­ly­fish mag­ic at the aquarium.

The jel­ly­fish were lit up with kind of a strange pink light (I guess oth­er­wise they’d be dif­fi­cult to see since they’re translu­cent), which my phone cam­era could­n’t cap­ture very well, so I fig­ure I’d just put a black and white fil­ter on it in Insta­gram. I think it kind of cre­ates a feel­ing of being in the deep, dark sea. And it’s just so ele­gant the way jel­ly­fish move in water.

Cheers to a fab­u­lous sum­mer, and many more sum­mers to come!



yarn-filled day of fun!

At the TTC Kni­ta­long – an annu­al char­i­ty event in which groups of crafters spend a Sat­ur­day trav­el­ling (and knitting/crocheting) on pub­lic tran­sit to vis­it mul­ti­ple yarn shops across the city.

Pro­ceeds of the event go to a local women-cen­tered agency, par­tic­i­pants get to hang out with fel­low crafters and meet new peo­ple, yarn shops get lots of vis­i­tors and love — every­body wins! Who­ev­er invent­ed this is a genius. It is in its 10th year and this year’s got the biggest turn out yet! The only dis­ap­point­ment is that I did­n’t know about this in pre­vi­ous years… will def­i­nite­ly join again next year.

And now, some pic­tures from my day :D

My group start­ed at Wool-Gath­er­ing in the west end. It has on dis­play this beau­ti­ful rug, which makes me want to learn rug hook­ing one day.

Photo 2015-08-22, 11 05 23 AM

I also love these small rugs with vibrant, abstract designs.

Photo 2015-08-22, 11 14 20 AM

Our next stop was Pas­sionknit. Look at these deli­cious colours! More excit­ed than a kid in a can­dy shop :D

Photo 2015-08-22, 12 40 46 PM

I spot­ted this pho­to of me on insta­gram, knit­ting along on the sub­way, and chat­ting with our awe­some team cap­tain :D (if you’re won­der­ing, I’m mak­ing a key­hole scarf in fish­er­man rib)


In the mean­while, our oth­er team cap­tain com­plet­ed a snowflake on the sub­way while stand­ing the entire time!

Photo 2015-08-22, 12 19 23 PM (1)

Then we hopped on the approach­ing train above and made our way to a sun-filled Let­tuce Knit in Kens­ing­ton Mar­ket. These friend­ly ones are enjoy­ing the sun­ny spots and relax­ing by the knit­ting pile…

Photo 2015-08-22, 2 36 15 PM

Also hang­ing out in the sun…

Photo 2015-08-22, 2 31 25 PM

This was when I remem­bered what my mom used to always say to me when I was a kid and we were at the store and I want­ed to bring home all the plush ani­mals. “You can give it a hug and put it back.“ Such dreamy colours…

Photo 2015-08-22, 2 46 51 PM

We spent some time on the patio out­side. Spot­ted these cheer­ful yarn-wrapped branch­es. My phone cam­era does not do the colours and sun­shine justice.

Photo 2015-08-22, 2 58 29 PM

And this beau­ti­ful yarn-bombed bike!

Photo 2015-08-22, 3 02 09 PM (1)

More knit­ting on the streetcar…

Photo 2015-08-22, 3 24 44 PM (1)

… and arriv­ing at our final shop, The Knit Cafe :D I’ve always been a big fan of the shop and its fab­u­lous win­dow displays.

Photo 2015-08-22, 3 58 21 PM

Peo­ple chat­ting about pat­terns, mar­veling at the wool, the warm after­noon sun pour­ing in, the ball-winder busy spin­ning… the hap­pi­est place :)

Photo 2015-08-22, 4 04 14 PM

And look who I ran into :D

Photo 2015-08-22, 4 02 37 PM

Found the secret knit­ting garden.

Photo 2015-08-22, 4 07 07 PM

Here we are at our final stop, the Firkin for drinks, food, and more knitting.

Photo 2015-08-22, 5 32 18 PM (1)

I did­n’t buy a whole lot that day, was­n’t at all pre­pared with shop­ping list or even project list, and feel­ing slight­ly over­whelmed most of the time (not a bad thing though), main­ly because I did­n’t know what to expect. But I did get a skein of hand-dyed wool from Wool-Gath­er­ing (far left), because the colours remind me of sun­sets, and a giant skein of Cas­cade Eco­log­i­cal wool (cen­tre), because I love the colour and it was the last skein on the shelf (I already have an idea of a sweater for it, but have to fin­ish my hol­i­day craft­ing first). ALSO! I won a draw at Let­tuce Knit, which gen­er­ous­ly donat­ed 4 skeins of wool the colour of straw­ber­ry ice cream :D I was rather sur­prised, because I don’t ever win anything.

Photo 2015-08-22, 7 41 05 PM

This means I def­i­nite­ly have to join the kni­ta­long again next year :D

I actu­al­ly don’t knit or cro­chet on pub­lic tran­sit very often, because some­times I get motion sick­ness from it, espe­cial­ly on the bus. But after the kni­ta­long I think I will start bring­ing my knit­ting to work, so I can at least knit after work on the sub­way (there is no hope of get­ting a seat in the morn­ing, and I haven’t devel­oped the skill to knit/crochet while stand­ing yet :P). It’s actu­al­ly quite calm­ing, and I think it will do me more good in terms of de-stress­ing than play­ing Angry Birds.

Hope every­one has a won­der­ful week! :D


in the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius

It’s become a bit of a sum­mer tra­di­tion now, my sis­ter and I going to the ROM :)

This year the fea­ture exhib­it is Pom­peii. I loved learn­ing about Pom­peii when I was a kid! :D (and had dreams about becom­ing an archae­ol­o­gist or a pale­on­tol­o­gist, and once in a while I won­der about what my life would be like now if I had fol­lowed my dreams… any­way, I digress)

Usu­al­ly when I hear about Pom­pei­i the images of the body casts come to mind. And there were casts of the body casts in the exhib­it too. But I found myself more attract­ed to mar­velous mosaics, made of tiny, prob­a­bly 1mm x 1mm pieces of clay. I’m quite sur­prised by how well these were pre­served, despite the fire and the heat of the vol­cano eruption.

Photo 2015-08-03, 11 55 57 AM

I imag­ine the arti­san’s hand, plac­ing these clay chips one by one care­ful­ly onto wet grout, trac­ing the lines on the face, the sub­tle tonal vari­a­tions of the skin.

And this is my favourite in the exhib­it, the spec­tac­u­lar sea life mosaic.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 09 10 PM

The phone pho­to real­ly does­n’t do it jus­tice. It is quite large in per­son. Looks like the octo­pus is bat­tling a lob­ster-like crea­ture. Here’s a close up of the octo­pus, made of many tiny tiles.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 07 35 PM

This must have tak­en a long, long time to make. I imag­ine the artisan(s) tak­ing a step back after the last tile was put into place, and feel­ing incred­i­ble joy and sat­is­fac­tion when they saw what they have created.

I was also sur­prised by the sur­vival of the many fres­coes, like this one, of seafood.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 11 44 PM

Intrigued by the sculp­ture’s very intri­cate hairstyle.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 16 37 PM



Figs and bread car­bonized in the eruption.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 10 34 PM

Photo 2015-08-03, 11 54 19 AM

There was also a video pro­jec­tion show­ing the erup­tion, with this wide-eyed stat­ue in front of it. Looked to me like it was frozen in terror.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 26 26 PM


Mike went on this trip with my sis­ter and me, and he had­n’t been to oth­er parts of the muse­um for a while, so we also toured the dinosaur gal­leries and the bio­di­ver­si­ty gallery. There was an exhib­it of the new dinosaur dis­cov­ery! And! This is a 3‑D print­ed model!

Photo 2015-08-03, 1 33 00 PM

Wen­dicer­atops pin­hor­nen­sis, named after the Cana­di­an fos­sil hunter, Wendy Slo­bo­da, who dis­cov­ered it in Alber­ta, Canada :)

In the bio­di­ver­si­ty gallery I was hop­ing to find a dis­play of fun­gi. I’ve been to this part of the muse­um many times, but I thought maybe I’ve always missed it. Final­ly I found it, repli­cas in the Bore­al For­est sec­tion, I think, as well as a draw­er of dried mush­rooms that were dif­fi­cult to tell what they actu­al­ly looked like before they were picked. I was a bit dis­ap­point­ed that there was­n’t a larg­er dis­play of more species of fun­gi and mush­rooms, but this is still nice :)

Photo 2015-08-03, 2 17 52 PM

So that was the end of our adven­ture to the ROM. I hope you will get a chance to vis­it if you’re ever in the neigh­bour­hood! :D I’m look­ing for­ward to find­ing out what next sum­mer’s fea­ture exhi­bi­tion will be! Maybe it will be on the diver­si­ty of mush­rooms and fun­gi! :D One can always dream… (I once saw a course at a local uni­ver­si­ty titled “Mush­rooms: Lords of the Dark Earth”. I so want­ed to take the course but it was­n’t being offered any­more… anyway.)

Hope every­one is hav­ing a good week!




Made a neck­lace for the shop this week. Prob­a­bly the most elab­o­rate jew­el­ry piece I’ve made so far. Quite proud of it :D

Photo 2015-07-05, 4 43 38 PM

The feath­er was made with shrink plas­tic. I might make more of these, maybe with dif­fer­ent colour chevron stripes!

And then I made this.

Photo 2015-07-06, 6 47 12 PM

The stones were gifts from a friend so this is def­i­nite­ly not going to the shop. But this was the first time I tried mak­ing this style of neck­lace and I think it worked out well, so I might make more of this too if I can find sim­i­lar drilled stone chips (not sure if that’s what they’re called :S).

Also want to men­tion that last week­end we went to a new retro malt shop down­town! :D

Photo 2015-07-04, 2 59 40 PM

Bean and Bak­er! We had a vanil­la malt shake, which was dreamy. They also have pies of both sweet and savory vari­eties, and hand­craft­ed sodas!

Photo 2015-07-04, 2 55 30 PM

I high­ly rec­om­mend a vis­it if you’re in the neighbourhood!

This is not late­ly, we went there back in May, but haven’t had a chance to post these photos.

Photo 2015-05-23, 6 50 49 PM

Dur­ing Doors Open Toron­to we went to the Gibral­tar Point Light­house on the Toron­to Islands, which is the old­est light­house of the Great Lakes! (Also sup­pos­ed­ly haunt­ed :S) I fol­lowed the Roundo­graph tuto­r­i­al by Pho­to­jo­jo to mim­ic pho­tos tak­en by the Kodak No. 1 in the 1890s.

Here’s one with a dif­fer­ent fil­ter, which I also like very much.

Photo 2015-05-23, 6 59 19 PM

I also took the Diana to the light­house. Here is the lad­der lead­ing to the top of the light­house. It’s my favourite pic­ture of the batch.


And we reached the light of the light­house! :D


Me at the foot of the lighthouse.


And on the fer­ry between the island and the city.



Hap­py Fri­day every­one! :D

montreal, take two

Pho­tos I took in Mon­tre­al with the Diana are final­ly devel­oped :D Here are some of my favourites.


Dou­ble expo­sures some­times make real­ly fun col­lages :D Could­n’t quite remem­ber what I took pic­tures of when I first looked at this… It was from the Biodome, an image of anemone in an open pool, over­lapped with an image of Mike in front of trop­i­cal plants.


Beau­ti­ful streets of Old Mon­tre­al on a beau­ti­ful day :D We were blessed with real­ly nice weather.


Not sure what my cam­era did with this image. Some­how most of the colours are stripped away, mak­ing the pic­ture look like a hor­ror nov­el cov­er :S The actu­al scene was quite cheer­ful with these colour­ful hous­es! The house between the red and the pur­ple is sup­posed to be blue.


Chi­na­town. I real­ly like the depth of field in this one.


I find the Mon­tre­al Chi­na­town a lot clean­er and more pic­turesque than the one in Toronto.


Inside the Bios­phere, which is locat­ed on Saint Helen’s Island.


We took a long walk on a tree-lined path on the island along the river.


St. Cather­ine Street closed off for pedes­tri­ans in the sum­mer, with bril­liant art instal­la­tions :D


This one is titled “D pour Democratie”.


We squeezed in a vis­it to the cen­tral library right before catch­ing our train home. The library is acces­si­ble through a metro sta­tion. I like the solemn­ness of this photo.

We had left­over film after our trip, so we took our cam­eras to a cou­ple of his­toric sites dur­ing Doors Open Toron­to last week­end. More pho­tos to come!

Hope every­one has a good week­end! :D


montreal, take one

We vis­it­ed Montréal over Vic­to­ria Day week­end :D We only brought our phones and film cam­eras. The major­i­ty of pic­tures are tak­en on film, and they are being devel­oped as I type! Can’t wait to see them :D But in the mean­while, here are some high­lights from our phones :D


On the first day we went to Biodôme. There were many dif­fer­ent crea­tures to mar­vel at, but I was most attract­ed to these sea urchins and anemones. They’re like pompoms :)


In the after­noon we vis­it­ed Café des Chats, or Cat Cafe, and sat for a while with this fluffy friend while drink­ing tea and peo­ple-watch­ing. We found this cafe by acci­dent; it was across the street from our hotel. Mike and I had some inter­est­ing imag­i­nary con­ver­sa­tions about how the cats were inter­viewed to work in the cafe.

“Do you like being petted?”


“Do you like tea?”

“Um, I don’t mind it. Will there be tuna?”

“Um, yes. That would be part of the ben­e­fit package.”

“Okay. What is your pol­i­cy on nap times?”

I’m sure the cafe has a very flex­i­ble nap time pol­i­cy, as most of the cats (I count­ed 5, oth­ers were prob­a­bly nap­ping else­where) we saw were nap­ping. But the ones who were awake seemed to enjoy being petted.


And guess what we found?! A shop devot­ed to mycol­o­gy!! :D We also stum­bled upon it by acci­dent while find­ing our way to MEC. Being like a kid in a can­dy store is an under­state­ment. It has every­thing — dried mush­rooms, mush­room ear­rings and neck­laces, mush­room books, mush­room posters, mush­room condi­ments, mush­room for­ag­ing tools, mush­room grow­ing kits, even mush­room tea! (which has to be sim­mered for 2 hours — we did­n’t buy any, but I’m real­ly curi­ous about how it would taste — maybe more like broth than tea?) I did­n’t want to leave, but it was get­ting awk­ward how long we were dawdling there in that lit­tle shop, so we had to leave :( But I did bring home awe­some sou­venirs! :D More on that in a minute…


And then! We came across this won­der­ful cafe called Le K at Square Saint-Louis, which is a love­ly park next to our hotel. The cafe oper­ates out of what might have been a stor­age build­ing for gar­den­ing tools and such for the park (?) (Mike said it looks like a mau­soleum, but I don’t think that’s what it is). It fea­tures large mugs of tea, adorable patio tables and chairs under­neath the trees, mason jars of bloom­ing plants, a book cart, a tri­cy­cle, and real­ly friend­ly own­ers (who offered to take pic­tures of us togeth­er after see­ing Mike tak­ing this pic­ture of me :D). High­ly rec­om­mend a vis­it if you’re in the neigh­bour­hood :D


And in the last night we were in the city we vis­it­ed 1.26 by Janet Echel­man at Les Jardins Gamelin. It was mag­nif­i­cent. And feels a bit sur­re­al stand­ing under­neath it.

As planned we vis­it­ed more well-known places like the Bios­phere, the Muse­um of Archae­ol­o­gy and His­to­ry, the Old Port, Chi­na­town, and St-Via­teur Bagel, and (hope­ful­ly!) we have good pic­tures of these on film, but it seems like we had the most fun stum­bling across awe­some places out­side of our plan. And one would prob­a­bly say that we did a good job find­ing our hotel with all these fun places around! It’s this hotel if you’re won­der­ing, very friend­ly, mod­est size, con­ti­nen­tal break­fast (which saves quite a bit of mon­ey for muse­um vis­its!), no complaints :)

And oh! Sou­venirs! This one we bought at the most won­der­ful out­door mar­ket out­side Mont Roy­al sta­tion. We care­ful­ly packed it so I could car­ry it in my bag on our jour­ney home (we took the train).


And this from Mycobou­tique! :D


We’re now proud own­ers of the com­mon fun­gi poster!! :D

More pic­tures to come soon! Have a good week, everyone!


diana spring roll


Final­ly got back the pho­tos tak­en on the Diana :D These were tak­en on 200 ISO film, which was cross-processed.

For the cher­ry blos­soms this year I most­ly took pic­tures on the Diana, and a cou­ple on my phone, because I find that in pre­vi­ous years I was tak­ing so many pic­tures that I for­get to enjoy the cher­ry trees them­selves. The one above is my favourite of the cher­ry blos­som pho­tos on film.

This year the cher­ry trees bloomed dur­ing the week, so we had to vis­it them after work, and it was about 7pm when we got to High Park, the sun was set­ting, the petals were glow­ing, it was quite glorious.

Here is the park at dusk, with gold­en rays of light from the set­ting sun shin­ing through the branches.


These ones were tak­en with my phone.

Photo 2015-05-07, 7 34 21 PM

Photo 2015-05-07, 7 49 32 PM

They just make me so happy :)

Ear­li­er in the month we vis­it­ed the Chil­dren’s Ani­mal Farm in Sar­nia, Ontario. This pho­to is my absolute favourite of the roll.


The way the branch­es are posi­tioned in the goose, the grey-blue tone, the com­po­si­tion — I’m just real­ly hap­py with the way it turned out.

And here is my favourite smil­ing ani­mal :D


I think I might print this and put this up in my cubi­cle at the office :D

And here are some very pic­turesque views of the farm.




Then one week­end we took a stroll down Queen Street West and end­ed up in Trin­i­ty Bell­woods Park. We got some white squir­rel ice cream (white choco­late, craisins and pecans) from the White Squir­rel Cof­fee shop and wait­ed for the res­i­dent white squir­rel. No luck so far, will try again next time.


But I did find more cher­ry blos­soms! :D


A walk through the park…



Took this while wait­ing for the streetcar.


And back in my own neigh­bour­hood, with my favourite bloom­ing tree :)



Have a hap­py week­end, every­one! :D